Sometimes it’s all just “too much” to take in. From every direction there is mounting evidence that this country has gone off the rails totally, taken there by an administration so corrupt and incompetent it defies the imagination. One that has been allowed to do so by a weak kneed opposition party that apparently has chosen willful ignorance as thier modus operandi.
There’s no one left to trust. Not anyone in office in either party, because there’s no way to ignore the fact that they’re all “for sale” to the highest bidder, in order to protect thier own political backsides. We can’t even be sure anymore that those on “our own side” haven’t sold out to those they think can lead them upstream to the bigger ponds of power, and certainly only fools still trust the corporate owned media.
So what can one do, besides bite onto one piece of the chaos, and chomp away as hard as possible, while fighting off the sense of futility that comes when we realize no matter how hard we fight to salvage our small piece, the chaos just grows bigger and bigger.
I get SO angry, sometimes it turns to rage. Once I reach a state of rage, I am consumed by this huge hot energy that wants to TAKE ACTION! I can and do harness this, and use it to take whatever solid action is within my power to take. I write letters, make calls, get involved in local politics, there are endless channels for this powerful energy.
But there seems to be no time to rest these days. Things are moving too fast, and in such dangerous directions, and the need for action is incredibly urgent. I’ve never felt such a sense that my country..and all it was intended to represent, is on the brink of being damaged so severely it may not even survive. No, this in not the time to “rest.”
Yet my regular life still requires the same time and energy and attention it always did. My close relationships, my family life, my work life, all the thousands of activities of daily life are still present, needing and deserving my attention, in spite of the growing chaos facing my country. So I work harder and sleep less, and relax little if any. I try to spread myself thin enough to cover it all, my head is spinning all the time now, except when I can fall asleep for a few exhausted hours at a time.
By the time I end up in this condition, I have lost my “even mind,” meaning the rational, wise, balanced mind I once had, that remembers how to prioritize my available energy and time in ways that truly reflect my true personal values. My loved ones, my job, feel my absence, sometimes very painfully, but I can’t see it, because of having lost my “even mind,” to a nearly addictive fixation with “the fight.”
My body often pays the highest price when I lose my “even mind.” I never noticed the price it paid when I was younger, with a strong and fit body. Young strong bodies can sustain an incredible amount of neglect and a continuous overabundance of circulating stress hormones without apparent ill effect. Those effects often are hidden until middle or later age, but believe me they are occurring, and taking a toll nonetheless. Sustained rages are really tough on the body, and when accompanied by sustained neglect, could end up like me, with a sharp mind housed ina permanently damaged body.
If only I’d know how important keeping “an even mind” was when I was younger.
If only I had taken better care of my body, by taking better charge of my mind.
If only I’d been more present in the lives of my kids, when they needed me the most, rather than racing off madly on my big white horse, lance drawn, to fight one injustice after another, leaving them to fend for themselves.
If only I’d paid more attention to the connection between my mind and my body, and it’s need for rest,relaxation, good food and exercise, rather than offering it mostly neglect and the abuse that has caused permanent damage.
Yes, be warriors. Fight the good fight. You are all precious national resources and are more needed now that ever before.
But be wise warriors, please. Be wise enough to remember you are “human” warriors, and that human beings need a healthy life balance in order to survive and to thrive.
Humans need to love and be loved via close reciprocal relationships with other humans. Be wise warriors. Make time for these.
Human bodies need to rest, relax, and play to stay healthy. Be wise warriors. Make time for these things.
The fight will not be lost if you take time out to take good care of all of these human needs. There are always others on duty..
Wise warriors are the most effective warriors.
Wise warriors last the longest.
Wise warriors are what we need now.
From a battle scared ol Warrior who finally “gets it.”
(crossposted from
Excellent advice to keep a sense of balance, which isn’t easy these days.
Exactly what I needed to hear this morning, scribe. Exactly.
Wisdom requires stillness at times, and I have been forgetting to practice being still these days.
Thank you.
It’s so easy to forget easy, Bri. I’ve seen times when I’ve actually had to unplug my computer and cover it with a sheet..just to break myself loose!
Give youself a break when you need it, pal
you deserve it…
Katrina, the outrage and absolute hatred I felt for this administration nearly destroyed me.
My wife in her infinite wisdom as a Reiki healer, made sure I took some time away from all the insanity that was making me crazy.
She has helped me keep a sense of balance in my life and of course my children are the most important thing in both of our lives.
I agree scribe, having abused myself with various chemicals and alcohol from age 7 to 33 and enduring many bouts of homelessness, I work diligently to keep my mental/physical health in balance. So far I have only had two serious bouts of ill health and both because I allowed my physical self to become exhausted.
