I am sub hosting the cafe for Wednesday so I thought I would put up a diary now, the other one for today is mighty full, and then all you early birds will have a nice new diary to write in.
So we could have a hoedown, I am feeling very western.
The cafe will be held out on this lovely patio tonight!
And here is a little Americana.
Hi everyone, here is a new cafe to spend the late and early hours in…Come on in, and have some fun.
More Western pics.
Evening/morning, whatever works. Gonna be a busy Wed ’round here so thought I’d drop this off tonite:
When you’re in deep doodoo – say nothing, and try to look inconspicuos
Alternative captions are encouraged.
BTW, anybody seen Keres and Thur. Dog Blogging?…or Suskind, for that matter.
Suskind was going to be out of town for a while, maybe months…don’t know about Keres.
Spouse is home, so off to Loving Spousal Mode here…same hours tomorrow, so will have him home in the morning then on my own till the evening. Actually looking forward to Thursday/Friday when we can go out and play; I got quite a bit done today, though it was mostly tossing junk in a box till it can be sorted — at least it’s off the floor. 😉
Have a good night, everyone… 🙂
It’s coming up on Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. Y’all are invited over for a big turkey dinner. Don’t say I didn’t give you enough warning to plan your trip!
Thanksgiving, you have it early, but seems like a better time than cramming it up against Christmas.
When exactly is the date so I can plan my trip.
Thanksgiving’s on Monday, but dinner’s on Sunday. Bring cheesecake!
My sister is coming down from Montreal for thanksgiving. Needless to say, my kids are excited about their cousins coming down here for the weekend.
Should be nice!
‘Mornin’ all.
Gooserock as the southernmost person in Canada. That’s Lake Erie seen looking towards Huron, Ohio about 50-60 miles off.
Hope you’re all well,

Back in Khartoum after a few more days down south. Hot – as in 100-110 deg. every day. Dry and dusty.
This image is “borrowed” as I do not have the software here to upload my own.
Hope to have an entry ready for posting coming Sunday.
It’s going to be another stinker of a day … and I’m talking weather. Smog alert, humidex and all.
catnip said it was snowing in her corner of the country, but in Ottawa yesterday it was 28C (82F).
Today it’s going up to 27 (81), and with the humidex they’re saying it will feel like 31. 31! On October 5th.
Thanksgiving is this w/e. It’s bizarre to see the trees in mid-change, their colours blazing, and we’re all running around in shorts and t-shirts.
Didn’t return yesterday, got busy. Yes Susanhu, all those dogs are mine. I have one more also. I breed and show them. The one left out because he is too snobby to sleep next to other dogs is a dog that I recently aquired to actively show. I had to literally “sell” myself to the breeder. She wasn’t asking more money, she wanted a good show home. She had many people who wanted him for breeding but nobody she felt was being honest about actively showing him as I am and was. He needs to be shown because he will Champion and he comes from her kennel and she deserves to be able to take a bow and ask more money for the next set of pups……she has picked up a lot of doggie doodles getting to a puppy of his caliber. Right in the middle of it Crawford happened. She had been working with me to find a good day to fly him. It must be 85 degrees or less or the airlines won’t fly dogs, and it had been a hot summer until the day I was leaving for Crawford. It was cooling off and she wanted to send him in two days. I didn’t know what to do and I didn’t want to lose him to someone else wanting him but I couldn’t think of anything to tell her but the truth. When I got to Cat’s house I shot her an email that I couldn’t pick him up that week because I had temporarily lost my sanity and went to Crawford Texas to stand with that poor crazy woman, and she shot me an email back saying fine and to let her know when I got back home and my sanity had returned. The heat of the South wilts them the minute they hit indoor AC.
Interesting Tracy,
My sis in law breeds Dalmations, sends them all over the place on airplanes to be bred. How stressful is that? Poor things.
One of hers was in a TV ad for the re-release of 101 Dalmations.
It is a sideline for her, but they are very,very picky about the homes their dogs go to.Sign of a responsible breeder,rather than a (UGH) ‘puppy mill’.
Some dogs fly really well, they love how social it is and all the different people who coo at them in their crates…..and then for some dogs it makes them neurotic as heck and some just decide to sleep through the whole thing.
Most people in Alabama seem to like hunting dogs and hounds here. Nobody local yet has inquired about my pups who I would seriously consider.
When it comes time for us to have a new dog — I’m calling you. I have always wanted a shep (two of my roommates in college had them, and though very different dogs, they were both awesome critters) and I think that the boys would bond with a pup really well, as they will both be older then….our current dog is so awesome with them, I really want another dog who loves kids!
