So I saw this at the WaPo and I was struck by how low we have lowered the bar.
“And there’s division there . . . and that caused the situation to change a little bit.”. You think?
Who is Casey? (it took way longer to find than I thought).
Why talk about facts when we have archtypes and metaphors and bigotry and preconceptions to guide us. I like the Joe Campbellness of Cassandra, but I don’t have enough of my electrons frozen in plastic to prove it.
So let me whack my Magic 8 Ball few times and see what pops out.
- October 15- Iraq Constitution (warning- .PDF) “Probably Not”
- October 28- Fitzgerald Grand Jury Expires “Maybe?”
- Miers “Chances Are Good”
- Democrats take at least one house of congress in 2006 “Probably Not”
- Delay goes down (This is a different question so it’s fair) “Don’t Hold Your Breath”
- Frist goes down “Not in this Lifetime”
Clearly something is wrong with my 8 Ball, thus my question-
How do I get that blue goo stain off my wall?
#1 (and I realize you are not a number, you are a human being) you are correct. My hands will never be clean because my motives are not pure and my deeds are dark. I regret nothing. The good, the bad, it’s all the same. Still I thought we might chat about the coming collapse in Iraq or any of the other subjects I raised and their relation to the random position of an Icosahedron.
to go into warp speed until time slows down and reverses. This time, don’t whip your 8-ball off the wall.
I am sometimes moved by the politics of the moment and feel the need to express myself. In this case I was reacting to the blatant failure of BushCo policy to establish any kind of legitimacy for this sham election as well as other recent negative/positive developments.
Like any comedian I attempt to get a feel for the room, and I did read a lot before I posted. I haven’t mentioned any color other than green, but I don’t feel compelled to hide the fact that I have a history (not that I could anyway).
I come to you with respect and friendship Don BooMan.
not at all. You asked how to get the goo off. I offered an impractical solution.
it is a virtual 8 Ball the goo is imaginary. The only thing I need to clean is my mind. I’m not a sensitive guy, but I do respond to whacks with a 2 x 4 in case you feel the need to point me in a different direction.
get your feet wet in the Frog Pond and enjoy.
Hi ek and welcome as I see you are new here.
I just thought I would throw in this little bit here. I was listening to one of the cable news shows, I think it was CNN and Aaron Brown I think, interviewed by phone the Foreman of the Grand Jury in the Delay case and he said their decision was completely based on the evidence. I am not sure if he was jury 1 or 2 but I think it may have been 1. Says it was most definitely not political…food for thought.
that Republicans are peddling, that this is a partisan witch hunt is a weak reed indeed. If you have watched the coverage, Delay and his Treasurer have as much as said ‘Uh yeah, we got a check for $190,000 so we sent a check for $190,000, nothing wrong with that’.
Just that it’s against the rules. People get tired of playing games with bullies.
I buy into those commentators who say that the new indictments indicate a failed deal between Delay and Earle. Good.
Recent news from the Houston Chronicle here.
That’s what I think. It is useless to complain, get out and do. Our fate is not in our stars, it is in ourselves.