Meteor Blades writes — in his must-read recommended diary, “A Nobel Bush Won’t Love” — “Whoever’s on the Nobel committee this year, let me give you a big kiss. Choosing Mohammed El Baradei and the International Atomic Energy Agency to receive the 2005 Peace Prize warms my heart for three reasons: 1) both have deserved it for years; 2) it’s recognition that the smirky American rightwing attitude toward international agencies is gravely misplaced; and 3) it pokes Washington in the eye, but that is redundant.”
Boy, is Dick Cheney pissed! “Jesus Christ, ElBaradei’s a pussy! I KNEW where the nuclear plants and WMDs are in Iraq! ElBaradei can’t even find the nuclear weapons programs in Iran!”
Then Mr. Cheney is heard muttering, “Damn my faulty ticker. Aneurysms in the knees? I think my body is falling apart faster than Karl Rove’s career. Otherwise I’d go over there myself and show them EXACTLY where they are! The ones in Iran too! Bolton blew it. Should’ve gotten AlBaradei fired when he had the chance.”
“The Old Gray Bitch [Ed. note: NYT] just said he has ‘championed the peaceful use of nuclear energy’?” Mr. Cheney asked incredulously. “Judy Miller’s tit’s in a wringer, and they write this tripe?”
“Peaceful, my ass,” the vice president continued testily. “Our soon-to-come nuclear bunker busters will blow those Nobel peace weinies from Norway clear to Siberia! Ha!”
“What’s next?! Is the Senate gonna get a fuckin’ peace prize for its girlie bill on ‘no mo’ torture’?” The Gray Bitch writes about a ‘kick in the legs’? We know ALL about kickin’ people in the legs [Ed. note: Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan].”
[Nobel committee chairman, Ole Danbolt Mjoes] said the award to Mr. ElBaradei was not meant as a veiled criticism of Washington or of Mr. Bush.
“This is not a kick in the legs to any country,” he told reporters gathered for the announcement.
A former committee chairman described the 2002 prize to former President Jimmy Carter as a “kick in the legs” to Mr. Bush. (NYT)
Mr. ElBaradei, 63, has championed the peaceful use of nuclear energy while emphasizing quiet diplomacy in trying to dissuade countries from using the technology to develop weapons. He has been at the center of nonproliferation crises involving all three states that President Bush once labeled the axis of evil, Iraq under Saddam Hussein, Iran and North Korea.
He faced intense pressure from Washington in the days before the 2003 American.-led invasion of Iraq, demanding more time for weapons inspectors to search the country for weapons of mass destruction. Those weapons were never found.
More recently, Mr. ElBaradei has resisted American pressure to ask the United Nations Security Council to consider sanctions against Iran for its past breaches of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, preferring to coax Iran into compliance. The agency’s board finally voted to report the country to the Security Council in a watered-down resolution last month that set no timetable. (NYT)
That tugged a smile onto my face.
But, man. I am jonesin’ for an indictment. I wonder if there is some kind of indictment methadone or something. I can’t wait until the 28th. Gonna lose it.
Best I can tell — I, um, overslept — is that it’s Subway Subway Subway all the way, baby, on the morning’s news … except for the Today show’s Katie Couric who’s having herself filmed getting a mammogram.
Still waitin’ to hear CNN announce the Peace Prize. They will .. they have to!
Ugh.. i just had one of those.. I think only a man (named Torquemada?) could have created that filming machine.
Anyone know if the digital ones are better or are they basically the same taffy pulling concept?
I have bad memories of those … I gave up on getting them. ugha.
I do hope that Katie gets to have some dignity during the filming. (I shan’t soon forget her televised colonoscopy a few years back .. which was cool since her husband died of colon cancer.)
Joe, do you think that this is legal? I know that product placement is everywhere, on all our TV shows, in the movies, in hotel bathrooms! But can Subway sandwiches can use product placement in the NEWS?!
I’m sorry. I missed it. Daughter watching Monster’s Inc. before kindergarten. What was the subway, subway, subway on the networks? The coverage? Or ads? Or both?
Clueless in Boston
Well not really Boston, but most probably clueless.
I was channeling Emily Litella watching CNN this morning. (It was all about the security status of the NYC subways…. which I find deplorably silly. KeithO nailed it last night, btw …)
not the sandwich shop, those dark dank tunnels running under NYC. What’s up with them? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Everything seemed completely normal. Well, the “B” train took 15 minutes to arrive, but unfortunately, that IS normal.
Allright. Having all the pertinent facts. My decision would be as follows:
That’s just my take. (I am slow — I had to Wikipedia search for Emily Litella before I secured the image of old Gilda Radner dressed up in her little old lady costume).
I stopped holding my breath after I posted that Fitz/Miller last nite. Yesterday was an extraordinarily crazy day following the news of Rove testifying again. Maybe we’ll get more hints from the Sunday morning talk shows. Hard to say but, for now, it looks like we’ll have to have some patience.
The nemesis of the Bush administration and John Bolton, has received the Nobel Peace Prize.
It’s the second time President Bush has been snubbed, President Jimmy Carter was awarded the prestigious prize in 2002.
Excellent statement by the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, especially after warmongering this week by UK’s Prime Minister Tony Blair and his U.S. counterpart President George Bush and his speech at the National Endowment for Democracy yesterday.
Another take on this story … & Meteor Blades :: A Nobel Bush Won’t Love
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If Bush ever gets the peace prize, we’ll all know armageddon has arrived.
Excellent choice. I’ve been a fan of his throughout this Iraq war fiasco.
more from the NYT
Weird that Yamaguchi thought he’d been passed over to avoid the Nobel committee offending the U.S. !
“Weird that Yamaguchi thought he’d been passed over to avoid the Nobel committee offending the U.S.!”
I hope someone sheds some light on relationship Japan, PM Junichiro Koizumi, and the United States, George Bush. Japan has been a true ally, full supporter of Bush foreign policy in relation to causing trouble for North Korea and China at the request of the U.S. Japan does have a good business relationship with Iran however, with giant LNG contracts for the coming decade.
Japan forms a new Imperial axis with Australia in the Far East.
The remark of Yamaguchi is surprising, sounds like a humble servant-master relation, do not want to upset the U.S., meanwhile the Nobel Committee kicked Bush against the shins for the second time.
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I trust the language didn’t offend anyone .. I was channeling Dick Cheney.
you were only channelling what that asshat is probably saying anyway. Cheney offends without ever opening his asshat mouth.
I will be flying my flag at full staff the day that son of bitch and his toady lackey GW die. I will throw the biggest and best freedom at last freedom from the asshats party anyone has every seen.
This administration has nearly brought me to a place where I am ashamed of being an American and that pisses me off.
I’m coming to your party! Will bring tasty items, and a Bush pinata!
Gave a huge war-whoop when I heard it on radio this morning, precisely because I figured the peace prize was a slap to Bushco. But, after initial euphoria, I am wondering about it. The Japanese survivor makes sense in that his group is agitating to ban ALL nuclear uses–IAEA with its support of civilian uses has left a number of loopholes, through which Israel, India and Pakistan have managed to drive their missiles.
IAEA has also not taken up the issue of mini-nukes by the US. The awarding of the prize seems like on the one hand, on the other hand to me. Damn! Wanted to feel pure joy.