I personality test my pups at 7 weeks also. It is extremely accurate as to the dogs personality when mature. Dogs are all nuts in their adolescents just like we humans are, but their basic nature at 7 weeks is the basic nature they have when grown. I have been very impressed using the tests and then comparing them to the dogs grown. Very accurate! We would get you the perfect puppy for your family and your boys.
frankly,I think Dalmations are TWITS–bred for looks.Athough many of her dogs are Champions,that doesn’t give them any brains. (don’t tell on me!)
Is ummmmm well…..my daughter calls him a blonde even though he is black (sorry Janet!). He has been bred for confirmation and he has it in spades, but I am going to be finding a really really smart girlfriend for him. It is a good thing that dogs don’t couple for life! He would die with all of his confirmation genes unused! I wouldn’t be able to persuade any girl worth darn to have him forever!
I just realized that I used confirmation instead of conformation….not just once but twice! I think my terror over the Supreme Court nomination is seeping into everything!
Unpacking some things the other day,I came upon something that was called a ‘hair saver’,by my aunt.This is a little china bowl with a lid that women used to put the hair from their hairbrushes in. Why?
Well,there was a fashion in the Victorian age, of making jewelry out of hair, mostly that of a deceased relative. Things like mourning brooches and rings.
Out of that grew a bizarre craft of weaving dead hair into little momentos for friends.
I kid you not. In the same box is what my aunt called the ‘hair book’. This is a homebound ,early version of the autograph book.My great aunts, and their friends took their own hair and wove it into fairly intricate little patterns and then gave them to their friends . Each little weaving is glued on a page ,accompanied by a message of undying friendship .
Odd people,those Victorians.:)
Do you have pics of the weavings? The jewlery? I have hair (mine, from when I shaved my head, my boys’ from various haricuts) and sometimes I send some to my mom (she likes that kind of stuff), but weaving it sounds oh, so much better than the envelopes and baggies that it is currently sitting around in ….
I don’t have any pics-maybe if the camera dude (hub) gets his shit together ,I could get some.
YOOOHOOO did that last box ever get there?
from yesterday — when you emailed me about it, it wasn’t here yet….
Ok -thanks- I missed that yesterday.
Also- these were women who never cut their hair- I remember well my grandmother brushing her hair–100 strokes a night-it was down to her waist and gray,always caught up in a bun, so they had a lot more –err–material to work with. It was a matter of pride to her that she had never had her hair cut.
One of her sisters had a little poem published in the Saturday Evening Post- I think it was titled- ‘I will never bob my hair’.That was in the 20’s or so.
I HAD a copy of it- but that went the way of the world ,when my aunt cleared out her house- she sent everything off to auction,so I don’t know what became of it. Probably in a landfill somewhere.:(
Glad, you liked it– my family is kinda strange, to say the least.
Mine does, I don’t personally and always thought it was kind of yucky but I am immune to the flashes going off around the coffin by now. The first funeral my husband attended for one of my family members freaked him out! He told that my family is sick, twisted, bizarre, odd, strange, weird. I can’t tell, they have always been how they have been to me.
Eww. God, I hope someone doesn’t take a picture of me in my coffin. Come to think of it, cremation sounds good to me.
I have always hated the way people gather around the open coffin and talk about how good the deceased looks. I remember at my father’s wake when I was 15 everyone said “he looks so GOOD” and I blurted out “he looks DEAD!”
Or maybe Midwest? The open coffin thing doesn’t seem to have made it to the Left Coast, at least not in my family. When my dad died in 1970, one of his sisters (from Missouri) wanted the coffin opened, but my mom said no way; it took one of my other “aunts” (my mom’s sister’s sister-in-law, so not really a direct relation) to get her away. And this year, when Mom died, there was no arguement; the casket remained tightly closed.
My in-laws have already made the arrangements to be cremated, and to have their ashes interred in the memorial garden at their church — it’s an Episcopal thing. 🙂
I prefer to remember people as they were when they were alive, not when they’re dead…
I think it’s probably a Catholic thing. Every single funeral/wake I’ve ever been to had an open casket which I thought was scary when I was a child, and just ghoulish now that I’m an adult.
