[VERY Short]
If you don’t like the channel you’re watching, turn it off. If you think the diary you’re reading is ludicrous, or the author is not of the same species, don’t recommend it – just keep moving.
Given what I’m reading here the past couple days it seems another group with a specific outlook has stirred the shitpot a little too hard. Und zo? Don’t read or comment.
Between the sixteen diaries on the reco-right, the twenty I see below those, and the front page articles, there are plenty of choices. In this place at this time in this medium authors works are promoted – or not – by clicking the button. If you don’t like the content, DON’T CLICK THE BUTTON.
Everyone here has written a rant. To be expected because most of us care deeply about whatever the topic of that rant happens to be. In something of a cosmic alignment, too many people ranted about the same general topic over two days here.
If you’ve been here awhile you would know what sort of writing to expect by any number of different authors. Me? I’ll read anything by more than a few writers here, and virtually nothing by others. That’s the nature of the beast.
‘Course there is the side benefit of pissing BooMan off: he writes (like alot of us do) much better when focused by irritation and/or anger.
Update [2005-10-10 12:0:12 by rba]: URGENT!! Sunshine in California’s central valley, light breeze, headed for the upper 80’s. How’s the weather out your way?
Your diary is so offensive and self-centered I think I’ll leave now.
Interesting comment.
And now, since you just don’t seem to “get it”, I think I’ll leave this blog entirely and never ever ever come back.
Some people think too highly of themselves, don’t they?
(nice satire, blueneck)
What’s life without a little fun and biting satire sometimes? And yes, I think one mistake that is easy for many to make (including myself here, so as not to be too haughty) is to take everything seriously all the time. It is true that we are in some tough times, but we must laugh at it and at ourselves sometimes, or else go batshit loopy!
Move along now, don’t waste any more time on this diary….
HA! you say stuff like this and expect us to leave?
SO, if you won’t leave this diary, does that mean you’re just cruisin’ this thread for a “1” rating ???? I’d be happy to oblige, since you are such an ubiquitous, aggressive agitator, katiebird.
You’re gonna miss us like nobody’s missed us,
Come rain or come shine.
High as a mountain and deep as a river,
Come rain or come shine.
Well I guess when you met us
That it was just one of those things,
But don’t you ever bet us,
‘Cause we’re gonna be true if you let us.
You’re gonna miss us like nobody’s missed us,
Come rain or come shine.
Happy together, unhappy together,
Won’t that be fine?
Day may be cloudy or sunny,
We’re either in or we’re out of the money.
We’re with you always.
We’re with you rain or shine.
Now, we are gonna take the tissue bus to tearville.
I was sleepin’ like a rat
When I heard something jerkin’.
There stood Rita
Lookin’ just like Tony Perkins.
She said, “Would you like to take a shower?
I’ll show you up to the door.”
I said, “Oh, no! no!
I’ve been through this before.”
I knew I had to split
But I didn’t know how,
When she said,
“Would you like to take that shower, now?”
Well, I couldn’t leave
Unless the old man chased me out,
‘Cause I’d already promised
That I’d milk his cows.
I had to say something
To strike him very weird,
So I yelled out,
“I like Fidel Castro and his beard.”
Rita looked offended
But she got out of the way,
As he came charging down the stairs
Sayin’, “What’s that I heard you say?”
I said, “I like Fidel Castro,
I think you heard me right,”
And ducked as he swung
At me with all his might.
Rita mumbled something
‘Bout her mother on the hill,
As his fist hit the icebox,
He said he’s going to kill me
If I don’t get out the door
In two seconds flat,
“You unpatriotic,
Rotten doctor Commie rat.”
Well, he threw a Reader’s Digest
At my head and I did run,
I did a somersault
As I seen him get his gun
And crashed through the window
At a hundred miles an hour,
And landed fully blast
In his garden flowers.
Rita said, “Come back!”
As he started to load
The sun was comin’ up
And I was runnin’ down the road.
Well, I don’t figure I’ll be back
There for a spell,
Even though Rita moved away
And got a job in a motel.
He still waits for me,
Constant, on the sly.
He wants to turn me in
To the F.B.I.
Me, I romp and stomp,
Thankful as I romp,
Without freedom of speech,
I might be in the swamp.
dylan, motorpsycho nightmare, 1964.
Your quite right.
I can often go for days just clicking through diaries until I find one of interest to comment on. Some I just read the title and realize it’s not for me.. others are excellent reads yet I feel I have nothing to add so I recommend and leave comment-less… so I just keep clicking
Your dead on about Booman.. we should get him worked up more often, and from the caliber of the comments on his last post it’s obvious that a rising tide really does lift all ships. Its posts like that that first brought me to BT from the orange board in the first place.
Yes, his writing got me here too.
My favourite colour is green. I’m a simple woman.
My favorite comment on this page.
I recently wrote something over at dkos making a similar point, which is that ignoring a diary or comment is an action in itself.
That’s what I think when people hate modern art. Not only hate it, it makes them angry. It’s not that threatening, just turn away.
I had just switched on Ballroom Bootcamp on TLC and was wondering how the hell I was going to get away from that show.