President George W. Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq – and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals.
In Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs, a major three-part series on BBC TWO (at 9.00pm on Monday 10, Monday 17 and Monday 24 October), Abu Mazen, Palestinian Prime Minister, and Nabil Shaath, his Foreign Minister, describe their first meeting with President Bush in June 2003.
Nabil Shaath says: “President Bush said to all of us: ‘I’m driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, “George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.” And I did, and then God would tell me, “George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq …” And I did. And now, again, I feel God’s words coming to me, “Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East.” And by God I’m gonna do it.'”
Abu Mazen was at the same meeting and recounts how President Bush told him: “I have a moral and religious obligation. So I will get you a Palestinian state.”
This is actually not “new” news. It was reported in a couple of places when it occurred.
To my knowledge, the Amish are the only other group to which Bush has directly revealed his special status as God’s spokesperson.
At this time it is not known which country God will tell Bush to invade next.
That he would say such a thing and expect at least some credibility says a great deal about the man and his disconnect from reality.
Lost excerpt:
“God told me to invade…err God…you know…the same God that Lords over you…God Sharon, God.
“Yes, Sharon came to me…with many advisors…uhm… many angels.” Lariel Franklin came to me in a dream…err…drunken stupor…dream…a flacid one…no that’s the Gannon Angel…Likud?…what, lucid…yes a lucid dream.”
“Sharon is Good!”
“Sharon blast, uhm bless you all!”
I don’t know who God’s going to tell him to invade next. But I do know, that with the name DuctapeFatwa you have almost certainly been mentioned in some of the lighter moments shared by the almighty and the Batshit Loopy Prez.
Batshit: So, heh, what ’bout all my, ya know, detractors and such?
God: Well. People are going to talk. It isn’t easy being a prophet, my son. You’ve read Exodu… Oh, never mind. You’ve seen Oh God, Book II, right? It isn’t always easy.
Batshit: Yeah. That was funny. Heh. But, ya know, some of these people. I mean. They kind of hate me. And they’re all sarcastic and smart. It’s like being back at Yale. Like that guy, DuctapeFatwa. You’ve read the way he ridicules me. And you, too.
God: DuctapeFatwa. Ahahahahaha! My god, that is a funny name. You really should have stopped Ashcroft from issuing those warnings. People. Saved by duct tape. Ahahahaha!
Ductape fatwa, it was David Paulison – the brand new head of FEMA!
Great — Go ahead and make me feel less safe.
“When The President Talks To God”
When the president talks to God
Are the conversations brief or long?
Does he ask to rape our women’s’ rights
And send poor farm kids off to die?
Does God suggest an oil hike
When the president talks to God?
When the president talks to God
Are the consonants all hard or soft?
Is he resolute all down the line?
Is every issue black or white?
Does what God say ever change his mind
When the president talks to God?
When the president talks to God
Does he fake that drawl or merely nod?
Agree which convicts should be killed?
Where prisons should be built and filled?
Which voter fraud must be concealed
When the president talks to God?
When the president talks to God
I wonder which one plays the better cop
We should find some jobs. the ghetto’s broke
No, they’re lazy, George, I say we don’t
Just give ’em more liquor stores and dirty coke
That’s what God recommends
When the president talks to God
Do they drink near beer and go play golf
While they pick which countries to invade
Which Muslim souls still can be saved?
I guess god just calls a spade a spade
When the president talks to God
When the president talks to God
Does he ever think that maybe he’s not?
That that voice is just inside his head
When he kneels next to the presidential bed
Does he ever smell his own bullshit
When the president talks to God?
I doubt it
I doubt it
Seemed to fit, and I do love that song.
I heard that for my first time in DC with my brother. Excellent song! And it was played on the Johnyy Carson… er Jay Leno show too.
My daughter has to present a news story to the class today. I “accidently” left up the BBC site you linked, and she chose it to share.
Good thing she has a cool teacher- his first site on the =class links is Al Jazeera.
Going to tell GW….It’s Time For You To Resign!?
Now we know – Bush really does think Cheney is God.
Hee, hee.
Maybe it’s my age, but whenever I hear a reference to how W thinks God talks to him, I always think of that movie Real Genius with a young Val Kilmer. My favorite part of this very dumb movie was when the college geniuses secretly implanted a receiver into the dental filling of an obnoxious classmate and then talked to him through it as though God were speaking to him. Of course, in that case, God just said things like “Stop playing with yourself,” instead of “Invade yet another country,” so it was funny.