Maybe it’s a midwestern/catholic thing since I lived my entire life in Cleveland until just recently, and though I’m in NC now, I have yet to experience a southern funeral. I’m sure it entails lots of makeup and hairspray and fake nails should the deceased be a woman, bless her heart.
was Midwestern, but definitely NOT Catholic — he grew up in the Nazerene church, which is fairly fundie from my brief experience in college (my neighbor went to a Nazerene church, I went with her a few times before I started hanging out with the Catholic kids who had better retreats and cuter guys… 😉 ).
if possible. The photo thing I’m not sure about but my family hails from mostly German Roots out of Pennsylvania and my Grandmother out of Missouri and mostly German also. Also mostly Lutheran in faith.
Maybe we’re related. My mothers entire family are German Lutherans from Missouri.
that has a German House Blessing on it that came over with her parents and it is written in a form of German used by Quaker type Germans…..ring any bells?
Not even one bell. But you know how you have one in-town grandmother who is your “real” grandmother and the other one from out of town is just some weird old lady? My Missouri grandparents (Dennstedt, Kreutzer and Gockel btw)were the out of towners.
Oh good grief-we were expected to kiss the dead person in the coffin.
Glad you liked it– my family is kinda strange, to say the least.
Puttin’ on ma Stetson an’ a belt buckle as big as Texas…
Thatsa mighty purdy lady at the top of the page!
Too bad I hafta ta stand on ma toes ta see over ma belt buckle? Now ya know why cowboys hafta wear them danged high heel cowboy boots!
Good mornin, I just had an accident while going outside to check my garden. How do I explain a dumb 40 foot length of shade cloth, one end hanging from a rope, 20 feet in the air (unfinished project of the tree business for 1 month) and the other part just getting whipped around by our Santa ana Winds blowing today and snaking all over the place. Just as I was about to step over one part, the wind lifted the cloth just enough to catch my foot and down I went bad knees first onto the gravel. I just finished digging gravel and dirt out of my knees, my arms hurt from landing on them as well, and my head hit a wooden lath section.
I am mad as hell at my ex for leaving this thing, cause he started this project ages ago and I have had to deal with this giant sail everytime it’s windy.
I am not at a good age to take a fall like this. BTW I broke all the fingernails on my left hand in the fall.
So that’s my morning, how was yours.
Oh, Diane! I’m glad it was just your fingernails that broke.
I have allergy boy home from school day (too miserable to go in today).
for 50 years. We recommend Seattle or Victoria. The autumn freedom is heaven-on-earth for us.
Allergy boy has my sympathy–I couldn’t even play my tin whistle at this time of year back in the midwest due to throat irritation and the sneezing & itching. I played clarinet in Jr. High school band. I was so impaired every year for late summer tryouts that I was put on the alternate list even for simple parade band–which only played 3 tunes!!–till mid autumn when I could get back into practice and challenge my way back up where I belonged.
I am glad nothing was broken other than my fingernails, but my rapidly swelling knees, the cuts on my arms and my aching back say #$%^@#$#@.
It was like having my feet just pulled from under me.
Sorry about your son’s alergies, things are not good for alergies here either, with the wind whipping about 40 mph here and just spreading the dust and pollen and goodness knows what else.
I hope you take it easy today! And go see a doctor if you suspect something worse than broken fingernails (although those hurt like hell). </sermon>
I fell down hard about 6 weeks ago and had a stress fracture in my ankle which is slow to heal. But I was really banged up all over my body, which surprised me because although I fell face-first onto cement, it was only from about 18-20 inches high. Now my hip has been killing me, like an old dog or something. I had more x-rays this morning. I hadn’t really fallen since I was a child and boy I don’t remember it hurting so much when I only weighed 65 pounds!
Keep a watchful eye out for other injuries that aren’t readily apparent. Take care of yourself!
I had a another accident in this “work yard” about a year ago, stepping over various and sundry articles left about, (fell on my knees then too) and thought I was paying real attention to hazards…..but the sudden whip of wind I had not counted on.
Your hip problem could be related to back injury (from fall), I had intense pain in my hip for years, (you might gather I don’t go to dr. much) and then 2 years ago found after xrays that the problem stemmed from some back injuries that pushed the hip out of place. I had been thinking all kinds of things and contemplating some day I would need hip replacement. Chiropratric adjustments have helped the hip problem emmensly.
The problem with falls is that they whack the whole body and I do know what you mean about hard falls.
Previously I had fallen 8 times, knee first while bicycling, which I started at age 55. Why did I fall so many times, you ask, well bike problems for one thing and another wearing a long skirt while riding, is not only stupid but dangerous. Finally I learned to gather up the skirts and pin to front while riding and I did wear pants most of the time.
