It’s been awhile since I did a Rays of Hope Diary, but today in honor of George , ‘I never thought I would see the day’, Wills I decided to make this a rays of hope cafe.
Add to that Ann Coulter last night on Hannity and Combs, was just as outspoken and derivative of this choice of Meirs as was Wills.
Bush is going down, it’s in the air, it’s in the air.
So lets list all the rays of hope that we can think of.
Welcome to the FBC, afternoon and Happy Hour Edition. If you are new to the site or even fairly new and you haven’t ‘told us about you’please take this opportunity to do so.
And some picture offerings:
Is it happy hour already? Whoot! I’ll have to switch from tap water to bottled water for the occasion.
My husband is on this frugal kick lately, not his golfing or anything, mainly my grocery shopping is the problem, you see? So tonight we’re having last night’s leftover pot roast…reincarnated shredded up and with added veggies, over corn bread.
On a more exciting note, I did manage to complete 3 loads of laundry and I even CHANGED THE SHEETS ON MY BED! I love the smell of fresh sheets, but since I sleep with a man it doesn’t last more than a half hour. Especially since it’s $1.99 chili day at IBM.
Hi Laura, you’ve arrived, I see, hey it’s just 1:30 here in Ca. but I was thinking it’s 4:00 on the EC. so mights as well. For my happy hour experience I will be having a nice cool glass of coke, as the temps. are quite high today.
How are you feeling after your unfornate mishap this morning?
feel free to add missing letters as needed.
I am sore but ok and love your spelling, will fill in missing letter, saw your comment below…
I must say all the comments that followed my mishap one, were soooooo funny, I got a big kick out of them.
and read about your fall Diane! Yikes. I hope you’re okay, fingernails and all!
a new laptop, Laura — good thing I swallowed my water before I read the “$1.99 chili” line, or it would have ended up spit all over the keyboard… 😉
Oh, and thinking of “rays of hope” for our news media, can I whore my diary here?
Please notice everyone, a new cafe is now open, I’m sitting here waiting for you in this market square:

Tell me that old crone on the left is not you!
Oh shawwww….of course it is, told you I was old didn’t I.

Ok just kidding, this is really me below:
I just looked at this pic on preview and right below on my tag line it says, “come on over for a visit”…lol
Wow, looks like you bounced back from your meeting with terra firma.
Your billiards exploits are legendary…
hi everyone, I couldn’t resist Diane’s invitation. May I have a ginger ale for my sore throat please? My friend’s doctor told her half of San Francisco has a cold this week.
Hope indeed, I just read Booman’s piece on the indictment rumor mill with 12 to be indicted. As BostonJoe wrote, from his lips to the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s ears!
Gingerale coming right up.
Lets start the list of hopeful Rays:
Indictments coming up Plamegate
David Savarian
And then the problems:
Downing Street Memos
Iraq War
Meirs nomination
Katrina Handling
Gas Prices
Flu vaccines failure to prepare
Hopeful Ray: Miers nomination imploding?
is great for a cold or achy flu — one of my favorite non-alcoholic drinks (you can even spike it with vodka if you’re feeling adult…).
Or there’s the drink I invented back in the old days — the “Anita Bryant”: orange juice and fruit punch…(yeah, I had/have a very warped sense of humor…)
the Cafe change always screws me up LOL I was wondering where the hell people went.
I’m trying to get the deck RAILS painted, which means I have brown paint all over me. Including the top of my head because I am trying to pain BEHIND the rails.
tonight is HOCKEY night!!!! First time for the San Jose Sharks regular season game! WHOOOOOOOOOTTT
We just painted the porch rails over the weekend. What a pain in the butt. I found the thing that works best is a small pad painter. Much neater than a brush and no dripping.
at 2nd Intermission! Yay!
(Personal Ray of Hope: return of hockey and potential Stanley Cup lifting at HP Pavilion…)
…lost 3-2…so much for that undefeated season…
Sorry to hear that. Always want to take the first one, especially when you’ve been looking forward to it…
Not sure I feel any better about our game – Ottawa v Toronto was decided on a SHOOT OUT. The infamous SHOOT OUT.
I think this is the most disgusting, bullshitty thing to happen to the game.
It’s a stupid, crappy rule.
Three periods of play, and the game is decided by the scoring of individual players.
on the shootout, Olivia — it’s obviously for some of my fellow Americans who can’t see the beauty of a hard-fought battle that ends in a tie. 🙁
Don’t know if the Sharks get to host Ottawa (or Toronto) this year with the screwy schedule; I just hope Pittsburgh’s Mario Lemieux doesn’t retire before I get to see him in person. (OLN interviewed him and he sounds ready to go at least another couple of years, so there’s hope…)
You, me, and Dammit Janet should host a Hockey Talk diary one of these nights… 😉
Tell me that TO fans went home satisfied the game didn’t end in a tie.
Re: your hockey talk diary, that’s a great idea CScribe. We could have:
Da-da daaa da daaa. Da da daaa da, daaa-daaaaaa (my lame attempt to write out the HNIC theme):
‘Hockey Night in BooTrib’!
Maybe to relieve one of the cafe hosts for a night off or some such…
Go Flyers! 🙂
Are we marking the most-trafficked day here today?
P.S. Welcome to all the livejournal readers! Did the link to the Unauthorized Reproduction Bill get sent to a prominent place where everyone under the sun saw it and linked to it? Hope you’ll all stick around and get involved.
That’s incredible.
(btw, a diary at the orange place says the bill has been dropped.)
Kermit the Frog turns 50 and tells all
Thanks Man Eegee!!!! Wasn’t even really a walk down memory lane because my kids have all the movies and share the same love for Kermit the Frog.
Sesame Street was born one year after I was. That love evolved to the slightly warped Muppet Show. 🙂
Dutch specialist with emergency pumping units were, as all International support, requested after a ten day DeLay. The specialists are leaving New Orleans today, the mobile pump units will stay behind and will be operated by U.S. engineers.
Dutch radio reporter Tom Grijsen interviewed both Dutch – Rijkswaterstaat – and U.S. engineers — remarkable bit of information :: The Dutch specialists need only 4½ hours to have their mobile units installed and running, the U.S. Corps of Engineers need 4-5 days before pumps are operating.
Dutch Assistance
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Anyone watching cspan 2 right now, dust up is going on in Senate right now…Reid is really mad about the the defense bill and something Reps. are trying to get through.
Sorry, Diane,I didn’t comment on your fall-hope you are ok. I just looked at my nails–hmm what nails?I am the chop- ’em- off -at -the -fingertips type.
in English — Blessed Ramadan? (Happy Ramadan doesn’t seem to fit, though I know according to Dear Abby that Happy Eid is just fine at the end of the period…)
charmingly enough when you say it to get yourself invited to an Iftar, which if you play your cards right, you just might be able to parlay into invitations to more Iftars, and find that by the time Eid rolls around, you are round as a ball. 😉
(It is supposed to be a time of spiritual discovery and improvement, which is a happy thing, so there is nothing wrong with Happy Ramadan!)
At Dunvegan Castle on the isle of Skye, clan McLeod stores its legendary Fairy Flag.
The flag dates from perhaps the 12th century and has been unfurled two of its allotted 3 times to avert disaster. Clansmen carried photos of it in WW2 and the chieftain offered to have it brought down to the white cliffs of Dover “just in case.”
Keeping in mind that caged beasties thrash the hardest just as they’re being caught, we can take some hope that we have this ace up our doublets.
The McLeod Fairy Flag is central in a favorite book of mine…