This was all dreamed up by the galaxy’s greatest experts on dealing with middle east cultures, the Neo Cons. I’m sure the words are Bush’s but as loopy as he is, I totally, absolutely reject the idea that he actually thinks God literally told him anything.
This approach comes from those same geniuses that understood how Iraqis would welcome Americans and how menstrual blood forces Muslim prisoners to spell out their evil terrorist they’re-not-like-us-they-hate-our-freedoms plans.
I can’t even lay this one on the neocons. I went to college with one of the PNAC signers of the letter to Clinton. His religious sensibilities were exceeded by my big orange tomcat. (Yes, I freely admit to overgeneralizing, but that’s nothing compared to getting a message from God.) Rather, I think this horrendous Oralian* comment was a product of Bush’s PR handlers:
*a la Oral Roberts.
What God is really telling him is to Destroy. That’s what he is trying to do. The Demon in him is telling him he’s a total screw up and he must punish the world for making him feel this way. He hates the world.
And here we see one of the prime advantages of polytheism!
Under monotheism, if the voices in your head tell you to do something, well, it’s God, and he has some ineffable plan, so it’s clearly the right thing to do.
With polytheism, you have to look at the content of the voices! If they tell you to destroy someone’s country, you go “Oh no, Yarmak the Destroyer is trying to use me for his evil ends!” and get back to presidentin’ (however hard the work may be).
Of course, there’s always Satan, but you know when he’s talking, because of all the split pea soup.
of all the asswipe muthafuckers who have killed, tortured and maimed and said G-d (or Jesus) speaks to them and told them to things.
I’ll start:
George W.armonger Bush
Charles Manson
can’t think of better bunk mates
This is an old story, not picked up by the media, first published in Haaretz the israeli newspaper a couple of years ago. THere are other similar incidents that are not being reported like the phony capture of Sadaam Hussein, the exaggerated claims of his gassing his own people and killing 400,000.
The reason it’s coming out now is that Bush is on the defensive. He’s percieved as being weak, so it’s ok to suggest he might be compelety out of his fucking mind.
There are so many lies that have been shown, demonstrated that we are not hearing about like this.
When I read those words from bush this song popped into my head… At least the first verse popped into my head.
(M. Jagger/K. Richards)
I was driving home early Sunday morning through Bakersfield
Listening to gospel music on the colored radio station
And the preacher said, “You know you always have the
Lord by your side”
And I was so pleased to be informed of this that I ran
Twenty red lights in his honor
Thank you Jesus, thank you lord
I had an arrangement to meet a girl, and I was kind of late
And I thought by the time I got there she’d be off
She’d be off with the nearest truck driver she could find
Much to my surprise, there she was sittin in the corner
A little bleary, worse for wear and tear
Was a girl with far away eyes
So if you’re down on your luck
And you can’t harmonize
Find a girl with far away
And if you’re downright disgusted
And life ain’t worth a dime
Get a girl with far away eyes
Well the preacher kept right on saying that all I had to do was send
Ten dollars to the church of the sacred bleeding heart of Jesus
Located somewhere in Los Angeles, California
And next week they’d say my prayer on the radio
And all my dreams would come true
So I did, the next week, I got a prayer with a girl
Well, you know what kind of eyes she got
So if you’re down on your luck
I know you all sympathize
Find a girl with far away eyes
And if you’re downright disgusted
And life ain’t worth a dime
Get a girl with far away eyes
What an amazing coincidence that after Bush gives his “major speech” that the New York mayor should announce a new “major” terrorist threat! How do these things happen?
Well, it must be God.
As a man of God (oh Lord, another sin), I can tell you that God does talk to humans:
he told Einstein the secret to understanding the universe (at least part of it, anyway);
God told Picasso to look at his subjects from every angle at once;
God introduced some Mesopotamian farmer to the joys of crushed grapes;
God spoke rhyme to Homer and prose to Chaucer;
God created the snows in the Sierra and the waters of the Rhone;
God gave old men like me Juliette Binoche and young men Keira Knightley;
God gave you what you dream about at night and what you strive for in the day . . .
but doesn’t speak to assholes like George Bush and tell him to destroy a country and a people — and to lie doing it.