When a girl breaks all of her fingernails on one hand in a fall…..that was BAAAAD fall!
Thanks, I guess the only reason I did not break my fingers was that I my arms went through the lath fencing and broke that all to hell (it was a small section, but it all in peices now.)
I was reading your comment up thread about confirmation, vs, conformation….funny…
I offer you my condolences and wish you speedy recovery.
Working with my hands, I tear or bend a fingernail several times a month so I know well how it can feel.
Speaking of power tools…yesterday a guy from Lowe’s came to my house to measure for a new door and sidelight. Now, this guy is probably the most friendly and definitely the funniest guy I’ve met since I’ve been down here. I forgot to ask him, but I’ll bet he’s not from down here since I didn’t notice a southern accent. Anyway, he’s 60 years old and has been working with power tools for 40 years without incident, but two days ago he cut off half of his right index finger on a table saw. He just drove himself to the hospital and had them sew it back up and went back to the job site, packed up his tools, drove home and was on time for the book club he and his wife were hosting that night. What a man.
Well the fingernail breaking was not the worst part, that didn’t hurt, my knees are the area that took the brunt, all scrapped, cut and bleeding. But right now, several hours later I am hurting in a variety of places, (all over) and my knees feel like helleeaaoooo.
I prescribe 800mg of ibuprofen, a couple of ice packs and a good stiff drink. Well, nevermind the drink since it isn’t even noon there yet.
Most who know me, know I’m a major clutz. However, nothing happened to me in DC… so… maybe I grew out of it. 🙂
I’m constantly breaking glasses and such.
But… taking Judo/Jujitsu has helped me fall so much “better”. Instead of trying to stop the fall I go with it. Turn a fall into a roll. (I HATE practicing rolls and falls… I REALLY do HATE that and my Sensei knows it LOL)
If you put your arms out, you’ll break something. Usually bones if not nails. Plus it locks up your body which causes more stress and injuries.
One is never too “old” to take up the martial arts. HINT, might be a great birthday present gift to yourself. Also you meet up with alot of young kids and women.
Judo is a gentle form of the martial arts.
I was trying to think how to respond to this….no chance of rolling Janet, even if my badly damaged back would allow that…and the image of me rolling was pretty funny as ‘just’ recently I have been able to bend without too much pain to tie shoes…sides there was no place to roll to, and no time to roll even if I could, have bent myself enough to roll.
Thanks for the advice tho. and I will consider it.
a good age to take a fall like that? I’ve still got a scar on one of my fingers where I fell and opened it up — I tripped when running for work (the bus was late), and landed right on the finger on the cement. 🙁
Slow morning here in the household — looks like spouse is going to be on this noon – 8 schedule for a while, which really screws up plans for family dinners. I hate having to wait till almost 9 to eat, so I’ll just have to eat on my own then he can heat his dinner in the microwave. Family dinners have been important to me, so this really sucks — I’ll be sooooo glad to have him back in his real job!
Okay, time to get moving here…
Well actually – no time is best but there are probably better times(?)
In general, injuries are much better handled while completely drunk.
My first date with my ex-husband (a bad omen I shouldn’t have ignored) I got totally f-ed on white russians and slammed my index finger in the car door, which then locked, entrapping my finger until the other drunk people with us managed to find the keys and set it free. Didn’t hurt a bit…I don’t think they even anesthetized me while stitching it up. I thought it was the most amusing thing ever, watching all that cool blood.
Worst times to fall:
naked, while carrying piping hot chili.
the most humiliating thing is to get your ass kicked by someone who is totally naked.
Not that I would know first hand.
Not know first hand, eh….
Taking this on another tack,
Not good to not check where you are going to sit, and forgetting you just placed a boiling hot bowl of noodle soup on your bed, yes right where you sat down. Not naked but it didn’t matter, hot soup soaked right through the clothes.
an example at a party in high school. Some dumb drunk kid barged into a bedroom where two people were engaged in some nude activities. The guy got up walked out into the hall and just whooped this kid’s ass in front of the whole party, totally nude.
Then he went back in the bedroom and shut the door.
I have to say, that was about the most humiliating thing I ever saw.
I swear this was NOT me.
But it is not good to wear a short dress on a hot day, and, incidentally, no underwear and then drive with your windows down thereby letting a yellowjacket in, thereby allowing yellowjacket to alight on your thigh and slowly creep north while you shriek and swerve all over the road trying to discourage it from its intended destination…alas, in vain. Ouch.
Poor baby! !!!!
