Captured from Think Progress
Bill Kristol on Fox News Sunday:
Criminal defense lawyers I’ve spoken to who are friendly to the administration are very worried that there will be one or more indictments in the next three weeks of senior administration officials, just looking at what Fitzgerald is doing and taking him at his word, you know, being a serious prosecutor here. And I think it’s going to be bad for the Bush administration.
A man with this “pedigree”
Kristol established along with neoconservative John Podhoretz and with financing from Rupert Murdoch, the conservative periodical The Weekly Standard. In 1997 he founded, with Robert Kagan, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a movement credited in part for some of the foreign policy decisions of the Bush administration as evidenced by their 1998 letter to William Jefferson Clinton advocating military action in Iraq to “protect our vital interests in the Gulf”. He is also a member of the long-time conservative think tank the American Enterprise Institute from which the Bush administration has borrowed over two dozen members to fill various government offices and panels. Kristol is currently chairman of PNAC and editor of The Weekly Standard.
is not just another Republican idea man or policy wonk. Currently he’s best known for his assessment of the meaning of Harriett Miers’ nomination to the SCOTUS, aka, the Moan Heard ‘Round the World:
“I’m disappointed, depressed, and demoralized. […] It is very hard to avoid the conclusion that President Bush flinched from a fight on constitutional philosophy. Miers is undoubtedly a decent and competent person. But her selection will unavoidably be judged as reflecting a combination of cronyism and capitulation on the part of the president”.
In an earlier incarnation, he was know as Dan Quayle’s brain. (That’s news — never knew he had one, however remote.)
Bill’s father, Irving Kristol, is considered to be one of the founders of the neoconservative movement.
With all those credentials and with all he has at stake intellectually in the Bush administration there is a reason he’s being provided the Telegram of Doom from the WH inner circle. It’s to prepare the Republican Party, its Base, and the Faithful for the karmageddon that’s about to descend on them.
If we’re lucky and the Mistress of the Universe continues to smile on the liberal community, then the trials of these more than one senior administration officials should be rolling along nicely, fillling the Federal courts and the national headlines right around November 2006 and, if there’s a lot more than one, their vatious sentencing “parites” might be taking place around election time in 2008.
Timing in politics, is everything.
We can only hope. Hopefully, it won’t be some measly indictment with a sentence for Karl Rove doing community service with crack babies.
It would be hard to tell who’s who.
He’d be the one with the glasses.
karmageddon- gotta love that one.
Right-wing bloggers are bashing FOX for being too liberal, Kristol is turning on Bush, and everyone wants a piece of fur.
The GOP piefight is turning into a meltdown.
I saw this on Fox yesterday morning and was stunned. I actually thought about it as I went to bed last night and realized – if this is what Kristol and the talking heads are saying – it might actually be true. I’ve been holding my breath over this whole scandal as the potential “final straw” that brings the whole administration down. It hasn’t happened yet, but Kristol indicated it might actually be coming.
This could be the reverse of lowering of expectations…raise them so when it comes down it doesn’t seem so bad.
Also, I don’t believe ANY of these people will go to trial. They will cop a plea. There is NO WAY the GOP will allow any of their crimes and documents be aired in open court. These crimes are so close to the reasons why we went to war and they don’t want this wandering into that arena.
They will toss as many as possible under the oncoming bus and move along. The message to them all is, “If you get served, make a deal and shut up.”
If I had to lay a wager I’d bet with you.
But if Rove (his Mr. Minion as well) and Cheney are the “senior administration officials” who may be indicted, who is left to — as you say — “toss under the bus”?
The facts regarding who saw the Memo are inescapable. Am I sure that all the viewers’ names are known — well, yes, pretty satisfied.
Are you suggesting that Condi gets under the bus? That doesn’t seem likely to me.
Since Rove’s Right Hand seems to be chirping (the normal prelude to singing), who is going to make a deal and shut up? Rove? Sure, at times I think he’s a fall-on-his-sword type. But he’s gone before the grand jury four times. And from where I sit and analyze, the only plausible reason for this unprecedented number of return engagements has nothing to do with his popularity and charisma. I think it has more to do with being caught lying. People intending to take one for the team don’t continually try to explain themselves.
As you point out, they “shut up.” But Rove keeps talking. Hmmmm….
So who’s the road kill candidate? Guess that question hinges on what was said by Rove in his fourth grand jury appearance, no? As for me, I don’t have a candidate for the Greyhound.
Yes, Bill Kristol is a person who hears a lot of inside information. If he says this is so, I’m am inclined to believe it. And he wouldn’t say something negative like this about Bush unless it seemed inevitable to him.
Perhaps Fitzgerald is being straight. Sounds like it. I have been skeptical but, I’m starting to think with comments like that there is hope.