There have been a Number of Devestating, Very Large, Earthquakes in the Asian area as well as in the surrounding regions, such as the one causing the Huge Tsunami killing tens of thousands!
While I fully understand that these types of Earth Movement occur Naturally, the Size of these, in the last few years, leads to Questions from within!
Questions I’ve sent to a few who might have the answers, with none replying. Probably thinking I might be some sort of Wacko or could the lack of Response be that my Questions are Hitting Close to Questions others are Asking but not Publicly!
Ever since we first Invaded Afganistan and the Description of the types of Ordinance we used, Rummy/Media – ‘Mother Of All Bombs’, with some smaller than ‘The Mother’, describing the Earth Penetrating Bunker Busters. Than the same Ordinance being used in Iraq in the initial Invasion and since, laced with Depleted Uranium lower tech Nukes, burrowing into the Earth and Unleashing their Devestating Powers. We’ve had a Number of Devestating Earthquakes that have Killed Thousands and Destroyed the Area’s they Hit!
Knowing and Seeing the Destructive Nature of Above Ground Ordinance, and understanding there are many fault lines within the Earths Crust, I’ve asked the following questions:
1.] In the Destructive force of these types of Ordinance is the factor of Fault Lines taken into Consideration?
2.] Is anyone Consulted as to the Known Fault Lines before use of these types of Ordinance?
3.] When Developed are Questions Asked about Wether they could Cause a Fault Line to Move, either close by or any distance from Initial Explosive Power within the Earth’s Crust?
4.] How far does the Initial Explosive Power carry the Ripple Effect within this Planets Insides?
5.] Is Man’s use of these types of Ordinance altering the Planet from Within and Causing it to Re-Shape thus causing even the Strenght of Hurricanes and other Weather Related occurances to Intensify, adding to Everything Else we are doing Above Ground?
We Have This Most Recent Devestation
Covered by a Diary Today
EARTHQUAKE 7.6 Pakistan Disaster Islamabad NE – Heavy Casualties
And over at KOS:
Quake Diary
BREAKING – Massive 7.6 Quake in Northern Pakistan
And This Article
Washington Post
Hundreds Dead in Pakistan-India Earthquake
And this one closer to home and only a few days ago
Flooded Central America Hit by Quake
You can check out recent activity in Asia below, as well as activity around the World
Welcome to the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program Website
According to plate tectonics, India is on a separate piece of earth’s crust, or plate, from the rest of asia.
It was happily tooling along due north until it hit asia, causing the crust to wrinkle and form the Himalayan mountains, the tallest on earth. This process is still going on; the momentum is not yet spent. The scale of these forces is vastly more than what we can do to earth’s crust, so an earthquake was just waiting to happen anyway.
Whether we triggered it by bombs may be remotely possible but I kind of doubt it, although I’ll defer to any geologists out there. I don’t know if anyone has ever done a calculation of how much explosive force would be needed to trigger an earthquake, or if a system was poised to go anyway, whether a bomb might be enough to trigger it – like the echo from a gunshot can trigger an avalanch.
I follow your thoughts, and the history, but have been Curious about this for quite awhile.
As I stated I’ve seen the Destructive Force of Bombs above ground, and also know what explosives can do just within having worked in the construction industry for way too many years.
If there are Faults, especially in a Mountainous area like Afganistan, still moving, is Thought given before Sending a ‘Mother of All Bombs’ deep into a Mountain or even Flat Ground!!
was given, complete with charts, graphs, diagrams and projections.
An excellent question, but I don’t know the answer of course. This administration probably doesn’t know either, but uses them anyway.
ee cummings, “pity this busy monster, manunkind”:
pity this busy monster, manunkind,
not. Progress is a comfortable disease:
your victim (death and life safely beyond)
plays with the bigness of his littleness
— electrons deify one razorblade
into a mountainrange; lenses extend
unwish through curving wherewhen till unwish
returns on its unself.
A world of made
is not a world of born — pity poor flesh
and trees, poor stars and stones, but never this
fine specimen of hypermagical
ultraomnipotence. We doctors know
a hopeless case if — listen: there’s a hell
of a good universe next door; let’s go