Our buddy at Crooks & Liars asks this question: “Why does his jaw grind so much?” And CL has a video example of Bush’s jaw-grinding.
It’s probably TMJ or the stress of the intellectual rigors of the presidency. And, if we had to talk to as many people a day as he does, our jaws would get tight too! Right? This is an OPEN THREAD, but do share why YOU think Bush’s jaw grinds so much.
Someone at C&L said it can be a side effect of Adderall…. i’m not sure what that is. Amphetamine? For depression?
an ADD medication – which wouldn’t be surprising in Bush’s case. Can you even imagine him reading a book? I just tried and can’t manage it.
You know in all the spy movies, how the spies have a suicide-pill inside of a hollowed out tooth that they are supposed to take if they are ever captured by the enemy?
I think someone told George that they’d implanted a ‘smart pill’ in one of his teeth. He tries to get it to release whenever he’s faced with a difficult question.
It’s a muscular contraction reflex, like a jerking frog leg, caused by an electric shock – due to a short in the wire he wears (photographed during that debate).
Maybe his ‘wire’ has a volume button located in his mouth and he is trying to click it.
He’s just chewing his cud like all bulls(hitters) do.
back on the blow? you never know. If he’s boozing, he may be revisiting all his favorite pastimes.
Wil, I’m with you. I think he’s back on the stuff. Soooooo easy to get when your the preznit.
It has something to do with the jawbone of an ass.
Boran2. . .fabulous!!!! I think you have hit it square on the head, or the ass or something.
we really shouldn’t be so disparaging of poor Drownie and his credentials for service. i figure anybody that experienced with horses’ asses is overqualified for a job in this administration.
U2 will play at a fundraiser for Santorum.
“It is not uncommon for politicians, from both parties, to organize events at all kinds of music concerts. If any such events take place at a u2 concert, it is without the involvement or knowledge of Data, U2 or Bono. U2 concerts are categorically not fundraisers for any politician – they are rock concerts for U2 fans.”
Well, that’s just splitting hairs, isn’t it?
More Here
Looks like “spin” from Man-on dog pr flacks.
In some of these photos he’s just pursing his lips, but you know, in a real manly, robust, cowboy kinda way.
He uses his tough Neanderthal teeth to grind the bones of innocent children into a fine powder, which he then snorts. Like a vampire, he requires a constant supply of dna from the young & innocent to keep him alive.
And you all thought he was a coke-head…
Theatre Marquee from SF Bay Area Indymedia
Steve Brown
is that shrubya, unlike his superiors of yore, isn’t getting any hanky-panky in the oval office.
Shrubya is still in the dress-up and play with army toys stage of childhood development; it will be years before he develops an interest in women, if ever.
his petticoat is chafing his bits…
That was great!
I need a cig
I grind my jaw and purse my lips just like Bush. It’s not because I’m trying to emulate the guy, or even because I’m a rich boy from Texas.
It’s a side-effect of my antidepressant prescription.
Alcoholism and depression go hand in hand. My guess is that Lexapro or Celexa or something similar is what keeps the preznit from drowning himself in drink.
If the rumors are true that he’s started drinking again, watch out. Alcohol effectively neutralizes the effects of SSRIs. A relapsing alcoholic on antidepressants is on a slippery slope to a major depressive episode.
I’m still voting for extrapyramidal symptoms of an increased dosage of his antipsychotic meds…
He’s not grinding his teeth. His jaw is thrusting out, uncontrollably, it’s part of involuntary nervous system. You can see at points that his mouth is partly open — no teeth contact.
Try watching w/ sound turned off. My friend the therapist says he’ll clamp his teeth to try to stop it sometimes, but it still happens anyway.
you can’t even do it with your teeth together.
More smiles, this time from the Miami Herald:
Everytime he lies or is about to lie he “grinds” his jaw. Now everyone can tell when he’s lying.
It becomes quite amusing when you realise that it is a tell
this crook has no shame. From CNN.com
Could it be the Evil Texas Habit?
I watched the video and it reminds me of a cowboy with a chaw. Like a Little Leaguer, he has to practice moving it around a lot.
For yew city folk, this is chewin’ tobaccy. In a cowboy’s pickup, the cupholder does indeed hold a cup, but it’s not a beverage in there.
Nasty. Gives me shudders. I’d rather be around any number of other bad habits…