W goes off the deep end:
I think W may be going off the deep end; if not now then soon. A quagmire of a war, a souring economy, increasing public unrest, associates being investigated and indicted – it drove Nixon off the deep end, and all things considered (and I NEVER thought I would say this) Nixon was mentally better prepared to handle these events than the current president. He was more reality-based regarding the world as a whole, even if paranoid about himself. He was more intelligent, even if twisted. God wasn’t speaking to him personally.
How will W handle the concept that the people don’t adore him anymore? Remember the staged campaign crowds? How are they going to hide the poll numbers Catnip’s posted from him? How long can they hide it all? (On the other hand, I look forward to Rush Limbaugh’s head exploding.)
If he loses Rove and several others on his staff due to Plame-gate, and Cheney is tainted or indicted, who is going to pull the strings on the marionette? Laura? It’s happened before, at the end of Wilson’s presidency.
And what kind of policies might we have then? We might seriously need to start considering this possibility.
Cheney is shown the door:
I think that we may also soon bid adieu to Cheney, for reasons that follow.
Let’s say Cheney (and possibly W) are indicted in Plame-gate, or are unindicted co-conspirators, or even are just highly suspect to the public. If Cheney remains, and the congress goes Democratic in 2006, both Bush and Cheney may be driven from office and then Nancy Pelosi, as the new speaker of the House, would become president (gasp!).
Obviously, the Republican political powers that be and the corporate powers that be do NOT want this to happen. How to avoid it? If Cheney resigns due to a ticker malfunction, there will be a “new, fresh, clean” vice-president in the wings to take over in case Bush is removed from office; ready to run in 2008 and carry on the plunder.
Alternate possibility – W leaves office for health reasons (or whatever), Cheney takes over with a fresh VP. I consider this less likely because I expect Cheney is going to be more wrapped up in Plame-gate, as well as other scandals that get spotlighted after the 2006 election. Also, the public will have trouble swallowing a President Cheney – we’ll despise him, so will many fundies, and so will the portion of the plutocracy that hasn’t made out well the last 5 years (i.e., those not connected to big oil). And by 2006 the plutocracy will be hurting from the upcoming recession. He has no natural constituency to help make his presidency happen.
So who is the new VP in this scenario? McCain? I doubt there will be much stomach for Jeb among the plutocracy after l’affaire Schiavo. And I don’t think the fundies are going to have the wherewithal to successfully challenge the moneyed interests to bring forward someone like Sam Brownback to carry the standards forward into the crusade.
The business class is increasingly fed up, as I commented here. It’s a matter of time now, folks, a matter of time. Pop the popcorn for the show.
The deep end, I think he’s been there for a while — the question in my mind is:
Is there a bottom?
Here’s a link to video at Huffingtonpost via Americablog, Oct 6, where John says: “A source in the media, who has the opportunity to see the president in person regularly, has pointed out to me that Bush appears to be uncontrollably grinding his teeth, or having a jaw spasm, when he speaks.” …
“By the way, I did some research on the other effects of cocaine use:
<snip> Some will feel a great sense of power and competence that may be associated with the delusion or false sense of grandeur, known as cocainomania. …
With or even without increased amounts of coke, these can progress to excitement, flightiness, emotional instability, restlessness, irritability, apprehension, inability to sit still, teeth grinding, cold sweats, tremors, twitching of small muscles (especially of face, fingers, feet)” ….
The snips represent the parts John bolded, and the whole post is, of course, well worth reading.
Hmmm, I wonder if it could be extrapyramidal symptoms from his antipsychotic medication?
of the temporomandibular joint. Just wouldn’t be as interesting, given his past.
I guess the biggest question is whether he’s self medicating, or under a doctor’s supervision (lord knows he needs some supervision).
Maybe grand jury investigation will take implausible turn: Indict seven inside White House for possession of controlled substances with intent to deliver.
is the jawbone of an ASS
This is more likely than cocaine use, IMO.
