The Latest on the CA-48th

In the Open Primary race for the CA-48th district there were 17 names on the ballot. The two real Republican contenders were State Senator John Campbell and Marilyn Brewer. Brewer was the more moderate of the two. She based her campaign on a truly dumb idea of attracting enough Democrats and Indy’s to beat the Campbell Machine. (Campbell is a millionaire plus a good fund raiser.)

Anyway, two-three weeks prior to the Primary a four color full sized mail piece arrived with the portrait of Jerry Patterson, a 5 term past Democratic Congressman from Orange County, and several former Kerry city chairs all endorsing in the strongest terms Marylyn Brewer and urging Dem’s to vote for her. They had all drank the typical Republican Kool-aid in any Red District….Democrats  Can’t Win Here.

This mail piece went, as best we can tell, to every Democrat in the district. It was a blow at best. Having a 10 year DEMOCRAT former Congressman endorse your Republican opposition isn’t exactly a good day! Infuriating too.

And we already had a constant fight within the Democratic Clubs with some women on this issue, even though Steve Young is actually much stronger on the topic. Many seemed to have enjoyed the Republican Kool-aid and bought the idea that Democrats never put up a fight and can never win against the odds. We can. Read on. Most of the club members stuck with their State endorsed, and now nominated, candidate.

Well it turned out that Brewer came in second and the

Right wing Republican is our opponent on Dec 6th. Jerry Patterson was, the rumor mill has it, censored by the Democratic Party of Orange County, and now he supports Steve Young.

Here’s my question to the Kossacks:

What should Jerry Pattterson do to help Steve Young in this last six weeks?

Fundraise based on 10 years of contacts?

Convince Brewer to share her mail list?

Host fundraisers for other Brewer supporter to raise money?

Do a mailing at his own expense to Brewer supporters?

Be creative and come up with some ideas that really stretch the limits. (Suggesting that he perform physically impossible sexual acts probably isn’t useful although highly satisfying.)

The Primary campaign had an extremely low turnout. 22%. We expect the final vote on Dec 6th to be even lower. The good news in this is that even well organized efforts of absentee ballot registration and GOTV can have dramatic effect.

The reality is that even those efforts take cash. The fact is that this race is for the Crown Jewel of Republican Districts, which the Party seems to ignore,and is the first race of 2006. This race has the potential to shock the Republicans in ways they’ve not felt in decades. We need your real tangible support.

The shear beauty of this election is the tiny turnout which was, as I said, 22% for the Primary and likely lower for the General on Dec 6th.

In circumstances like this the most reasonable of efforts have a disproportionate impact. Steve Young had 3 Democrat opponents who knew they couldn’t win. If we had been given a unified party on Primary day we would have finished second. Of course being completely discounted by your opponent has it’s advantages too. This doesn’t even count the minimum of 30% of Brewers vote that were likely Democrats!

Add it all up and with a really good absentee ballot game the next 5 weeks and an enormous GOTV effort the last 30 days we can still win this thing. We Democrats are the last people the Republicans expect to put up an effective fight. And we can.

With just less than 8 weeks left and every dime being important, your creative suggestions and financial support will make all the difference. Please make your contributions at Steve Young for Congress a man you want fighting for you in Congress in December ’05.

You don’t have to wait until December 06 to make a difference.  Take action. Steve Young has. We have. We ask you to. Every small action in this campaign has an enormous impact.

Don’t prove The Republican’s overconfidence right and let them believe that we Democrats have forgotten how to win a streetfight! And that’s what this is….a streetfight. No issues. Just sweat, blood and money. And the ability to never, ever give up. Steve Young for Congress…the Man who will fight for you.