We all know how items in the news often escape the corporate media machines. Here are a few juicy tidbits we may have missed:

* Mounting Opposition to the Patriot Act by Business Groups Even business is realizing that inner workings,“Confidential files, … as well as our trade secrets and other proprietary information – can too easily be obtained and disseminated under investigative powers expanded by the Patriot Act,” The Bush regime’s power grabbing is finally setting off alarm bells in the business world. Link to full story

* Rumsfeld’s $22.663 Billion Space Defense Budget in Chaos. Think Rummy’s gross incompetence is limited to his pathetic war planning? Think again. Link to full story

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*Will Proposed Intelligence Powers for the Pentagon Result in Spying on US Citizens? Not only will they be able to gather intelligence, build a dossier of informants, and spy on any one of us, but they won’t have to disclose a word of it. Link to full story

* Is Congress Planning to Sell Our National Parks to the Energy Industry? Apparently, this proposal is being bandied about by Richard Pombo R-Ca to coerce lawmakers to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to drilling. So land that belongs to every US citizen is being held for ransome. Link to full story