The neocon dream is over – fini – kaput. It’s about damn time. I don’t see either Bush or Cheney stepping out until the bitter end because, no matter what, they still believe in their twisted fantasies of complete domination. Neither one of them has anything to lose at this point. Is it 2009 yet?
repeat here:
Or maybe I’m just hungry, which makes me paranoid and cranky…
This is entirely plausible! Way to lighten Friday with scary prognostication.
Please eat some food now.
Your scenario is how the plutocracy would like to see it play out – finess this problem; put in a new, reliable figurehead who realizes the business of Amurka is business, not crusade.
That’s why Cheney will go first – so the reich can go on.
that the most likely new VP would come from the gubernatorial ranks; most of the “big names” in Congress are bearing too much baggage of their own. And I think even the Republican Party recognizes that many of the recent successful Presidential candidates came out of the governor’s mansion, not the halls of Congress; who was the last Congress member (House or Senate) to be elected President? Would we be going back to Kennedy here? (Ford came out of Congress, but since he wasn’t elected, I’m not counting him.)
Maybe someone can do some Google-mining…
Our Arkansas governor (Huckabee) is an ambitious Southern Baptist minister. He was way ahead in a senate race when then-governor Jim Guy Tucker was forced to resign because he was convicted on three felony counts of fraud. The Huckster was Lt. Gov. and stepped up to the plate — after the state attorney general threatened to convene the legislature to get Tucker to leave, because he was trying to hang on. The high spot for our state government is that felons aren’t allowed to be governor. During the Shaivo brouhaha, Huckabee said the Republican right wants to define life (it’s beginning and its end).
For a great laugh, see Lark News about a church with “rapture preparedness cards” for its parishioners. There’s a special link for eunuchs.
Among sitting governors, based on the ever-narrowing crony-circle, he’d put forward Rick Perry or Haley Barbour.
Or maybe Alberto Gonzales. Or Condi.
Or maybe Roy Moore! Ken Starr! Franklin Graham! Sammy Sosa! Terry Schiavo’s ashes! His favorite chainsaw!
Sorry, didn’t mean to get carried away there…
I agree this would be the most pragmatic thing that the business branch of the Republican Party could do to save themselves and shed the religious loonies.
Theirs is an uneasy partnership at best. Strangely, it is of their own making. The systematic dumbing down of America cuts both ways: big business gets shallow, discontented, neurotic customers and cowed, unimaginative, worker drones, but they also have to contend with black/white thinkers who reject basic science and flock to charismatic ideologues who promise salvation and easy answers to life’s persistent questions.
Both Corporate and Religious America have hammered away at consumers’ sense of self for years, telling us we’re just not good enough without the magical things they’re selling.
Can either the Rapacious Capitalism Republicans or the Rapturous Fundamentalist Republicans hold power alone, or are they stuck with each other ?
but this is entirely a plausable scenario, and clearly something the US public could stomach. The public won’t stomach and all-out thrashing of BushCo., it needs some cushioning which the media will provide, a.k.a. your scenario. Excellent analysis!
to enter high school when Nixon resigned, so I remember the situation quite well.
“Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it.”
This sounds so sadly plausible…and I’m not even hungry and cranky.
…and all things considered (and I NEVER thought I would say this) Nixon was mentally better prepared to handle these events than the current president.
Is that a laugh of derision, recognition, madness, or just ROTFLMAO?
lately ALL of my laughing (aside from getting into tickle-fests with the boys) is a mixture of all of the above!
I’ve really only got one laugh. And it is all just when things strike me as funny/absurd. But, damn. Nobody could be as bad as Nixon. And then this.
to take over Cheney’s job. It has to be someone W. “knows and trusts,” and kisses up to him as much as Harriet Miers And Condi do. Maybe his valet. Does he have a valet?
if the Republican Party/RNC will allow Bush to get away with a “crony” on this one — they know that 2008 is at stake, and they’ve only got 2+ years to redeem themselves in the eyes of the American voter. Remember that Cheney was in charge of the team to find a VP, and recommended himself; look for the RNC to put together a “blue ribbon panel” to find the proper candidate…
…the argument I’ve been presenting over at dKos (see here, here,here,and here).
