These are heady times for those of us who have been crying out against this Administration, and its war of convenience from the start. The prospect of the senior officials who lied and manipulated our nation to war, finally being frog-marched out of the White House to face their rightful punishment is a sweet turn of the karmic wheel. The temptation to issue some sort of universal “We told you so” to all the apologists, naysayers, and misinformed is almost overwhelming. We’ve earned the right.
We earned it when Bush stood on that flight deck on the USS Abraham Lincoln, and with approval ratings in the stratosphere declared “mission accomplished”. We knew it wasn’t, but no one would listen.
We earned it when 75% of the American people believed that Saddam Hussein was responsible for the attacks of September 11. We knew he wasn’t, but no one would listen.
We earned it when Colin Powell sat at the UN and “demonstrated” that Iraq definitely had weapons of mass destruction with the aid of cartoon drawings so unconvincing that an intern wouldn’t use them in a PowerPoint presentation. We knew they didn’t, but no one would listen.
We earned it when Rumsfeld told us about Iraqis with flowers greeting our troops. We knew there would be no flowers except on the graves of the fallen, but no one would listen.
So now our vindication approaches, now they are listening. Bush’s approval ratings are in the toilet and his minions are falling like flies. So everything is good……..right?
Only if we stay on point, and don’t get bogged down in the personal politics circus that the Fitgerald indictments are bound to become.
This all started because of Iraq and the lies that needed to be told to convince the American people that a neocon empire building experiment in Iraq was in their best interest. It’s all about Iraq and has always been about Iraq. Yellowcake was about Iraq, Plame was about Iraq, and Wilson was about Iraq.
It’s not about Rove, Libby or Cheney. They are merely repulsive distractions, and when they fall…Iraq will still be there like a giant pile of steaming excrement left behind by elephants gone mad.
So while we dance around the bonfire as the witches burn, we must remember that what see roasting on the embers are mere phantoms. The true evil still exists, and will continue until we extricate ourselves from the nightmare in Iraq.
Important to keep focused on the essence Bush and Cheney frog-marched out of the White House – thanks for diary and point of view.
A Second Take on Scooter-gate. It’s all about treason
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff --
It isn’t about Karl Rove, as I said months ago; it isn’t about a possible violation of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, as I maintained from the beginning. It’s about how a small group of government officials, in tandem with their overseas allies, engaged in a criminal conspiracy to falsify “intelligence” – and, in the process, lie the nation into war.
Nobel Peace Prize shared: El Baradei & IAEA
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Great links!! ..thanks
Thanks Duke, great diary. We will still have a lot of work to do, instead of a party. It might help to think about exactly what george and Dick will have left in their wallets when this is all over. If we had a war who would sell us the weapons? I do hope cooler heads will prevail and we won’t respond with the frenzy that our media are trying to create. On television, Iraq doesn’t count anymore. We need to get the airways back from the corporations, that’s what I want to work on.
My big brother always used to tell me “When you get in the end zone, act like you’ve been there before.”
My greatest fear is that we will fall into the trap of allowing the whole Plame affair to degenerate into the Scott Peterson case for the politically literate.
Having been marginalized by a right wing who have spent five years talking about mandates and political capital, we will, when finally given the opportunity, be content to watch the guillotine fall while we dance and cheer from the crowd.
The tone is already being set. Throughout the media, both mainstream and here in the blogoshere, the talk has been of the “personalities” involved in the case. “Rove will get his”, “Cheney might finally get caught”. ” Miller and Libby and Fitz…oh my”. All the while we are losing sight of the true meaning and value of the case. The Case is about LIES and WAR. …WE cannot overstate it. This is the message that needs to be brought home to the American people.
If we lose sight of that fact, and get caught up in the cult of personalities, this case will become nothing more than the political equivalent of the runaway bride.