People, people, people. You don’t just DECIDE what a community is going to be. A community develops when a bunch of different voices and faces from all over the world with varying personalities and experiences and beliefs get together in one place and communicate with each other.
You can decide what standards you are going to enforce (dont be a prick) and you can decide to cast out those that don’t toe the line….but real communities are fluid and dynamic and they develop a personality all their own, ON their own.
Let me tell you why I am here.
I am here because I felt welcome from the first time Diane and Shirl forced me to stop hiding in the corner and introduce myself. I’m here because there are amazing people here of all ages. There are lawyers and physicians and educators and engineers. They’re cool and it’s really impressive to have all of them here sharing their knowledge.
But, to be honest, the ones who really inspire me are the ones who might not have such impressive resumes. How can I sit on my ass here at home feeling sorry for myself that my kids are growing up when there are people who have children with physical challenges, and they exhibit such tireless love and devotion to them without ever complaining? How can I sit here and bitch about the political and social atmosphere in this country when there are people here at Booman Tribune who will take a few days away from their jobs and children and drive halfway across the country to speak for me in Washington, DC?
You guys inspire me everyday. The women on this site who are in their 60’s and beyond have dispatched their wisdom to me with a grace and calmness that makes me unafraid to age. When I am afraid life is over for me at 45 they patiently try to tell me that they can see things from where they are that I can’t see here. They are futher down the road from where I am and they’re trying to tell me that, while it might be full of potholes, the journey is a beautiful one. I appreciate and need that so much.
There are so many guys here, young, not so young, gray-haired, bald, pony-tailed, gay and straight and in-between who are not dicks! Do you know how very much I appreciate that? I’m really impressed with your knowledge and your energy and your idealism. Plus, you’re hot. You know who I’m talking about.
I spent many years as a depressed, demoralized person basically afraid to leave the relative comfort of my own house. My children were my life. Now they are growing up and it’s so fucking hard for me to figure out what to do with the rest of my life that will have nearly as much meaning, or bring me one tenth of the rewards that raising children has.
This place gives me a voice. I can throw out a statement like “I feel scared and unsure of myself” and within minutes I’ve got 10 responses ranging from total support and commiseration to total support with a kick in the ass thrown in. I need that. And I need to sit here and laugh my ass off on occasion, even though I’m usually alone in the house and that’s really weird.
Yes, I know that I only know you all electronically and not in a real or physical sense. Sometimes that seems pathetic to me. But for whatever reason, we have all gathered here in this time frame and we are forming bonds that are real in the best sense of that word.
I like politics and I enjoy the fact that I can read these awesome diaries and front page stories and be tons more informed than if I just sat it front of the tube like most people do.
But the reason I return every day is that hearing your stories, and listening to everyone’s unique voice, makes me feel stronger than I really am. And it makes me want to get out into the “real” world and make a difference.
There’s your community.
I wish I could say that as well as you just did. Right back at ya!
Don’t forget Poland!!! Er.. I mean Snortage! π
E-communities are very real. I got a lot of support from people who were only able to communicate via eletronic methods (disabilities) as well as other parents who just could not get out and socialize due to their young child with a disability. It’s how we supported each other during hard times.
And we do get out and meet up with each other. Sometimes just 3 of us and other times in a crowd of at least 300,000.
The good thing about E-socializing… is you don’t have to pluck your chin hairs, shave your legs, straighten up your house, wash your car or holler at the dog to quit humping your guests.
And none of us have to gag on each other’s perfume, under arm deodorant (aka pit juice) or my satsumi body oil…. which I truly try not to put too much on but sometimes it makes my cat sneeze…
And… you’re so right on about how communities are developed not decided on. Intelligent design… aCK!!! π
So glad to have met you. You’re a real friend and a real true blue addition and enhancement to my days and life.
Aw, thanks. I hate perfume as much as pit juice. But I love the Satsumi orange stuff from the body shop. I put it in one of those burner things when my house smells like cat urine.
this is the type of person I am… You say you have had a bad experience with placing satsumi oil on a burner…
I’m the sick bitch that will try it just to see if it truly does smell like cat piss.
I can’t help it! π
Yup got it at the Body Shop when I was back in Boston.
no, no, no…you missed it. I use the Satsumi orange to cover up the cat piss when I’m too lazy to change the litter.
Don’t ever leave.
People like me need you! π
I saw this coming a mile away!! I made the same mistake myself & doubled back to re-read it. I couldn’t believe she was trying to make her house smell like cat urine!
