As reported in this diary late last nite, the New York Times has revealed that Judith Miller’s “newly discovered” notes this week contain the records of a conversation Miller had with Lewis “Scooter” Libby on June 25, 2003. That date is significant for many reasons and the activities just prior to and on that date shed some light on why that conversation happened and what the two may have spoken about. To this point, as the NYT article states, “Until now, the only conversations known to have occurred between Ms. Miller and Mr. Libby were on July 8 and 12, 2003.” Was Miller holding out or did she really forget about that June conversation?
(Ed. As jpol reminds us: “For those of you who do not recall the time line, Wilson’s op-ed piece ran on July 6, 2003, so a Miller meeting with Libby in June regarding Wilson is very significant. And a State Department memo was written on June 10th that first identified “Valerie Wilson” as Joseph Wilson’s CIA-employed wife. Keep both of these timeline items in mind when examining the significance of Miller’s newly-found notes.”
Here is the July, 2005 Washington Post article regarding that State Department memo.)
As the editor of the Columbia Journalism Review points out, the NYT is in an awkward position as it attempts to cover this case involving one of their own and, as a result, really hasn’t stepped up to the job – so that leaves the sleuthing to the rest of us. Perhaps they will write the tell-all piece as promised after everything blows wide open, but perhaps not. In the meantime, here’s some context.
Jason Leopold of the Huffington Post reminds us that Joseph Wilson was the anonymous source used in the May, 2003 Kristoff article that first mentioned Wilson’s trip to Niger, the resulting revelation of the forged Niger documents and the role of Cheney’s office in arranging the Niger trip. Thus began the administration’s furious search for that anonymous source. Wilson also acted as an unnamed source for a similar June 12, 2003 article in the Washington Post.
As soon as the Post’s story was published a number of officials in the Bush administration became concerned and started questioning who Wilson was and why he was criticising the president.
By Wilson’s own account, he said he ratcheted up the pressure on the White House to come clean about its error in giving credence to the Niger uranium claims by calling some present and former senior administration officials who knew then National Security adviser Condoleezza Rice, asking his colleagues to tell Rice she was flat wrong in saying on NBC’s Meet the Press on June 8 that there may be some intelligence “in the bowels of the agency” but that there was no doubt the uranium story was true.
Wilson said Rice told him through intermediaries that she was uninterested in what he had to say and urged Wilson to tell his story publicly if he wanted to state his case. So he did.
Meanwhile, back at the NYT ranch, trouble was brewing for Judith Miller, the administration’s pet reporter on all things WMD related. On June 25, 2003, the Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz ran a story that heavily criticized Miller and her involvement as an embedded reporter with the MET Alpha team in Iraq – accusing her of acting as a middleman between the army unit and Ahmed Chalabi. On June 25, 2003, the NYT also reported a story questioning the contention that trailers had been used as mobile weapons labs in Iraq. In that atmosphere, and considering that the administration’s claims of WMD in Iraq – the main justification for the invasion – were crumbling around them, it’s no surprise that Libby would have contacted Miller.
The NYT now reports that the June 25, 2003 conversation was about Joseph Wilson. It’s not inconceivable that Libby, feeling the noose tightening, might have either pressured Miller for any information she had on him or actually leaked the classified information about Joseph Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame, to her. When faced with the ugly truth, Bushco’s method of damage control is to attack the truth tellers.
When Judith Miller was granted her freedom from jail last week, not only had she been given a waiver from Libby, she sought assurances from Patrick Fitzgerald that he would not go on a general fishing expedition about her WMD sources in general. Fitzgerald agreed. With the revelation of these new Miller notes, the two will meet on Tuesday. Karl Rove is set to testify before the grand jury again later this week and Fitzgerald may also recall previous witnesses before the grand jury is set to expire on October 28, 2005. Until then, speculation is all we have. We know one thing: we can’t rely on the New York Times to connect the dots until then, so we’re left to our own devices.
If Judy withheld those notes, and Fitzgerald just found out about them, I wonder if their “deal” to date is off.
And I wonder if obstruction of justice charges will follow against Miller.
Unless Fitz has his hands around her throat, knowing that there just HAS to be more she’s not telling him. Then he might make another deal with her.
Although, if I were he, I’d be wary of any more deals with Judy since it’s highly likely that she’s a proven obstructionist.
Maybe Miller’s doing the same thing as Rove: leaping at the chance to appear cooperative at the last moment. There seems to be some serious stuff about to come down and they can probably sense it. Maybe some of the other players will have sudden “recollections”, too. Is someone about to flip and turn on the others or has it already happened and it’s every man for himself now?
Remember – the aspens turn together because they are connected at their roots.
If one goes down, another pops up somewhere else.
Aspens usually reproduce by root sprouts. In other words, clones.
To look at it another way, they’re all connected. The line can be traced all the way back.
NL, you should consider changing your name to ‘Chance_the_Gardener’.
When the wind blows, sniff the air.
;^ )
It’s so important that we learn all this information, and I am immensly thankful to all those here who do the diligent research in order to expose the truth through the skein of lies the MSM and the Bush regime have created to dupe us.
Even if the regime succesfully prevents it’s minions from being held accountable and punished properly for their transgresion, we still need to know the truth. It will be of value eventually even if it doesn’t lead to proper action against these criminals immediately.
…reaffirmed the intel with Rove, then she hid her original source from Times editors.
“…[Libby] might have either pressured Miller for any information she had on him or actually leaked the classified information about Joseph Wilson’s wife…” *to Gannon/ Guckert.
