Yesterday I had the occasion to drive from Milwaukee to Chicago and back. A two and one half hour one way drive which slows through the northern suburban traffic snarl of Chicago, I decided to take Highway 41 instead of the tristate tollway and follow the lakeshore which leads through wealthy suburbs, rundown Korean, hispanic and African American neighborhoods, the north side, the near north side, past the impressive yachts docked along the lakefront and into the Loop area.

Along the way I kept the AM dial scanning for those loud and obnoxious voices who extol the virtue of conservatism daily, but who seem to be having a harder and harder time staying the course with President Bush.

Its been several days since the nomination of Harriet Miers led to a predictable outcry from the left, which seems to have subsided a bit in recent days.

After listening to a number of the rightwing radio voices, Tony Snow in particular, it is clear that conservative frustration with their president has only continued to build in the days after the nomination. They seem to be getting angrier the more they keep talking about it.

It starts with the cronyism charge but doesnt end there. The frustration with Bush’s ineptitude has been kept bottled inside for five years. Bush, with his nomination, seems to finally have unleashed the traditional conservative’s backlash against the neocon revolution, which it is dawning on many of them is not actually “conservative” at all, but a dangerous gamble which flies against their cherished conservative principles. Plus, the fact that this “revolution” is being handled so poorly, seems to be admitted openly now by those former defenders.

While constantly stating that Bush is a “poker Player” who is thumbing his nose disdainfully at the Washington establishment, both left and right, Snow cant help but be skeptical of Miers nomination, especially after the botched war, the botched budget balance, the botched hurricane response. All the pent up disgust comes spilling out over the air.

“This president has never vetoed ONE PENNY of federal spending.” Was this Snow speaking or Michael Savage?

Its the callers who are now counseling their radio savants.

“I’ve got to believe he has a plan. He has to know what he is doing.” But, given the track record, it sounds more like a desperate plea, a hope against hope, then a statement of confidence in their commander in chief.

What is behind this seemingly out of control reaction from the righties?

Miers is a Dallasite, appears to be competent, rightwing, born again. She would seem to possess enough credentials to keep the right at least at bay until the hearings.  

But here is Trent Lott, already passing judgement : “everybody makes a mistake once in a while.” But, he left unsaid, this Bush boy just keeps loading up on them and we are sick and tired of him, too. Lott may be seeing a vision of 2006 he doesnt like.

What else could be driving this manic attack against their own leader?

Miers was a city councilperson in Dallas and led the successful fight to change the racist “at large” council districting which kept the Dallas city council lilly white although Dallas has almost two thirds minority population.

Al Lipscomb, the dashiki wearing ex Dallas councilman, gave us a clue:

“is the nation ready for a tough conservative lady who is also fair?”

Whats behind this curious response? Is it, as Snow suggested, Bush’s way of saying “gotcha” to his critics on BOTH sides of the ideological aisle?

Seems false.

Was a secret deal made to give Bush his choices on the Court in exchange for a guarantee to protect Roe v. Wade? Is this why the conservatives are up in arms and the Democratic leadership seemingly relieved with Miers nomination when so little is known about her views on issues important to moderates and liberals alike?