Setting atop a mountain was a huge stone jutting out from the rest. It stood out, unlike the others, boldly weathering the forces of nature. It seemed to defy all the forces placed against it, stronger than the rest, and its boldness made the other stones pale in comparison.

  On one stormy afternoon the stone was struck with a bolt of lightning unlike any before. With such a force that it split, and it tumbled down the face of the mountain, and began to break into pieces.

  Finally the pieces came to rest in a stream that formed at the bottom of the mountain.

  So you may think, now the stone is at its end, but not at all, for it is only the beginning.

  As the storm raged on, the waters rushed down the mountain seeming intent on drowning the remaining pieces of the stone.  Along with the storm water, there was more added, for the mountain wept of its loss, and its tears joined the waters of the storm, forming a raging river that tumbled downward, carrying all the pieces of the stone with it.

  The waters had become a raging torrent cutting through the land, and forming deep ravines within the quiet countryside.  All the while, carrying the pieces of stone with it.

  The pieces of the stone were tumbled, and gnashed against each other, along with other stones that had been caught up in the torrent. Moving with such force, as if nothing could stop them amongst the countryside in its wake.

  Then, entering into the lowlands, the waters would slow into a rolling river. The storm had passed, and the sun began to shine bringing light onto the waters, and the surrounding countryside.

  The river flowed along the lands, moving the stones with it, still rolling, but a gentler, kinder motion was now in play. As the stones moved with the river, they began to loose their rugged edges.  They were becoming smooth, and shiny, and they showed the true colors that lay within them, from their origin. Their formation of life itself.

  As the river moved on, some would continue, and others would find their place along the banks, and bottoms of the river, their place of rest, where they would continue to wear.  Some would become fences, protecting the boundaries within their borders. Some would become tools, to shape the things to come for the betterment of mankind. Others would be a part of a home that would shelter the people that would live, love, and learn from within. All of them finding their place on the path of life.

  The river would continue onward, ever changing, ever moving the remaining stones, and the small pieces that were worn from the larger would become sand, that would be formed into shapes, and made cohesive by the hands of man, and time.

  At last the rivers would form great oceans that would provide life and sustenance for the people dwelling at its shores. All these forms of life need the waters, for it is life itself.

  The waters that rage, flow, and tumble us into the smooth stones that reinforce life itself. Stones that build fences, homes, become tools, or adorn the bodies of mankind.  Yet we only want to see the pleasure that comes from these stones, never the gnashing, and abrasive grinding pressures necessary to form the smooth, colorful, and even brilliant shining ones.

  This my friends is called evolution. We are ever evolving, learning, loving, living, dying, crying, sharing, and caring, but unfortunately not without malice.  For we as humans have not evolved far enough to do so without these factors. Not at present time in our evolution, or as I would prefer it to be, our Circle of Life.

  These tumbling waters, not unlike our newfound outlet of frustration, Political Blogs are ever moving, ever changing, such as our Circle of Life

  So for me along my journey in the Tumbling Waters I shall hope for no more than to be a colorful stone  to place a single moment in time, of a peaceful smile upon some child’s face. As that child would pick me up, and stare with that youthful innocence of wonderment as to where I came from. What formed me, molded me, and made my otherwise rough exterior into this colorful, smooth, adornment, or pleasure for that brief moment.

  So child of my future, wear me, build with me, or cast me into the waters again, if only to bring a smile upon your face at the sound of my soul falling back into the tumbling waters again, that I may continue my journey.

  For I am only here, to be your future. My wish is that your future will only be brighter, by my passing through these tumbling waters.

  Remember, we are only the caretakers, for our future generations, lest us not leave destruction, but Hope

  Learn, Love, and Live Well, my fellow stones, in life’s Tumbling Waters  
  Look forward to the day when we as mankind, will leave only a smile upon a child’s face, and not scars upon that smile, or its soul. Remember this when you unleash your lightning.

  Wado    Namaste   Peace   Life