People, people, people.  You don’t just DECIDE what a community is going to be.  A community develops when a bunch of different voices and faces from all over the world with varying personalities and experiences and beliefs get together in one place and communicate with each other.

You can decide what standards you are going to enforce (dont be a prick) and you can decide to cast out those that don’t toe the line….but real communities are fluid and dynamic and they develop a personality all their own, ON their own.

Let me tell you why I am here.
I am here because I felt welcome from the first time Diane and Shirl forced me to stop hiding in the corner and introduce myself.  I’m here because there are amazing people here of all ages.  There are lawyers and physicians and educators and engineers.  They’re cool and it’s really impressive to have all of them here sharing their knowledge.

But, to be honest, the ones who really inspire me are the ones who might not have such impressive resumes.  How can I sit on my ass here at home feeling sorry for myself that my kids are growing up when there are people who have children with physical challenges, and they exhibit such tireless love and devotion to them without ever complaining?  How can I sit here and bitch about the political and social atmosphere in this country when there are people here at Booman Tribune who will take a few days away from their jobs and children and drive halfway across the country to speak for me in Washington, DC?

You guys inspire me everyday.  The women on this site who are in their 60’s and beyond have dispatched their wisdom to me with a grace and calmness that makes me unafraid to age.  When I am afraid life is over for me at 45 they patiently try to tell me that they can see things from where they are that I can’t see here.  They are futher down the road from where I am and they’re trying to tell me that, while it might be full of potholes, the journey is a beautiful one.  I appreciate and need that so much.

There are so many guys here, young, not so young, gray-haired, bald, pony-tailed, gay and straight and in-between who are not dicks!  Do you know how very much I appreciate that?  I’m really impressed with your knowledge and your energy and your idealism.  Plus, you’re hot.  You know who I’m talking about.

I spent many years as a depressed, demoralized person basically afraid to leave the relative comfort of my own house.  My children were my life.  Now they are growing up and it’s so fucking hard for me to figure out what to do with the rest of my life that will have nearly as much meaning, or bring me one tenth of the rewards that raising children has.

This place gives me a voice. I can throw out a statement like “I feel scared and unsure of myself” and within minutes I’ve got 10 responses ranging from total support and commiseration to total support with a kick in the ass thrown in.  I need that. And I need to sit here and laugh my ass off on occasion, even though I’m usually alone in the house and that’s really weird.

Yes, I know that I only know you all electronically and not in a real or physical sense.  Sometimes that seems pathetic to me.  But for whatever reason, we have all gathered here in this time frame and we are forming bonds that are real in the best sense of that word.  

I like politics and I enjoy the fact that I can read these awesome diaries and front page stories and be tons more informed than if I just sat it front of the tube like most people do.

But the reason I return every day is that hearing your stories, and listening to everyone’s unique voice, makes me feel stronger than I really am.  And it makes me want to get out into the “real” world and make a difference.  

There’s your community.