I’m bored. Listening to Monday Night Football and contemplating the end of the Republic as we had known it. (Man, I hope we can still post two diaries a day. Because if we can’t, I may get kicked out of one of the only places I feel even close to sane anymore).
So, bored, and reading some of the crazy crap on dKos (another meta-diary about if it is cool to hate Bush or not) I got to thinking. There was some speculation that the new diary was some kind of troll-based operation to make the site go nuts and argue with itself.
And that got me to thinking, maybe, just maybe, it is time for another life-experiment. Something far less radical than quitting blogging for a month and a half to be misinformed by the New York Times, mind you.
This idea is still in the gestational stages of my mind, as I type, so feel free to help me modify it. To make it better. Or to abort it in cranium.
I am thinking that it would be very fun to form a group of elite Tribbers, who band together, and go undercover to establish identities at some wing-nutty site. I don’t even know their names for sure. And I have only very rarely seen the sites. But I just thought it would be fun to go there, with a whole bunch of undercover Tribbers. Maybe settle in for a while (not to the neglect of the Booman Tribune, mind you — this would have to be done in spare time) like the French resistance or something.
And carry out certain subversive projects. I am not sure what, exactly. Maybe get some of the wing-nuts to open their eyes. Although that might be overly helpful. Maybe just to sow unhelpful diaries, so they can get elevated, and purposefully divide wing-nut from wing-nut. To weaken their cause.
Man. As I am typing this, I am convinced that I may have lost my mind? Am I sounding crazy here?
Anyway. If you want to volunteer for this complete inanity, sign on below. Or if I have just gone off somehow, and you would like to save me from myself, I am happy to understand where I went wrong.
I’ll close with a much underused amenity for myself. The dreaded poll.
Hey Joe….
where you goin with that keyboard in your hand?
I’m goin into Freeperland
you know I caught em holdin hands with the monkey man.
Yeah, I’m bored too, and up too late. But I’ll join the Covert Cyber Boo Swarm! I love trippin into Freeperland. It’s just that I feel so dirty afterward and I’ll need a good Tribber debriefing team when I get back to base!
Allright, I think it’s time for bed!
Aww. Thanks super. I feel better knowing you had my back. It is morning now. Are you sure about this? Or was it just too late to be up typing.
But if we go, I would like to name the unit the Covert Cyber Boo Swarm (CCBS). Also, I think you would need to be in charge of all showering and Tribber debriefing activities afterward, to remove Freeper debris and contamination. What if we lost someone there? Now that would be something I’m not sure I could live with.
Great picture by the way. I can’t post those (too dense, which makes me the perfect Freeper operative, I suppose). But it sets the mood for me.
So, since you have been there, what site would you pick for a CCBS intervention.
Need any help swarmin’ the Freepers? I’ll go…it’ll be more fun than a diary from PR!
Thanks for the offered assistance Cabin Girl. But, have you seen my poll numbers. I’m 42% straight crazy as I write this, and 100% crazy, along with ancillary other answers.
I don’t know if women should get involved. Do Freepers even let women in? They might want to rest control of your reproductive freedom or something. And you’ve got kids. What about the children?
Man, taking a people to war is hard work. All the considerations.
On the other hand. If you go, there would surely be good cosmopolitans to lubricate the adventure. All right. You are in. If this turns out to be more than a passing idea.
If we went, what site would you suppose the Cover Cyber Boo Swarm (CCBS) — I’m glad this organization has BS in the acronym — would be a good target? Or, were you just up too late too? And this is really a stupid, stupid idea?
Call yourselves ‘elite’ and all, so you can go into the worst of situations on earth. Hang with the Charles Graners and Pat Robertsons of the world. I suppose you’ll be needing ‘special weapons.’ You couldn’t pay me to go to those places. But boys will be boys, I guess.
Don’t waste your time, they’ll never change – spend it on the children.
At first my brain went. Hey this is fun, nice light hearted attempt to bring us together in some zany conversation. But as my brain started to wrap around it… a whole new thought process took over.
There is no spoon.
I don’t think they truly allow females in to their main group. Women are just around to breed with and smack around after Monday night football…
But… am I sure you’ve heard of this. If you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle em with your bullshit.
If you do it – we’ve got your back. We can help you with quotes, dates, all that good shit. As you slink your way into the depths of their ugly maw, we can sing sweetly to you, “do you really want to hurrt me, do you really want to make me cry” (you gotta see Without a paddle” to get that quip :))
If you do it – do it as a team so you can banter back an forth. Feed each other lines. Rehearse. Good cop, bad cop. 🙂
I went into the Freeper site once when someone mentioned here that someone there called Sheehan a bitch. I just posted Whispering Campaign items and it make me almost puke.
You guys will need a theme song.
War. What the hell’s it good for
Possibly something from Austin Powers
or create a new one?
Secret Blogger Man!
It appears from supersoling’s post that you two will be doing the leather instead of the leotard look. Fantastic! What the world needs now is more men in leather… but I digress.
You could also fashion a Super UnderCover Blogger Outfit out of… DUCT TAPE (not duck tape, that’s another outfit all together).
Note the below example of what I have in mind:

