Up until Katrina and the destruction of New Orleans, it was possible for Bush and Rove to keep up the air of invincibility that had everyone, including the Democrats the nominal opposition, intimidated. The high point of that supreme power was displayed by Karl Rove, when a low level functionary called John DiUlio, had the audacity to tell writer Ron Suskind that there was no policymaking apparatus in this administration because everything was decided for its political impact. Apparently incensed by DiUlio’s candor Rove was quoted as remarking ” We are going to fuck him like he has never been fucked before”.
Ktarina exposed the Potemkin village nature of Bush’s reign.People realized that all the strutting, preening and smirking were just that and there was no substance behind the man.When that realization struck,the unraveling has been quick.The final blow may well come from the indictments to be handed over by the Prosecutor Fitzgerald.
All of this reminded me of what William Shirer said in his classic Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Up until the debacle of the Whermacht at Moscow, Hitler was able to strike terror in the hearts of the people of Europe.Moscow represented the turning point in the psychology because the myth of invincibility that Hitler had so assiduously cultivated was destroyed.From that point on the fate of the war was determined by the Red Army, not the Germans.
So, we now have a coward exposed in all his hollow glory.No matter how much he shouts about terror, no one is listening.The end is near.
From the time of the Whermacht’s fall in Moscow, to the final fall of the Reich, Hitler inflicted a lot of damage on his enemys and on millions of innocents.
We may be witnessing the beginning of the end but you wouldn’t know it listening to Bush yesterday. He is still capable of enmeshing us into some very dangerous and potentially nationally fatal entanglements. He’s like a cornered rat, and I don’t believe we’ve seen the worst he has to offer yet.
Bush is certainly going to cause a lot of suffering around the world even though he has been weakened.But the air of invincibility he has been projecting is not there anymore.Already many Republicans and Conservatives are taking potshots at him and it is going to get worse as Rove and his gang get indicted by the Special Prosecutor.
You may also recall that the number of attempts to remove Hitler increased after Moscow even by Germans. Many partisan movements sprang up and the Germans became universally despised.We are also reaching the stage where we are feared but despised all over the world.
After he has unleashed so much hatred and fear around the world for America and Americans,Bush claims “they hate us for our freedoms”. Give me a break!