About that “signal” that James Dobson says he’s waiting for in re: Harriet Miers: I think we all know that this is nothing more than a political dodge. Dobson may be honestly conflicted about Miers, but he spoke too quickly in her favor, and had to scramble for a way to take his words back.
It’s also a theological dodge, of course. There are times to watch and wait for God’s will to manifest itself. But there are also times when we have to make our own decisions, and live with the consequences. As I’ve said before, nothing can remove from us the burden of choice.
But let’s not dismiss Dobson’s need for signals too quickly. At least not while there’s some snark to be found.
Top Ten Signals for James Dobson that God Doesn’t Want Harriet Miers Confirmed to the SCOTUS:
- Clouds open, beam of sunlight descends from heaven, voice announces: Two words. “Jews” and “Catholics.” Got it?
- Rick Santorum spontaneously combusts.
- Roe v. Wade not in the Bible.
- Cronyism is.
- Jerry Falwell declares less than 110% support for anti-gay bigotry, thus ushering in the Apocalypse.
- The money fountain in Colorado Springs suddenly stops flowing.
- A 900-foot tall Jesus commands him to raise funds for the Hillary Clinton Center for the Study of Constitutional Law in San Francisco, or Dobson will be “taken back to the Lord.”
- A baby fights back against “Uncle” Dick Cheney before he can eat the little nipper.
- It’s rumored that certain bishops–and perhaps even the Pope himself–are gay.
And the number one sign God gives James Dobson that Harriet Miers should not be confirmed?
Thank you, folks, we’ll be here all night.
The number one reason:
Finds out she used to be HARRY Miers.