About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Bullfrogs in the night exchanging ribbits
Croak’n in the night
What were the chances we’d be sharing flies
Before the night was through.
Something in your eyes was so inviting,
Something in you smile was so exciting,
Something in my stomach,
Told me I must have you.
Bullfrogs in the night, two lonely toads
We were bullfrogs in the night
Up to the moment
When we said our first ribbit.
Little did we know
Lillypads were just a leap away,
A warm embracing leap away and –
Ever since that night we’ve been together.
Croakers at first sight, in ponds forever.
It turned out so right,
For bullfrogs in the night.
with apologies to Frog Sinatra
someone has too much time on his hands. 🙂
I used to sing this version of the song.
(and I oughtabe working – don’t tell my boss)
…I used to sing this version of the song.
Alrighty then. I’ll give you a 4 for admitting that publicly.
Still do sometimes! Does that get me another 4? I’ve been known to croon such things to my wife very romantically. I’ve also been known to recent poetry to her such as Chang McTang McQuarter Cat by John Ciardi. I also pick her fresh bouquets of wildflowers out of yard that I haven’t mowed in a month or two.
Now if I could just figure out an angle on that jewelry thing I’d be all set.
A “4” for anyone who reads Ciardi.
Look! A cute doggie!
Okay, I’m desperate to have this diary seen before it drops into oblivion. But the cute doggie is kind of relevant, as the picture is from an animal blessing that took place yesterday.
I was going to do a diary about this article but it’s lengthy and really should be read as is: A Tale of Two Lives Destroyed by Abu Ghraib. Pulling excerpts from it and commenting on them really wouldn’t do it justice. It is a must read.
I just read the article and it is a must read and Catnip, I think you should do a diary, at least a little one to get everyone’s attention to this story…
Okay. I was just heading off for a nap because I’m in a lot of pain today, but I’ll put one together.
Here’s the diary.
That was very difficult, but I thank you for pointing it out, catnip. I concur: everyone should read this.
No to torture.
what an amazing story!!!!!!!!!1 I am absolutely sick from reading it….
NOLA: Adding insult to injury: ‘Up to 3000 city workers may lose jobs’ from The Times-Picayune. 10.2.05.(scroll down)
“Homeless, carless and, soon, jobless” Guess they can always get a sub-standard wage working for KBR…heh? This has got to be happening all over down there, but the MSM hasn’t touched it to my knowledge.
Too many outrages to keep track of.
Tonight’s Interactive Guest Blog at MViMV will take place from 8-9pm at the My Vote is My Voice Blog. Kety Esquivel from Latinos For America will be blogging and answering questions about LFA’s involvement in Deanfest, which will be held next year in San Diego, CA.
On behalf of all Law School Graduates everywhere, I’d like to thank President George Bush for manifesting the princple that all of us are qualified to be a Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Mom would have been proud.
No, no, it only applies to those who are both law school grads and Texans.
Well shit.as a former Texan and a paralegal- that makes me extra-qualified!
less is more with this bunch,after all.
I’d feel one hell of a lot better if you HAD been the nominee.
Correction: Law school grads and Texans and GOP party functionaries and BushCo sycophants. So that may eliminate you from the final four.
oh shit -I don’t qualify as a sycophant
If you put your mind to it and practice really, really hard, you just might be able to do it. 🙂
Although can’t imagine why anyone would want to.
I really don’t think I can-beyond my capabilities- which is why I am not an investment banker or a Bu$h appointee.
Breaking News allowed at midday?
Open thread community meets to hear the latest bits of worthwhile info …
Draft Agreement EU-Turkey Talks!

Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik
said her country was "listening to the people"
by questioning full membership for Turkey.
Austria link to Croatia deal ::
Del Ponte reported Croatia now cooperating fully with the tribunal.
The EU stalled talks with Croatia can now resume. Sufficient for Austria no longer to block any move to begin the accession talks with Turkey, which were scheduled to start today, October 3.
CNN Robin Oakley reported the Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul is in flight towards Luxembourg, EU meeting of foreign ministers, where upon his arrival the ceremony for Turkey’s EU membership talks will commence.
It has become clear during these discussions, the position of Austria was an exception, the other 24 countries stood firm to begin the agreed talks with Turkey.
European Tribune – as was predicted …
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David Sirota, here at Huffington Post, presents info on Miers that it’s extremely unlikely we’ll see the MSM report on.