In the pleasure business they have these things called pocket rockets that provide a similar buzz but without the traffic worry, panic or stinger.
are cracking me up today. LMAO
Damn, I’ve heard of drunken martial arts but never naked martial arts.
I tend to scare easily in my house. For the most part, people know not to “come up behind mommy” anymore. Especially now that I know how to deliver a fierce blow to the face. 🙂
But… if I’m naked.. as in coming out of the shower… all bets are off and I’m an easy target for my husband to scare the snot out of me, because I turn into instant screaming girl who flails out helplessly.
It’s hard to be cool and calm while nekkid.
We’re slowly seeing the snow come back to the Olympics now. I hope we get a lot more mountain snow this year than we’ve had for the last several.
Even though I’ve seen the American Train Wreck coming for 25 years, yesterday was rough for me due to all the news. I won’t go through it all to turn the cafe into a downer.
This morning’s a new day. We have several potential suppliers and serious prospects to bring the family biz up enough to support us at a lower/lower middle class level during the coming year. Today I’ll do more catch-up shipments and some jig-and-fixture upgrading to speed up some bulk shop work. Friday Mrs. Gooserock joins me for her employment sanity break and family biz boost day.
Dream time: For $15,000 you could own this used 40 foot cruising sailboat. By Christmas there’s going to be a real shipload of fix-em-up deals as hurricane season presents annually.
WOW. Booman wasn’t kidding, DuctapeFatwa’s diary has been linked all over the world. Crooks and Liars is also sending traffic here. Already today, we’ve received 20,000 hits!!!
Holy shit. Yay for BooMan!
Holy cow, wow…..20,000 hits…Village Blue must have gotten some of that as a result, I had over 500 guests last night on site and the number is still climbing today.
BTW thanks manee for your comment above…
I was wondering what on earth was going on. When first checking in in the time zone I am in (8.30 am in Khartoum – which was 1.30am NY-time) there were already about 5,000 hits.
Went to ‘referrals’ but the local provider in Sudan refused access to many of the linking sites – so it was difficult to comprehend. Read DTF’s entry yesterday with great interest.
New Order and Joy Division, indeed (and I do not have the musical groups in mind).
Burying people in the ground. For starters that takes up a lot of land. But if we continue this maybe we should be forgoing the coffin. That way it could be the ulitimate in recycling. Ok maybe not… was just a thought 🙂
Me?? I want to be cremated. Plant my ashes under an apple tree and each year my friends and loved ones can visit the tree, pick an apple and BITE ME! 🙂
Some days I’ll be sweet and delicious… and other times I’ll give you all tummy cramps 🙂
Yes about the burial thing, I am ‘for’ and have requested cremation for myself. I do not want my body dug up in some future century and analysed to see what people were like in this century. As for the ashes, forgetabout it….just throw them away or whatever they do with unwanted ashes.
They can take it all for donor donations. Cremate the rest of me and let my family turn me into tree food.
But sadly I don’t have the “balls” to check the “Scientific Studies” donation part. Uh uh. Not after all the BS in the news about stuff like that and the misuse of bodies. Cringe.
Children could climb me, sit on my limbs as they day dream or hide out from dinner because Thursday is Liver and Onion night.
I could sigh as they laugh and play, pretending the tree is a fort or a pirate ship.
I could also at times haunt the area, scaring the little whippersnappers. If one tries to carve their initials in me, I’ll scare them so bad, they’ll shit their pants … for days! 🙂
Yup… that’s what I want.
Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree — wonder if his tree was a reincarnated person… 🙂
I love that story! and it definitely made an impact on me 🙂
My daughter has all Shels poetry books.
Also another impact was a Jodi Foster movie, lame ass movie about teens, drugs and what not, but obviously imprinted on me, “Foxes”. The girl was buried under a peach tree. That and Shel stuck with me.
Plus… all those damn zombie movies… won’t see my ass rising from the deadbox! 🙂
Tracy and I need your snail mail address so that Tracy can send you the rubbing we all took.
Can email me at azulism AT yahoo DOT com
(if someone “sees” Scribe, can you pass this along to her?) Domo!
Janet if you go to village blue, and look at members, then ‘scribe’, you can contact her with email on the site….
You are so good, Diane!
Way to nice out to have to work inside, at least the studio has a BIG window overlooking the courtyard.
mid 50’s, no humidity and the 1st frost predicted for tonite…beautiful colo fall day.
Think I’ll take the Bu girl for a walk…then a-holes and elbows the rest of the day. :{)