and 1 good one.
See the ePluribus Media opinion piece Top 10 Bad Reasons for Staying the Course…and 1 good one by writer Jeff Huber.
Huber debunks the reasons for staying in Iraq in a Letterman-like countdown.
10. Democracy takes time. America needed 13 years to write its Constitution.
The American Revolution analogy is ludicrous. Britain did not invade the American colonies in order to liberate us, and we did not ask them to stick around for more than a decade to help us form our government.
9. If we leave now, we’ll embolden the terrorists.
They’re not exactly shrinking violets now. The longer we’ve stayed, the bolder they’ve become.
8. Withdrawing will show lack of American resolve.
Getting in a bar fight over a girl shows resolve. Waking up in jail with your nose broken shows how stupid you are.
Read all ten at 10 Bad Reasons to Stay in Iraq and tell us which debunking you think is the best.
ePluribus Media editors and fact-checkers: JeninRI, DEFuning, Sue in KY
And many heartfelt thanks to all the folks at Booman Tribune who are so supportive of our work!
This one from Huber’s piece really gets to me:
I’m still waiting for …”1 good one”.
What we Do owe the Iraqi’s is the opportunity to rebuild their country in whatever manner they choose. By staying, we are only enabling the likes of Chalabi and company and the looting of what’s left of their economy for the enrichment of the so called leaders, most of whom hold their position because of our intervention and protection. Perhaps this, in conjunction with the parallel enrichment of Halliburton, etal, and the looting of the US treasury, is the real driver behind our current strategy.
That there may be an all out civil war is becoming a moot point, imho, as it would be disingenuous to call what is now occurring any thing less.
Ultimately, I believe it is our responsibility to provide financial assistance, to whatever government they choose, for the rebuilding of the mess that has been created. This we cannot do if we remain an occupying force. Get out, stay out and provide real financial assistance. It will save lives on all sides and most likely be a hell of a lot cheaper.
There is no good reason to stay.