I’m glad you have her, ghost..very glad. Sometimes it’s those who care the deepest who are hit the hardest, and need a just little help staying grounded..
gAnd I’m glad to see you back and ok.
Don’t know if you’ve been in the Cafe, but I remember Dammit Janet was looking for you; she has a rubbing from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to send you and needs a snail mail address…
And a wonderful piece — I think it’s easy for us all to be caught up in “the moment” as things seem to be spiraling to a conclusion, like scum going down the drain. But we need to take a break from the cleaning now and then, or let others take their turn (or nag them into getting shit done) so we can rest and return to the battle renewed.
Thanks, Cali..I’ll try to catch up with Janet.
Thanks for the rec’s, everyone. You are all such a great bunch, and I really care about you.
Great job Scribe! These words about balance remind me of Infidelpig’s diary a couple of months ago about the two wolves. Seems we need to hear this regularly.
Thanks, scribe. We all need to remember to unplug and enjoy life, and be kind to ourselves.
Hello Scribe,
I’m finding myself becoming almost obsessed with politics and the insanity we are witnessing every day. It’s hard to tear myself away from it. Especially because of the sense I have that I need to be hyper-vigilant with all the bullshit coming out of the WH, the threat to my children (draft), and the desire to get on the road to every protest or demonstration I can find. The last is a result of getting a taste of the feeling of involvement and empowerment by gathering with likeminded people who are willing to fight.
My wife worries about me from time to time. She doesn’t understand how I can absorb so much negative information. Well, I don’t do it because I like it. I do it because I need to know. I’m not capable of disconnecting from reality, as bad as it is. If I’m about to get run over by a train, I’d rather see it coming than to close my eyes and try to ignore it.
I know how you feel. Lots of people in my life think I’m some kind of sadist (who knows, maybe they’re right). But the wisdom of Scribe’s words is about the balance and keeping going for the long haul. To throw in another analogy – this is not a sprint. We can’t afford to put it all in the fist mile and flame out. We have to pace ourselves and that does require balance. Anyway – just my thoughts for what they’re worth.
I’m trying, but as you know, it’s hard to do.
the Red Sox suck. Hee Hee.
Heh heh
yes they do :o)
Hey Booman,
The Yankees suck too. :o(
Hear you, Sup. But the thing is, nobody can stare into the sun too long without going blind. It’s really ok to “look away” long enough to rest and renew your heart, ya know? I think it’s a pretty big and loving heart that a lot of of care about here.. so feed it some laughter and love and lightness along the way, will you please? ) sending a hig your way..take it if you want it..otherwise let it float on by 🙂
Thank you scribe.
I never let a hug float by :o)
Well said! This is partly why I get on my podium every now and then and warn people about how destructive anger can be. It really is a consuming emotion.
I’m lucky enough to have an empty nest so I have the luxury of obsessing about whatever I want to, but you all saw how that affected my already ill health. My shoulders are aching tonite from the stress of the last couple of days but I know where to find my sanity. A sense of humour is mandatory. I never would have lasted this long without one.
It’s hard to find balance in a crazy world. Sometimes, you just need to be a little crazy yourself.
Oh…and eat cheesecake when you can.
Oreos work for me ;o)
Especially those peanut butter and chocolate ones, which they are now making in a “double stuf” version. Sigh.
Awesome observation: “Sometimes, you just need to be a little crazy yourself.
Oh…and eat cheesecake when you can.””
Have had cheesecake a couple of times recently, figuring an extra pound, was nothing compared to what our country is facing. Wandered into the garden, and off to the golf-course, when work was calling. Awhile back it was suggested to me; that god would be frustrated, if one was to pass up a good time. Regardless of anyone’s faith, try not to pass up good times when they present themselves. Tomorrow was never guaranteed. Enjoy the Journey, that is most of the adventure.
THANKS Scribe for a wonderful diary. :>) EtJ
Vlasic pickles here, a whole jar in a day if things are REALLY bad!
I love your spirit amd passion…. Enjoy the weekend… Guess this applies to all; as well…. :>)
Every now and again I remember to notice the nature amongst the concrete and laugh. Old Jefferson Airplane line that “it don’t mean shit to a tree”, and I’m back to the “even mind”. Driving up through the Northcoast and realizing that it wouldn’t take much time for the forest to recapture the road.
One species among millions, one planet among billions, one star among trillions.
To be quite honest, I did not take much interest in politics before the year 1999. Oh, just the normal kind of interest as every mother and working person takes, which was not but an inkling of such. I have been on the verge of a passionate nervous breakdown since ’99…..;o) I knew of the players in politics, but did not take it personal like I have in the past 5+ years or so.
When I heard the word bush running, I became enraged like no other time in my life. Now whether it was just the right time for me to be this way or what, I just don’t know. All I can say is this has been the most extraordinary time in my entire life to be this way.
