[VERY Short]

If you don’t like the channel you’re watching, turn it off.  If you think the diary you’re reading is ludicrous, or the author is not of the same species, don’t recommend it – just keep moving.

Given what I’m reading here the past couple days it seems another group with a specific outlook has stirred the shitpot a little too hard.  Und zo?  Don’t read or comment.

Between the sixteen diaries on the reco-right, the twenty I see below those, and the front page articles, there are plenty of choices.  In this place at this time in this medium authors works are promoted – or not – by clicking the button.  If you don’t like the content, DON’T CLICK THE BUTTON.
Everyone here has written a rant.  To be expected because most of us care deeply about whatever the topic of that rant happens to be.  In something of a cosmic alignment, too many people ranted about the same general topic over two days here.  


If you’ve been here awhile you would know what sort of writing to expect by any number of different authors.  Me?  I’ll read anything by more than a few writers here, and virtually nothing by others.  That’s the nature of the beast.

‘Course there is the side benefit of pissing BooMan off:  he writes (like alot of us do) much better when focused by irritation and/or anger.

Update [2005-10-10 12:0:12 by rba]: URGENT!! Sunshine in California’s central valley, light breeze, headed for the upper 80’s. How’s the weather out your way?