I was wondering what you were referring to until I found the DKos diary that linked to this Joe Conason article that mentions Gannon.
The net widens, indeed!
One such classified item might be the still-classified State Department document, written by an official of State’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, concerning the CIA’s decision to send former ambassador Joseph Wilson to look into allegations that Iraq had tried to purchase uranium from Niger. Someone leaked that INR document — which inaccurately indicated that Wilson’s assignment was the result of lobbying within CIA by his wife, Valerie — to right-wing media outlets, notably including Gannon’s former employers at Talon News. On Oct. 28, 2003, Gannon posted an interview with Joseph Wilson on the Talon Web site, in which he posed the following question: “An internal government memo prepared by U.S. intelligence personnel details a meeting in early 2002 where your wife, a member of the agency for clandestine service working on Iraqi weapons issues, suggested that you could be sent to investigate the reports. Do you dispute that?”
Gannon later hinted, rather coyly, that he had learned about the INR memo from an article in the Wall Street Journal. He also told reporters last February that FBI agents working for Fitzgerald had questioned him about where he got the memo. At the very least, that can be interpreted as confirming today’s Times report about the direction of the case.
There is another important date that we need to focus on: June 10, 2003. That is the date of the State Dept. memo that first mentioned Joe Wilson’s wife, “Valerie Wilson.” The memo recalled the meeting at CIA Hq over a year earlier where it was discussed whether to send Joe Wilson to Niger, and the memo also over-stated the role “Valerie Wilson” played both in the meeting and in the decision. Someone at State had to initiate that memo and evidence suggests it was not Colen Powell. My guess is that it was John Bolton. This memo probably marked the beginning of the effort to out Valerie Plame, so Miller’s meeting with Libby two weeks later — and two weeks before Wilson went public via a New York Times op-ed piece — is indeed very significant. It re-inforces the suspicions of many that Miller was a “leaker,” not a “leakee.”
The fact that Miller has now produced these notes may also suggest that she has suddenly put aside those lofty principles she wore like a halo and has decided to be very cooperative. Perhaps her new goal is not to avoid a “contempt” charge, but rather to avoid a felony indictment as a co-conspirator in the leaking of the identity of Valerie Plame/Wilson.
If I’m following you right (and that might be a stretch of the imagination to consider) Judy had access to the state dept. memo to leak Plame to Libby. So how did she get access to the memo?
This is why she may be both a leakee and a leaker.
I do not know if Miller had access to that memo. It is known that it was widely leaked. I think it is fair to ask if Miller was either leaked the memo or told about Valerie Plame some two weeks before Joe Wilson went public. This June meeting with Libby is the earliest administration contact with the media involving Wilson that has so far become public. It raises serious issues as to what role Miller played in this affair. She has been indignant that Fitzgerald would want to question her about a story she never wrote, when that fact renders her meetings with Libby all the more suspicious. Clearly if her role was to pass the info about Valerie Plame on to other journalists her conduct would not merit being shielded.
I just edited my diary to reflect that memo. Thanks.
Two thing are bugging me right now about the Times.
Are the notes co-owned by her and the newspaper? How does that work with the Times? I remember with Cooper, the issue of who owned his notes was very important. Does the issue of these newly found notes make it even stickier for the NYTs?
Secondly, Kristoff, also of the NYTs writes his piece in May 2003, and Wilson is his unnamed source. Would there have been anyway that Miller could have found out that Wilson talked to Kristoff through their mutual connections within the NYTs?
On Cooper: right after Cooper got off the phone with Turdblossom, he wrote an email to his editor. That email was owned by Time. But they didn’t own Cooper’s notes, and it appears they did not have possession of them either.
Judy probably also uses the company email and computers, so some information might be technically owned by the NYT. But not her notebooks.
As for Kristoff’s unnamed source, I think everyone close to the story (where is the f’ing WMD?) knew that Wilson was the source.
I know the Times has maintained that they could not turn over any notes because they did not have any of Miller’s notes. That could only mean that a) they are lying; or b) Miller never filed a story, because if she had she would have had to provide some back-up. And if she did not file a story just what was she doing meeting with Libby and discussing Wilson? There were rumors several months ago that Novak had told the grand jury that his original source on Plame was Judy Miller. I don’t think it has ever been confirmed that Novak testified that way, but it is starting to look like the Miller/Novak connection is quite credible.
I (heart) The Illustrated Daily Scribble

Check out the archives and show him some love.
The incomparable James Wolcott links to an excellent bit about all this here.
that firedoglake piece is hilarious.
Yes indeedy!
the emptywheel piece isn’t as funny but it is more informative.
I dunno. The title’s pretty funny.
Yes! A very thoughtful and comprehensive analysis of the possible.
I’m even excited that someone might actually be held accountable for this shameful act.
leaked the item about the notes – if it was the lawyer could that lawyer be included in the conspiracy or are leaks just sop?
I don’t think the lawyer can be drawn in.
Oh boy!! I just read the firedoglake and emptywheel pieces twice and I think I finally get it all. Even though I’m not a religious person, the best way to capture my reaction is “From their lips to god’s ears.”
One of my fantasies is that a year or so from now there will be a diary on booman asking for ideas about what to name the award we are planning to give to Fitzgerald. Can you imagine his place in history if he pulls this off??
And one final question. I know I’m getting ahead of myself but, as the special prosecutor, will Fitzgerald be the one to try the cases that follow from the indictments?
From the wiki timeline:
I thought people might like to know that coming up shortly on c-span will be a discussion between Frank Rich and Bill Kristol on the war in Iraq.
I jumped the gun, it won’t be on til 7 pm eastern.