I tend to take spells that I am more so than others. I take time out for family and myself always; however, there is a time I will be taking the time from work and family and that is when I hit the political road for using my mouth….I have been not using it much, as of late. It will become useful again here in a few months…I intend to say and fight for the democrats like no other time in my life…and I thought 04 was the time I did such a bellowing job of it…:o)
This place has been very useful to me for keeping my sanity…I find I can learn and say things here that I feel without repercussion. This has helped me find the balance I was needing…and believe you me, Folks, I needed this place in the worlds worst way.
I did not find the net for politics and in blogging till last November early. I sat at kos’ place and tried to understand things being discussed..sometimes it was way above my head. When I learned how things were going and how to use blogs to/for my own need, it became obvious I was growing and was not needed there at kos…well that is how I look at it now. I grew above them there and came here to be a better part of the human community.
Seriously, I have grown much more than you all will ever know of me. I give the praise to you folks here. You are so intelligent and humanistic and far advanced than most communities. This makes it more helpful to me to learn and say my heart felt feelings about how things are as I see it. You all have made it easy for me to adjust to the kind of reality that keeps me sane…on a daily basis.
EACH ONE of you have given to this sight in more ways than you will ever know. I want to take this opportunity to simply say THANKS..for helping me. This is important to me..I only hope that I can return the favor on a few occasions.
I have began to see thru different glasses of vision here. YOu keep things balanced and on topic. I appreciate this. All my love to you all…you really did help save my sanity and life in politics.
Dear Brenda,
I feel the same as you regarding this place and how it helps us to keep an even keel and a sense of balance.
Just so you know, this community would be incomplete without your voice and I for one am grateful that you are here.
Now…on a rainy east coast morning, here is a sunrise for you :o)
Oh thanks so very much for this lovely sight. I was up and drinking my coffee and listening to the cnn news when mine occurred today. I appreciate the sunrise. It is a garrrrenteeeee that I have survived yet another day and to begin another one.
Thank you for your voice as well. I really needed to hear this today. Hugs. and thanks for remembering me and my sunrises…
What a wonderful diary. I too, just took a little time away from this all. I was on overload, rage, anger driven madness and almost felt as if I couldn’t breath at times.
As a person of recovery I KNOW the importance of mind body spirit in harmony but can get so sucked in to the negative(god knows there is so much of it it is hard to avoid)that it affects me dramatically in the physical and emotional both.
I have a lifelong friend visiting me here right now and I am taking 10 days off of work so we can play. The weather here has been incredibly beautiful, warm and sunny.The first day we were at the beach just relaxing enjoying the surf and chatting, catching up. She was faces me, looking away from the ocean. She asked if she needed to be out on my balcony at dawn to see the dolphins. I told her she would not be able to observe dolphins from there it is too far but she could just walk down to the bluff to see them(which is about a block away). I looked out into the shimmering sun sparkled ocean and then said “Or you could just turn around now and see them and started to laugh…there was a pod of at least 5 or 6 bottle nosed dolphins slowly swimming by. She just started to giggle and said “Don’t you just love Miracles”.
We need these times for a little aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh soul food. Unplug, decompress, just be in the moment so we are ready for the next storm. Thank you Scribe for this beautiful reminder and to my “family” here thank you for your patience with me. It is a Miracle.
I love this!
You can’t always see the dolphins, but they’re still there….
Balance and wisdom and “eveness of mind” tend to manifest when we seek and respect the truth rather than succumbing to the tendency to simply believe what we want to believe.
Even when truth makes us uncomfortable or shows us we are wrong about something, it always serves us better than does belief in falsehoods.
If only our elected officials could grasp the importance of this idea and allow it to transcend the force of their own ambition.
..who have commented, have added your share of hope and strength to this writing, and THIS , I firmly believe, is how we’re going to keep going: by not only sharing the pain, anger, and injustice of all that is happening now, but by also sharing the joy amd goodness all around, that still exsits, and can never be taken away from us by anyone, ever. Red dawns, the crip sunshine of a fall morn, a flower growing in a crack in a sidewalk that grabs our eye and says “LOOK at ME! I MADE IT!”..these things are so very important to share..because feeling joy, sharing even the tiniest ones….strenghtens us like little else can.
I just love you guys!
reading your fine diary and all the wise comments. The last several weeks I’ve felt like “my head is spinning all the time,” as you so aptly put it. Need to get my joy back.
I’ll bookmark this diary to come back to for reminders. I bookmarked one of Cali Scribe’s on peace, from July, and I still return to it sometimes.
Now I have stepping-off points for both joy and peace!! Odd that they’re on a computer, but with my memory it’s a good thing 😉
Here’s hoping someone writes one on patience!