It’s made completely out of duct tape. This helps you to maintain your own outfit in case of any rips, tears and although I’m not positive on this but it does look somewhat bullet-proof doesn’t it – which might help you dodge bullets if you’re really really good at “mind over matter” crap.
Speaking of crap: As you stalk the netherworld of the insane you might step into doggy doo land mines… or in some cases their squatter’s rights taken literally. (After all, those toilets do double as planters and beer coolers for some Freeps) If you have an accident, you can easily hose it off your duct tape boot. It comes riiiight off. The shit… not our boot.
Check out the helmet. It’s aerodynami, it’s aeror dyn… (fuck it) it’s shaped in a really cool way that will enable you to breeze through the blog world at lightning speed.
May the Farce Be with you. xoxoxo
You are too funny with the silly rant. I’m leaning far against actually going to Freeper land at this point. I can’t even watch Bush talk for an hour without having a seizure. I think actually talking to someone of this viewpoint would be harmful to health.
But if I was going, I would totally adopt the Duct Tape costume.
(And, I saw “Without A Paddle” but missed the reference somehow. You could explain it to me, but you don’t need to if you don’t want to waste the time. I’m a little dense on pop culture references sometimes — and other stuff).
Is that Ryan in the Duct Tape?
All right. Off and about.
Without a paddle.. when they were “helping” Seth Green’s character to crawl through the mineshaft? They sang Culture Club to him to calm his nerves… 🙂
Nope that’s not Ryan. But BrotherFeldspar, Tracy and Supersoling heard from him what else I made him dress up in – growing up. HEY! before anyone calls me evil… at least I included by baby brother in my fantastical ideas of entertaining the masses. 🙂 I did not abuse my brother – he was my “back up” singer 🙂
The rest…. I plead the fifth and will down a pint. 🙂
I must not have watched it all. I missed the Culture Club serenade. Dammit. I have to re-rent it now.
You abused your brother. Horrible. I understand the constant quipping about your making all the photo props in your pictures recoil now. You two are too funny together.
Without a Paddle makes me laugh so hard each time I see it. I see something new each time. (movie mania is not just an autism OCD – it’s a family gene I think 🙂
Back up singing or making him a human prop… was not the abuse. Those are tales best told over beer and lots of red wine. We did however stick up for each other during some nightmarish times. And… we are closer now than ever. 🙂
He’s bigger than me and I doubt I could talk him into being a back up singer for me.
Abuse… is making him sing Helen Reddy songs, which I did not do. We did CCR, some Janis and on a few occassions, 3 Dog Night. 🙂
Get off Helen Reddy, man. I used to belt out “I am Woman Hear Me Roar” with the best six year old boys in the country. There were only three channels of TV then, and they played soap operas all day — no VCRs. So, that is my plea.
But back off man. Helen rocks. 🙂
we had a little radio that if you hit it hard enough it might get two AM stations on it. We were soooo cool!
I’ll confess to belting out Barry Mannilow and Neil Diamond tunes since you laid it all out with your Helen confession 🙂
We are breaking barriers here. I never, ever thought I would confess that super is a good looking dude, and that I once sang Helen Reddy Covers. And Barry Manilow. Only my wife has ever confessed to singing that. She actually saw him live, more than once. (Weird family.)
All right. No more confessions. I’m taking the rest of the secrets to the grave. And I will never again write a diary after midnight. Promise.
Some barriers should remain unbroken Joe! Though, and I’m out on the limb with ya here, Barry Manilow rocks!
So let’s make a deal. I’ll remind you not to write diaries after midnight, and you remind me not to reply to them at 2 in the morning. Deal?
Now, I have some business to atend to upthread with Booman and the fact that he even mentioned a falafel. Geez!
You’ve got a deal. Sorry man.
will need a good shower after coming back from Freeperville.
I’ve seen your picture, Supersoling…and would be glad to volunteer for shower duty… 😉
I know I shouldn’t touch this. But I have to say you have a point here. I’m hetero (and comfortable enough to talk about good looking dudes) and way too married to even think about saying this. But super should be the poster pin-up for the BooMan site, I think. A good looking dude.
And you can’t forget to mention how he won all our hearts with his first diary here, looking for advice on being a good father to his girls. 🙂
i bet that works really well at bars too!
vodka:30 yet?
five years ago. But not for those taking neurology exams. Or neurology medication for that matter.
Shoot, you just reminded me I have to go study…probably a good idea, as I seem to be digging myself into a hole here…
Well, my single guy friends used to “borrow” the younger Cabin baby to go trolling for girls at music festivals (successfully!), so there’s obviously some value to the concept…not sure how that would work out in a bar.
Oh sure. Girls aren’t interested in his sex-appeal. I forgot. He’s a good dad. That’s why Cali Scribe volunteered for shower duty. She wants his parenting opinions. 🙂
All right. I can see this is going to devolve into an episode of Howard Stern.
you missed an opportunity to bring up creative uses for falafel.
Bill O’Rielly or O’Reilly or whatever the fuck. My hero.
hey! Hey! HEY! HEY!
Knock that off right now! See my reply to Boston Joe downthread about barriers remaining unbroken. Man.. I gotta go back to work now with some pretty fucked up images in my head! Dang
It was all an evil plan you see, because the fact is I’m actually a Freeper myself and I’ve just conducted to most successful infiltration of a librul blog and you all had no clue :o0 And if I’d kept my mouth shut a little longer, I would’ve had some of you over at Freeper headquarters where I would have trapped you and converted you all to right side.
Ha Ha Bwa Ha Bwa Ha Ha Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
are everywhere…
it blinded us! 🙂
Thanks for the incredible laugh. Made my sides ache 🙂
Where is the counterintelligence around this site. Are you now, or have you ever been, a friend or admirer of Supersoling the troll?
I’m just winking here ;o)
It’s so much safer that way! :o)
OH YEAH– TRIBBERS turn into the modern Yippies! Humor is a weapon–We all know that.
The extremely popular, manly, 10 gallon Texas Asshat

and the always appropriate Tin Man model

Note: the Tin Man is cleverly designed to be worn “under” the 10 gal. AH.
Asshat, I love it!!!!
So that means Bush is actually all ASS and no HAT? 🙂