– the newest member of the SoapBlox network is a one-stop shopping center of progressive New Jersey politics. Tough on Democrats and Republicans, the Jersey dozen who write for are independent, sharp and opinionated. Its dedicated team of bloggers covers just about everything from town council races to the campaign for who will reside in the Jersey mansion we call Drumthwacket. aims to provide not only in-depth coverage of all things both progressive and Jersey, but also a forum for exchanging ideas and strategies.
With a focus on state and local politics, our diverse team of bloggers will cover issues that wouldn’t otherwise receive the attention they deserve.
Sign up with us as we join together to build a stronger progressive community and create a true Blue Jersey we can all be proud of.
We’ve got a big governor’s race coming up in about a month, along with state Assembly elections. Unlike most states, New Jersey has elections every year, so there’s always something interesting going on.
Thanks for stopping by ….
and welcome to what we insiders like to call: GreenPhillie