I had no idea that this site was all about hating America, American’s and American troops. That’s fucking awesome yo. Really. I love hating. It’s so much more productive than actually DOING something.

For years and years I’ve tried to get those of both the left and the right (in Canada & the US) to stop generalizing and painting others with a broad brush so that we can actually talk and try to make the world a better place… who knew I was wasting my breath? I could have saved myself a whole ton of grief if I just followed the examples set forth by Ductape & Stu Piddy and blamed ALL American’s for the sins of the rulers… whether they are being lied to or not… even if they are trying to affect change, spit in their face and blame them anyway! It’s the only way supposedly. Who knew?
I’m so excited by this turn of events! I feel so liberated from my compassion! Good wolf, shmoud wolf, let’s hate ’em all! It’s the only way.

Let’s not think about the fact that militaries are necessary to defend citizen’s or else those who DON’T abide by our dreams for a conflict free planet can come on over and take control… hey, who would stop them, we’d have no military… meh, guess that’s not important, I’m sure Stu & Ductape will be there on the front lines for us. I suppose they would have preferred for Hitler to have taken over Europe since those fucking asshole murdering soldiers from Canada & the US should never even exist. Those fucking baby killers, how dare they feel strongly enough to risk their lives to fight fascism. Really, what nerve.

And yeah, they are so right, I absolutely want General’s in the field disobeying CIVILIAN orders and deciding what the foreign policy really is. Sounds like a plan.

And damn, I had no idea that those poor folks who died in NOLA were not  innocent victims, but part of the problem of America! They are to blame for Bush, and the military and for the fact that the US is in bed with the Saudi’s. Oh wait, you don’t think they are?? Too bad. Ductape says ALL American’s are responsible and I’m pretty sure that includes them too. I mean, did they do anything to stop Bush? Didn’t think so. Man, it’s hard work being so dogmatic… but it’s for a worthy cause for sure… the destruction of America and the peace and prosperity that will follow in the world. Because PEOPLE aren’t evil, AMERICAN’s are.

Yeah, warlords in Darfur, secret police in SA, the KGB, meh, as soon as the US is gone they will all pick daisies and sing kumbaya dontcha know. Because it’s all the US’s fault.

Man, I just love hating and insults and generalizations and actually absolutely no solutions or ways forward other than more hate. So refreshing.

Actually, it’s not and I could get that at LGF, Freeperville or DU. Which is why, yes, this is my Goodbye Cruel World. I have enough hate in my life without having it fetted here… by the community and the host, even as others are telling us how painful those generalizations are for them they just keep coming.

I know when enough is enough. And this is it for me.

{Update} Based on the comments by people I respect & admire here I am willing to drop the dogmatic stance I am making if we can all have a discussion about what “don’t be a prick”, the moto of the site, really means to us & what it means to be liberal, compassionate and just. Because there are a lot of people on this site right now who are feeling hurt & beat up and uncertain as to where we are moving forward.

As rba points out in the comments, as communities grow the “signal to noise ratio” grows too. Are we all cool with that? Are we cool with lowering the state of discourse and dealing in ad hominem attacks? Attacks on members of our community who have served their country in the military? We aren’t cool with attacks on African American’s, Jews, Gays, Women, so why are we blanketly accepting attacks on those who are in uniform? Does it make someone less of a person because they love their country and want to serve and protect it (and those who live within its borders)? Does it make someone a murderer because they were poor, had few options and decided to enlist to get a college degree and hopefully a better life? Are they to blame for the policies of the (supposedly) ELECTED officials who call the shots? Where does the blame truly lie? And with whom?

To me that means not dealing in broad brush strokes and seeing the worst about America & not about humanity in general. It means not name calling. Engaging in debate instead of dogma. And I have a feeling it means that to the majority of this community too. So say so. Speak up. Use your voice to make this small microcosim of the world, this froggy bottom community, the best of what we want the world to be. And I promise to stick around and help do so. Because it means that much to me.