We want to take a moment to thank all the amazingly talented and generous photographers who contributed their work to the Froggy Bottom Photography Fair. Over 30 photographers contributed more than 200 photographs, a response that surprised even the most enthusiastic members of the Fair Committee.
And our Booman friends responded to this display by visiting, commenting, rating and recommending the Fair Diaries with characteristic appreciation. Without this energetic support from viewers, this fair could not have been the success it was.
So, if you are reading this, thank you. You’ve made the 1st Froggy Bottom Photography Fair a success. And we hope to see you (and your photographs) at the next one.
Update [2005-10-10 12:11:13 by froggybottom]: To see links to all the submitted photo diaries, visit the Photo Fair – Welcome and Links to Photo Diaries.
– katiebird
– AndiF
– BrotherFeldspar
ack! I was too late… I got caught up in all the negativity and forgot to send in my pics until like an hour ago. no worries guys, my own fault. and I want to say thank you to all who worked so hard and contributed so much to make this such an amazing success! cheers to you all!
Cathy (katiebird) is working on them so they should still go up.
froggy’s right, You’re photos will go up, and I’ll link the diary too!
And The Last Photo Diary!
And if you’re just now reading all this and thinking “where, WHERE can I see all these other wonderful photos?”
Clicky Hereabouts for the main diary with all the links.
Thanks again to the committee – this was a blast.
THANK YOU! All of you who put in ridiculous hours planning and bringing to life this wonderful, positive event! It was a joy to see such working together of so many people who live far from each other. You pulled it off! What a success!
(Although this may be the last thing you want to hear right now, being as tired as you all surely are, please do this again. It exemplifies the best of what we can all create. Thanks.)
Thank you Susan, it was an amazing experience to see how everyone came together to create and enjoy the displays.
I can’t wait until (spring?) and the next Photography Fair. Next time we’ll know what we’re doing!
You guys are amazing and wonderful and I love you all. Thank you thank you thank you to the committee and to the photographers.
I’m just sitting here (working on spiderleaf’s photographs) grinning like a crazy person.
It was so fun. And I’m so glad it’s over! When can we do it again?
You ARE a crazy person to have done this crazy thing!! Crazy and brilliant! And Gooserock is right–we all got to take part in history today. You are the Mother of the Photo Fair!
We can tell our great grandchildren that we were “there” at the inception.
You guys did a fantastic job, and I loved seeing all the pictures!
What a great idea, so well executed, to the benefit of all.
An earlier diary today asked why we came to Booman and why we stay. Well, besides the generally very high level of discourse, the great writers, and the exceptional leadership, THIS IS IT! The community experience, enhanced by so many like katiebird, AndiF, and BrotherFeldspar and all those who shared photos.
Kudos and many thanks to all!
Thanks guys! I had a big Thanksgiving dinner today so I’ve been cleaning, cooking and posting all weekend. I’m looking forward to sitting back and looking through all of your pics. Amazing participation! A big hug to all of you.
thank you. You all are not only awesome but you’re brilliant too. You were so organized it amazed me.
Thank you. But, I have to say (if only once, because I’m still working on spiderleaf’s photo’s & then I’m going to bed) that a very great deal of the organization was the committee and yesterday especially – AndiF.
I know I had the most public role, but it just wouldn’t have happened without everyone. Really. (thank you)
I’m so tired I missed that he said “all”. Which is embarrassing. But, I still mean it that the committee was incredible.
And PS — spiderleaf Photo Diary. The last Photo Diary.
because you really aren’t taking enough credit. Without your creative thinking, organization, and tenacity, this photo fair would never have happened. You were the farmer, I was just the mule.
Thanks to all participants in this photofair. It always improves those who enjoy photography, & those who aren`t into it as much as they may want to be, it cannot but improve their views & knowledge shared by all in this endevor, brought to us by the prescience of those who organized it.
I have 10 or 20 thousand photos & it`s hard trying to find the ones you`d like to put out there. As I`m not that computer savy when it comes to posting & linking, it also takes me quite a while just to catalogue 10 shots. With that in mind consider yourselves lucky, as I would have posted many more. And to my fellow Canadians [I`m Qebecois} who just finished
You put so much work into organizing this, thank you for everything. I have only been able to skim through the diaries due to friends being in town, but I was oohing and aahing through each of them. We have some great talent here.
What blew me away was how differently we all see our world. So many points of view… it was wonderful. There are many diaries I have yet to explore, and I can’t wait. I also can’t wait also until the next time. 🙂
And thank you katiebird, AndiF and Brother Feldspar for all the planning and hard work that obviously went into the Fair. It was really thoughtful of you to do the formatting for those of us who are new and html challenged.
It felt good to be able to take a break and spend a few minutes away from the turmoil amidst creativity and beauty.
Since I had family visiting this weekend I did not have the time to particiapate as much as I would have liked in this… I really only had time to lurk here for quick looks at the weekend news.
But I did take the time to cruise through all of the diaries that I saw come up, thanks to the front pagers that put the links up there prominently.
Thanks for sharing your great photos with us all!
This was so generous of you guys to do all of this work for us. Yay katiebird, AndiF, and Brother Feldspar!
I’ve hotlisted the PhotoFair diary with all of the links to the photo diaries – I want to go back and look at them all again.
Did you lose my one and only picture?
Or is it a case of FILO -First In Last Out?
Never mind – you did sterling work!!!
We would never lose you. We put single submissions in the main photo diary.
Here’s the link to yours.
— AndiF
How could I be so stupid? I was only looking at named diaries. <you naughty naughty boy, now apologize to the nice people>
Sven, NO!
It was first in, first out. The very first photo, right in the main page was yours.
It was the first we processed!