Bug photos, taken this summer in my garden. Enjoy!
Hello BooTribbers! I’m posting two photo diaries: one of Flowers, and this one of Bugs. Unfortunately I have to run off to celebrate Thanksgiving in the non-internets part of the world, so I will miss talking with you all, and viewing everyone’s photo diaries. I’m looking forward to them all.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I sincerely thank all of you here for welcoming me in, and for being such a wonderful, supportive group of people. Booman Tribune is the best site on the ‘net, and it has everything to do with the people who commune and converse here, from the very tip top (Booman and susanhu) to the very newest member.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Bumblebee on White Rose
So many bees in the garden this summer. I was able to get into their space without any stinging mishaps! Though one did take exception, and charged me… :o)
When you look at the large version of this the interplay of textures is just amazing – the hair on the bee, the cellophane-like wings, the flower petals almost like flannel. Likewise for the light and dark colors.
The word “sensual” comes to mind, and may be appropriate given what the bee is actually doing for the flower.
This is really a work of art! You have captured the breathtaking beauty of nature all around us in even the most mundane moments and places, and given me a religious moment with this photo.
agreed….isnt this one great???
Sometimes I amaze myself w/ these shots. It’s sort of a surprise when I get back inside and discover just what sort of detail I managed to capture. It has a lot to do w/ being in the right place at the right time w/ steady hands! :o)
This little guy was in heaven – burrowing around in the pollen. It’s just amazing when you see them up close – their pollen sacs get me every time. And they all have different colours, based on the pollen type collected I suppose. Some are darker, more orange…
I’m so glad that you were moved by the photos.
Bumblebee on Pink Rose
Spider on Pink Rose
This little guy fit into his surroundings!
Such delicacy….spider AND flower…
I showed this photo to a friend of mine who is quite a fan of spiders. Here’s what she said:
ooh! a misumena misumenops, commonly known as a “flower spider” that changes color to match the flower. I love my spider book’s description: “They do not use silk to capture prey, but in courtship, the male may wrap his prospective mate loosely in silk.” Bondage or adornment — like black lingerie?
I agree kansas, that sounds very intriguing. Bondage in spiderdom, who’d have thought? And silk too… Hmm … yes, very intriguing! ;^)
(Thanks for the ident btw!)
Look at all those eyes!
What better way to view the beautiful colours!
Not sure what these flowers are, but the bees love them. So much in fact, that they can hardly wait for the petals to open before they try to force their way in to get at the pollen-y goodness!
Your photo makes him look cuddly. Wow!
Yours reminded me of this wasp on a milkweed I snagged last year

That is a striking photo. Thanks for sharing!
Garlic chive bug
Love garlic chives (different from regular chives, w/ purple tops). This little guy apparently feels the same way!
Did you take these with film or digital? If digital, could you please tell me what equipment and settings you used to get the shallow depth of field – I’ve only been able to get that with my old 35mm and film…
I also really like this one.
Good questions, do you share recipes…er, I mean, technical data? These are amazing…
Okay… Nothing too fancy here. My camera is a digital, a Canon PowerShot SD300. I take all shots on largest and finest settings. Use the digital macro setting a lot :-). Play with the lighting – some times use the manual, auto, sometimes vivid. For the garlic chive bug shot, here’s the deets:
Shooting Mode – Digital Macro
Photo Effect – Off
Tv (Shutter Speed) – 1/800
Av (Aperture Value) – 5.6
Light Metering – Center Weighted Avg.
Exposure Compensation – 0
ISO Speed – Auto
Lens – 5.8 – 17.4mm
Focal Length – 5.8mm
Digital Zoom – x 1.8
Image Size – 2272×1704
Image Quality – Superfine
Flash – Off
White Balance – Auto
AF Mode – Single AF
AF Range Mode – Macro
Color Space – sRGB
File Size – 957KB
Drive Mode – Single-frame shooting
This camera is by no means a ‘real’ photographer’s camera, but it is the first digital camera I’ve ever had. (Plus it’s so small it fits in my pocket and is always handy.) I’ve had it less than a year – bought it last Feb I think. It makes me long for a something more powerful, with the ability to change the lens etc. I’ve caught the photo bug… (I know, I know bad pun. Bad!)
Another visitor that fits in well with their background.
This guy was marching down the garage door.
My spider fan friend says of this one:
A female silver argiope — first cousin to (the) black-and-yellow argiope
My bad. Wrong spider. My comment was supposed to go on another photo diary. Ignore me, please.
This one was strolling across the street, so I stopped and got acquainted…
Tarantulas are downright furry.
That would definitely not require a macro setting, and therefore I would be so out of there!!!
Where do live that you have, ahh, those ‘things’ on the street??!! (Yikes!)
(Serious case of heebie-jeebies when spiders have fur that is visible w/ the naked eye!)
Bumblebee taking shelter
This guy was taking shelter from the rain under a sunflower.
Bumblebee on Aster
More bees … The fall garden still remains bright with these flowers.
Fabulous photos, Olivia! I love them!
Bugs are sooo interesting.
I’m so sorry to rush off. I wish I could respond to everyone and hand out the 4s. Please feel free to look around my flickr site for a few other photos not posted here. Enjoy!
Great bug photos. How do you do it? Me and Mr. Fab are both to scared that the buy may touch us, so we hardly have any bug photos. The ones we do have tend to suck since Mr. Fab is shaking so bad, the macros won’t even work, LOL!!!
There is a sense of safety when viewing behind the lens. However, when I am that close and the bug darts out of viewing range, I have been known to yelp as I frantically search for said bug, making sure I am still safe (from a bug that is the size of a pencil eraser, mind you)… :o)
Can definitely relate to the shaking hands!
olivia, you have outdone yourself. these are great pixs….