Although, as you can see from the comments, many think this unlikely.
I’m also surprised no one’s yet mentioned the person I believe to be the most likely Cheney replacement…
Rudy Giuliani
He’s loved by Wall Street, he’s recently been mulling a run in ’08, he’s seen as a “leader” in a crisis, and he’s got enough authoritarian tendencies to enact the true fascist state that I’m sure the plutocrats would like to have. To me, he is the logical pick. He’ll charm the fundies (maybe he’ll become a born-again Catholic), and reassure the American people with a smile, as he takes their civil liberties away with the left hand…
is a remote possibility, but I’m not sure if the “born again Catholic” would fly in light of his marital issues. The US Bishops are in deep kimchee over the sexual abuse issue; if Giuliani got an anullment at this stage, it would definitely have “political” written all over it.
I still think it’s going to be a Republican governor that’s relatively unknown, and thus the Democrats would have nothing they could stick to him. Call it the Roberts Strategy…
I haven’t been spending much time over at the Orange Empire, so I’ve missed some of the more intelligent discussions.
Probably what makes my scenario so plausible is that it assumes that the Democrats aren’t going to get their shit together and see that the political winds are blowing downwind from the landfill…
Just read your linked comments over at Big Orange.
Looks like you get to be Charles Darwin & I’ll be Alfred Wallace.
My only difference is that I don’t think it will be Giuliani, for reasons others have given, plus if they’re trying to re-forge unity between the wings of the party, the fundies won’t go for the big G. And Rush despises him.
I’d look at the list of Republican governors. I donned protective equipment and went over to the Republican Governor’s Association; the link is to the list of states with (R) governors, and gives their biographies when you click the photos:
New York
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
You can go there too and play the pick the next VP game. I look forward to everyone’s thoughts…
we can probably knock two off the list: Schwartzenegger’s ineligible since he’s a naturalized citizen, and the Constitution would have to be amended, and the Ohio gov.’s got his own problems with fraud allegations.
Other than that, I’d have to do some digging, and the spouse is bugging me to get off the damn computer…
I know what you mean π
Every Friday I have to rush home to post Jazz Jam before the Mrs. gets home for our weekly dinner-date together.
Since we’re all just having fun with speculation here, Cheney got directly involved in Minnesota politics 4 years ago and specifically asked Pawlenty (who is now our governor) to drop out of the primary race against Norm Colemen because he wanted Coleman to get the senate seat from Wellstone (we’ll lock up the tin foil hats and avoid talk about exactly how Wellstone died just before the election). He has since carried their water for them on a ton of issues and they even put him out on the national circuit doing speeches to raise $. Another possibility outside the ranks of Repug governors. Coleman is TOTAL sleeze but he’s loyal to them, has a good smile (since he got it fixed) and good hair.
After this last election when I was googling stuff I found this website that claimed it was for all these psychics. Two seemed to predict that Cheney would die in office from all his heart stuff and W would follow but the details weren’t specific. I posted something about it on Kos as a joke, but they aren’t much for joking about such things over there.
Did you do a whole diary on it? Can I go read it now?
It would be really funny. I tossed a comment out though and OUCH! I thought I had better not even try running a funny diary about the predictions.
or over at MSOC’s site — MSOC even has a diary category for “Humor”…
to God/Goddess/Whomever’s ears… π
Then again, they had three psychics on ESPN who all predicted that the White Sox would miss the postseason…so I guess we have to take it with a huge shaker of salt (or salt substitute for those watching the blood pressure…).
One wonders what else the psychics might be seeing that they don’t want to publicize because even a non-psychic can forsee a knock on the door in the night…
Speaking of psychics, when we lived in Kansas City every year there would be a billboard posted near us for the psychic fair, with place, date, and time listed. We used to joke “If you’re psychic, you should already know when and where it’s being held…” but I guess the information was for the customers… ;-D