(relief is popping out all over)
Gosh, I really suck at this communication thing if both of you thought the same thing!
Actually, I do try to make my house smell like cat urine. Luckily I have one cat with chronic kidney infections and another one who is so fat that she squats in the litter box but the business end is invariably OUTSIDE the box. Yuck.
I’m not alone π
I burn alot of incense and candles so I just ASSumed…
Once I tried this glittery incense stick called something along the lines of, “Aromatherapy for dweebs” and it smelled like what I would imagine unwashed, hairy manpits on a 1.2 degree day.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
(O, did I forget to say, Thanks?)
after the Photography Fair can we really say we don’t know each other personally? Those photos, and the corresponding comments weren’t fake.
I can’t really say that online relationships aren’t real. My husband and I met that way 6 years ago!
SecondNature, SecondNature, SecondNature. How I love this diary!
Oh Laura I am as proud of you as I can be…What a diary, you said it girl, and said it ever so well.
Do you hear the applause, it is verrrrry loud coming from ca. that’s for sure..
So I am very happy to associate myself with your remarks…Thanks and big giant hugs to you and yours.
Also, I’d like to see this front-paged. I feel like I can finally sit down and say, “OK, it’s ok, now”
Ditto that.
I noticed everybody was doing them “Not STFU Diary” and I gotta tell ya that it’s freaking me out.
How about we substitute a nice “Absolutely agree” said with a charming British accent.
Not to start a dustup or anything.
I’m sorry, I started doing that in response to a comment suggesting that people who questioned the absolute superiority of the Dem party were ditto-heads…
that was me that made the comment (though what I said was the opposite: I don’t believe anyone wants this site to turn into a congregation of democrat dittoheads. The breadth of ideas and interests and the openness of other people to hearing those ideas are what makes this place really worthwhile.)
At any rate, I guess I’ll have to take some blame π
Oops, sorry. I knew someone had mentioned it in some context…lots of comments on that thread!
I’m always in favor of a nice British accent.
Ditto that.
a “Is kansas a meanie?” poll with the following choices:
. Damn straight
. Sure as shit
Hey, you left out one! All of the Above. Which, now that I think of it, could also be called “Ditto.”
Double ditto that. Let’s see this up on the front page!
Now that’s just crazy-talk!
Brava and thank you!
Okay. The poll cracked my shit up! π (((Second Nature)))) thanks to you, I have now laughed outloud alone in my house… EVENS STEVENS!! π
I also come here for mayo trama therapy.
Wow Laura! Beautifully written and right to the heart of things. Guess I really did know what a good writer you are. . .I’m jealous, of course.
And YES, I am the only one that voted in the poll for “Shirl’s otherworldly advice.” Heh!!! (and the inclusion there was a real laugh out loud for me. . .thanks!)
Thanks for speaking up, for stepping out and for letting all of us share in your insights and wisdom. You go Girl! I am so damn proud to know you and be in a community with the likes of you. (gushing email to follow)
Some in the world better step aside, you are a force to reckon with.
Aw, shucks, Shirl. Your advice made it through this concrete head of mine.
Not the only one ;o)
Beautifully done, Laura.
I think this is the part that interests me the most.
This is something that I’ve been thinking about a lot of the last few days, both because of the photo fair and the “fights”. There’s a real contradiction in online communications that enables us to “expose” ourselves safely because no one can really see us. But this lack of seeing is also what leads, I think, to a lot of the problems; we are missing that human interaction that helps us read another person’s emotions.
So while we feel that we can be, in so many ways, freer and more honest online than we might be face to face, it comes at a price of increased risk of misunderstanding and hurt.
I think that realization can feel like minefield but I also think it’s worth the risk. I’ve always been a person who loves ideas and that part of BooTrib fit me well. However, I’ve never been very friendly or open and I was very resistant to that aspect of the community at first. Over time, I’ve let myself be a very different kind of person and, as a result, I think I’ve also become a better one.
I’d say “ditto” but I’m not a troublemaker. How about, “Here, Here, old chap”
I am probably different than you in that I am not shy exactly, but reserved in my real life, and I have a hard time feeling comfortable in new situations. Here I can stretch a lot and project a little bit more of the person I see myself as, or the person I want to be, rather than this reserved woman that I am.
Facial clues and body language are really important, and that’s what we miss here in this medium. But a big plus is that we all start on even footing without the obvious markers of class or race or income or physical beauty which can be a hindrance in person.
that I’m not shy — I’m anti-social.
