Is it possible that the Government of the United States or some agency of the Government placed a small biological weapon in the midst of the Mall area where 100 to 200,000 thousand protestors gathered to protest the war on September 24th? Would this discourage future protests?
This from the Washington Post:
Biohazard sensors showed the presence of small amounts of potentially dangerous tularemia bacteria in the Mall area last weekend as huge crowds assembled there, but health officials said they believed the levels were too low to be a threat.
There was a biological agent found there. It has been used and manufactured by the government as a biological weapon
Was this something for the protestors to think about before they attend another protest? This is information from an normally secretive adminstration. Is is possible the administration wants the protesting American public to know about the presence of these agents? Could it be the instigators didn’t really want to kill anyone but just thought they would leave a little something that might discourage 100 to 200,000 people from ever wanting to place themselves in danger by appearing together in one place?
Interesting information is coming out about the March against the war. Could it be that the train problems that occurred before the March were intentional?
For those of you who attended here are a few bits of information that might serve you well to know about.
Also see here as reported by xymphora
It seems a bacteria was found at the site of the protest around the mall. The bacteria was picked up by air sensors at the mall designed to pick up the presence of bacterial agents, like the kind presumably that Sadaam Hussein was going to use against US forces in Iraq. This has been reported by the Washington Post.
The article quotes former Clinton administration bio-terrorism “expert” named Tara O’Toole from the University of Pittsburg saying that the bacteria Tularemia which causes flu like symptoms occurs naturally in the soil and was probably “kicked up by the protestors”. Tularemia has been used by the U.S. military as a biological weapon. The symptoms appear about a week after contact.
President Bush warned yesterday that the U.S. Military may quarantine parts of the United States should an outbreak of avian flu take place in a portion of the country.Tuleremia is also spread by contact with animals.
Military control of the country would of course be under the direction of Donald Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld is one the architects of the Iraq War. The military has plans for a bio-terrorist attack, which could be adapted to a biological attack from presumably well-intentioned birds. Should this attack occur, the President has said the military will be used to control the epidemic through quarantine and presumably have plans for destruction of the virus and it’s carriers. The president was especially concerned about human-to-human contagion.
In light of the Anthrax attacks which appear to be homegrown, rather than foreign and in light of the fact that there were no WMD, yellow cake, drone planes, mobile bio-labs, nuclear weapons or even usable components of nuclear weapons in Iraq, is it safe to conclude that the greatest danger to the American People is it’s own government? Would it be best to direct our suspicions equally, across the board, at both foreigh terrorist and our own domestic terrorists who may exist both in and out of the government?
A few possible theories:
There was a release of some kind of inactivated tularemia as part of that top secret training exercise, and it later was kicked up into the air by the protesters on the mall, where it was detected by the people that do the air monitoring.
Now these folks should have been in the know about the training exercise (presumably you release something in order to test your sensor systems out), but maybe they weren’t, and somebody who was pissed off about that decided to get even by leaking something to the press. Or someone thought it irresponsible to be doing this kind of testing in DC, and decided to leak the results to the press. (Tests have also been done releasing chemicals into subway systems, I recall…)
The theory I lean towards:
Or they released inactivated tularemia and detected it as part of their war game just before the protest, and were surprised when it happened to be re-suspended during the protest. Someone then decided it would be useful to make this information public, to scare people away from future protests. Not to actually hurt anyone (yet); just make them all think twice before coming to a protest. And maybe agree about allowing the military to take control in a pandemic.
If it was real tularemia, people would be turning up sick by now (it’s been 10 days), and congress would be falling all over themselves to suspend posse comitatus.
Mae people think twice – just like making then think twice before making a poster against Fearless Leader for social studies class.
Fear is cheaper than bullets, and less likely to offend your supporters.
Just because you are paranoid, does not mean that they are not really out to get you!
But seriously, what do you make of the bacteria being
“kicked up by the protesters?” Is that even possible, I wonder?
Thanks for this story. Things are getting so weird, it is hard to stay on top of everything. Glad you guys are making it possible for me to try.
I doubt there is much that these criminal wouldn’t do. Including releasing bio-weapons on thier own citizens. In this scenario they can kill two birds with one stone. Scare potential protesters and influence congress to roll back laws that make it illegal to use the military during domestic crises’s. That’s what Bush was talking about yesterday. He can’t do it without the approval of congress and he spoke directly to them in that regard. The zeal with which he launched into his avian flu monologue was disturbing to say the least. I suppose if there was a big enough emergency he could deploy the military and gamble that congress would decide that since the box was already opened that they would allow it to become common practice.
Here’s another creepy thing to consider. Check out Spiderleaf’s diary about Scooter Libby’s freaky letter to Judith Miller. It’s in the world diaries list. In the letter Libby is letting Miller know that there is much for her to report on. Including biological threats. The letter is strange enough to begin with, but now with this new iformation you have to really wonder what the future holds and just how far ahead the plans for it were made. And what will be the final endgame?