Froggy Bottom Photography Fair

We want to take a moment to thank all the amazingly talented and generous photographers who contributed their work to the Froggy Bottom Photography Fair.  Over 30 photographers contributed more than 200 photographs, a response that surprised even the most enthusiastic members of the Fair Committee.

And our Booman friends responded to this display by visiting, commenting, rating and recommending the Fair Diaries with characteristic appreciation.  Without this energetic support from viewers, this fair could not have been the success it was.

So, if you are reading this, thank you.  You’ve made the 1st Froggy Bottom Photography Fair a success.  And we hope to see you (and your photographs) at the next one.

Update [2005-10-10 12:11:13 by froggybottom]: To see links to all the submitted photo diaries, visit the Photo Fair – Welcome and Links to Photo Diaries.

– katiebird
– AndiF
– BrotherFeldspar