I’d be a lot more open here, but AndiF knows where I live;-) Seriously, I’m seldom angry with anyone (except the BFEE and related clones). I have the impression we share common goals and just have varying ideas of how to arrive there. It’s great to be able to see so many thoughts and hopefully, learn a little more.
as opposed to other politically oriented online communities that I have left in disgust. I am here primarily because Booman is not a control freak and does not try to enforce a group-think. So, I get a little testy when members try to inject their conformity rap into the mix. I am also here, because, as you said, there are many brilliant minds on this site. There is a diversity of viewpoint and a lot of it beautifully expressed. This site makes me think and expands my awareness. I don’t care that there is disagreement on this board from time to time. It would be unhealthy if there weren’t, because that would mean that we had ceased to be thinking, growing individuals. That mix of unique voices is what makes this site so special.
Excuse me for interjecting here but I do believe you are referring to my diary of this morning. Sorry it was a little too real and airy fairy enough for you but this love fest here is not going to change what has happened to this country.ALL I WAS TRYING TO DO was clarify the fucking mission statement and find out where we all fall here so that maybe we could work together to make a change. People will read into what they want to see though. I never said anyone should leave or told anyone to STFU, I was trying to avoid that. Then I get called passive/aggressive by another poster. If you have something to say to me please post it on the original diary instead of carrying it all over other diaries.
did you read them and have no response? or did they just get lost amongst all of the others?
In this post, I think RecordKeeper went out of her way not to name anyone or anything — just a general source of her responding testily…
And I’m sorry that you feel the need to derride what SecondNature has started her as a ‘love fest” — this is exactly the kind of response I was talking about that keeps me from posting things — I think this is valuable in its own right, if you don’t, that’s fine but don’t come in and shit all over it because it is not what you want to hear right now.
She named my diary. Guess that isn’t specific enough. I would think Bri after meeting me you might have a different impression of who I was and what my goals are. Is not wanting to get rid of the criminal warmongers a good enough goal? That is what is important to me or someone like uclapaul but we have been ridiculed over and over again for our goals.
I see NO mention of it.
I don’t ridicule your goals, I share your goals, as, if I may be so bold, do almost every person who posts here!
I think Bush and his band of criminals are some of the worst criminals ever to rape, looot and pillage the country.
And not only do I not ridicule your goals (I’d really like to see an example of someone saying “Getting rid of Bush and his cronies is the stupidist thing I ever heard of”) I don’t even ridicule your methods, get dems elected no matter what, I just don’t happen to agree with those methods.
If you take that diagreement as ridicule, then I have to say that after meeting me, I would think that you would be able to read my words without reading any kind of nastiness into them.
… but this love fest here is not going to change what has happened to this country
This is exactly how things get changed — people who feel a connection are willing to work together to bring about change, regardless of whether they agree on every particular. I’m happy to work with Democrats who understand and accept that I have my own goals which may or may not always match up with the party’s and that we can agree to disagree when that happens.
No. I was not referring to your diary. I was referring to a great number of things I’ve seen lately. I am fully aware that your diary raised questions, and was not an attempt to bully people. This comment, however, is way over the top, and totally uncalled for. It is not my habit to passive aggressively deride people in separate threads, rather than confront them directly. If I’d felt that strongly about your diary, I would have placed my comments in that thread and addressed them to you.
Is that really a 0% for ddemocratic politics in the poll? Oh, poor BooMan, the crazy lefties really have taken over…
Or maybe it’s all the crazy lefties who are drawn to wussy diaries about love and feelings and all that crap.
I chose that just to make him feel better and because cheesecake was not an option.
I just knew he’d get some sympathy votes…mmm, cheesecake.
I guess I’d be the “zero” vote currently showing for pick-someone-up [I think, can’t see the poll from here.]
Dem politics mostly for me; community not as much, but definitely yes to the extent that it helps moderate the tone.
Is there a way to have multiple choice polls with this software?
Man, you win. I am done now. Back to enjoying time with a dear friend. Going to Santana tonight. Nothing like a little music to soothe the soul.Also, I think that the title of the diary is a direct slam towards me. Maybe right, maybe wrong but that is the way I feel.
I like your diary and this one. In fact they were the two main diaries I kept coming back to today. I didn’t read into that this was a slam on yours at all. I don’t think this diary was a slam on anyone I think it was a reaching out to community members in a humorous way.
I feel terrible that you are hurt by this. I think it’s just humor, same humor I myself would use.
