If you haven’t already, see the ePluribus Media Journal for the full column White House Numbers Raise Questions, again by BarbinMD, contributions by Biblio, Kfred, Standingup, and editing by Sue in KY.
Following the lead of a reporter at the press conference, BarbinMD digs beneath the numbers to see what is a plot, when is a plot, and how are the plots “counted.”
During Bush’s “major” and “unprecedented” speech Thursday, he made this claim:
Overall, the United States and our partners have disrupted at least 10 serious Al Qaida terrorist plots since September the 11th, including three al Qaida plots to attack inside the United States. We’ve stopped at least five more al Qaida efforts to case targets in the United States or infiltrate operatives into our country.
During yesterday’s White House press briefing, Scott McClellan was asked for specifics about the 10 plots that were “disrupted.” He mentioned José Padilla and Iyman Faris and said that the other eight were still classified.
More tidbits below the fold:
BarbinMD goes on with her exploration:
Three days later, The Washington Post ran an article with the headline, “U.S. Campaign Produces Few Convictions on Terrorism Charges,” that thoroughly debunked Bush’s claim.
Two hundred terrorist convictions, 10 plots uncovered. We know that first claim was a lie; are the others lies as well? Given Bush’s propensity to make false claims of success in his war on terror, one wonders.
This recap of the ePMEdia Journal piece is cross posted as a discussion thread on ePluribus Media Community
Read the whole thing and tell us what you think: shell game, obfuscation, or just plain old confusion?
It is a direct lie, plain and simple. Bush has nothing to fear from the press or the population. He’s given a free pass. What’s worse I think, is that much of the time his lies are chalked up to affable ignorance. A genuine mistake. Bullshit.
The issue of Iraqi Army units available is another example of the direct lying. In testimony last week john McCain asked Gen. Abizaid how many Iraqi Brigades were traind and ready for use. Abizaid’s answer was “one”. In Bush’a “major” policy speech on Thursday he claimed that there are eighty brigades ready for action. This is hardly a case of stretching the truth a little. He did the same thing in his press conference on Wednesday, only this time, when asked by a reporter to clarify his claims based on Abizaid’s testimony, he said there were thirty brigades ready. Different day, different lie. And he continues to get away with it.
to some it is a shell game and to bush, I wonder if it just aint plain confusion due to stupidity.
I know I am not a good person to ask of these things. Just my opinion here. I think it is all a dog and pony show for many. Bush and all his cronies know the difference between right and wrong and what is and what aint. I swear they ae just plain mean! They are plain and outright making us think we are dumb…ha ha…to their shortcoming. They dont even know what we know and that is bothering them seriously. Now that I sound just like them …rambling and rambling…I will say it all once you play me for a fool, you do not get the second chance….:o)
I think they are actually learning the meaning of “hard work.” They used to be able to fool some of the people some of the time. The most recent poll numbers indicate fewer and fewer people are accepting their spin.
To ever believe what this regime’s spokespeople say represents the triumph of wishful thinking over reality.
I always asume they’re lying and only come to believe what they say if actual verifiable evidence is put forth. Naturally that hardly ever occurs.