I have no experience with posting diaries but while reading the Detroit Free Press this a.m. I jumped from my breakfast and dashed to my computer.  According to an headline article written by staff writer Michael Ellis with help from staff writer Mark Phelan “Delphi demands a 63% pay cut from the U.A.W.”  Quoting from the story “Delphi Corp. has demanded such drastic cuts in wages and benefits for workers that, according to one local U.A.W. local union, its members would no longer be able to afford they help build.  According to a flyer sent to at least two U.A.W. locals Thursday, the company is asking for wage cuts of as much as 63%, to $10 an hour, and for workers to pay 27% of their health care cuts, versus 7% currently.”  More after the flip.
“Union members at several Delphi plants say they and their coworkers are not going to agree to such a severe change in their livelihood, even if it means that the company will end up declaring bankruptcy under Chapter 11.  But if the workers say no and Delphi goes bankrupt, plants could be closed, thousands of workers could lose their jobs and companies that depend on Delphi, including General Motors Corp., could face costly disruptions.”

That is just the beginning of a story that outlines Delphi demands that include cuts in wages, benefits, vacation time, pensions and the like, and comes shortly before the company’s deadline for a deal with the union.