As the war in Iraq runs out of Bush’s control, we must not forget what it its has wrought on the world in general and us, in particular:
1. Our legislature,judiciary, Press and other institutions are corrupted beyond redemption.
2.The UN has been turned against us with all the member countries openly hostile to us.All the goodwill toward us has been eviscerated.
3. Our economy is becoming a shambles.The once mighty auto industry, fully accounting for nearly one quarter of our jobs has been put on life support.The Technology Sector that was supposed to replace the loss of the auto jobs is itself being dismantled and sent over to India.
4. The war in Iraq has directly affected our own domestic Emergency Response System leading to the deaths of thousands of Americans in Katrina’s wake.
5.Gas, heating and elctricity prices are reaching for the stratosphere making it all but unaffordable to many ordinary Americans.This, in turn, has made the auto manufacturing business precarious.
6.The corruption, revealed by the indictments handed to DeLay and the White House toady David Safavian, shows the pervasiveness of the corruption in this administration.If, as expected, indictments are returned for Rove and Libby,the circle will close on one of the most corrupt periods in American history.
Bush is not just the worst President Ever.He has stolen the future from our children.For that crime, no punishment would suffice.
Except for the undue optimism, you have just about summed it up.
I have just spent the weekend amongst people who are totally asleep–and most of them are my friends! It is driving me nuts!
I don’t think you exaggerate to say corrupt beyond redemtion–even if Delay actually gets convicted (Item 6) that leaves an entire congress and executive filled with people committing the same crimes . . . no election–even if we still had actual elections!–could begin to clean them out . . .
You could also refer to the 2,000 Americans who have died over there, the tens of thousands of injured and the 100,000+ Iraqi’s who have died needlessly.Those deaths provide motive (on a daily basis) for new generations of future terrorists to HATE OUR GUTS and make it more likely that future attacks will take place “over here” IMHO.
The proposed constitution, if ratified, will likely ignite a bloody civil war, leaving us in a precarious position for an undetermined length of time.
Our lengthy stay there has created a situation where the officer Corps is resigning before their twenty years are in. This will have a significant effect on our military capability over the long term, I would think.
One of the other institutions you refer to in #1 above has to be the CIA. I’m quite sure the “Plame affair” has had a significant negative effect on our covert operatives efficiency in the Middle East and elsewhere.
Then there is the 200 Billion or 300 Billion or?? Billion that we have wasted over there to date.
Thanks for your thoughts.