As BostonJoe said somewhere- some of us use humor when down. Humor worked on those old mean drunk dads cuz hell even they liked to laugh sometimes, it works for us in all we do. π
As to Santana… go and close your eyes and feel the love that brings us together here. And… know that I’m just crazy about you. We’ll continue to work our asses off – and gawd knows I have some working off to do π Psst I’m a bit green with envy, lady π
Leezy, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. I was trying to be funny with the title. I didn’t even read most of the other diaries where the arguments ensued. I say “here’s your stinkin….” whatever alot with my kids. I don’t know where I got it but it is in no way a slam at anyone. Just bad humor I guess.
I have always loved your writing. I just went back and read the “not the STFU” diary but didn’t have the time nor the heart to read most of the comments. I think you’re passionate and wise and I most definitely was not thinking of you or your diary when I titled this one.
It was a shameless attempt at a lovefest, just as you said. Sometimes we all need that.
Ha! I use “here’s your steeeeenking” (insert whatever) alot, too.
I think I got it from Bogart’s “Treasure of the Sierra Madres”. Badges? We don’t need no steenking badges.
I’ll say, “here’s your steenking oatmeal” to wake up a grumpy non-morning kid π Always gets a smile.
We used to use that at music festivals all the time when people wanted our volunteer badges…”Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges!”
That line happens (well, gets butchered) in the movie “Johnny Dangerously” outrageously funny flick.
I got a few “badges” that very way at the march.
I had to make a donation for the Resist or Die one thought. pffft. π
the more it troubles me that you think I would write such a completely mushy diary such as this and embed an insult to someone. I’m just not like that. I know you feel embattled after what happened over there, but I’m not involved in that.
Santana?! Now I’m jealous Lee.
Just so you know, for what it’s worth,
I feel connected to must people here in a friendly, and in a shared goals sort of way, but there is a much smaller, and special group here that I feel really close to and I include you in that group.
Hang in ok? Because we all have so much more in common than not.
It’s (((((supersoling)))))!!!!! How ya been!? Miss you so much! Cripes now that I’ve met some of you, I fret over you if I don’t see you for a few days. π xoxoxox
I know, Santana!!!! She’d better give us all the down and dirty deets. I am just foaming with green envies. π
Hi Lady :o)
I’m good. Just laying a little low now until things sorta blow over. Plus I have a lot of personal stuff going on right now. My wife and I have some big decisions to make here soon, so I’m preoccupied with other things as well. You know I missed you too when you weren’t around for a couple of days ;o)
Love you
You know that you can let it all hang out with us – that way you aren’t carrying the load all by yourself.
Been busy here with kiddo one. If it wasn’t for this place, I’d have a serious bald patch where my hair used to be from the fruuuuuuuustration of some things LOL But he’s okay now and things are mellowing out.
I’ve been rotating around the funny diaries. Keeps me sane.
HOCKEY game – home opener. WHOOOOOOOOOT on. Now.
hey, I hope the decisions aren’t due to negative stuff. Hope all is okay in the superhome. (((take care))) Let us, me, know if you need anthing.
Hey you never called back! You call and talk to Wayne… and then not me LOL
Hey Sturm and then just now Primeau just scored. Sharks up by two. π Whoot!
And… check out BostonJoe’s diary. DAMN!!!!! FUNNY!!!
Thanks you two, above and below :o)
I noticed you were missing too. I hope everything is okay, and things get back to normal soon!
Yup we have to look out for one another… even though we’re thousand of miles apart. It’s a small world but sometimes it feel so big.
And… don’t you go disappearing on us either. I’ll put your photos on some 2% and Vit D milk. π
I’m not disappearing anytime soon, but I feel like finding something else good to do, like the march was. I’m tired of waiting for those indictments to come in…time to storm the castle!
So, have you started looking for the new house yet? You must be excited, but wow, that’s a lot of stuff to put together with the school change and everything. Of course, since you’re like superwoman, you’ll do an incredible job of it, I’m sure.
And don’t you just hate when your brother calls and talks to the spouse but not you? It totally bugs my brother when I do it to him…
I’m not superwoman π I do have a dorky story I’m working about ordinary people with super hero powers. My gal is “Lady Luck” and her sidekick is “Lupe Hole’ for income tax purposes of course:) Don’t ask, it’s weird π
got the relocation package and tons of realtor crap. But we have to have the HR papers in our hands. Should be within the next two weeks.
I just hope everyone get’s back to sharing and working together. This arguing stuff amongst friends scares me. This is my sanctuary.
Yup, we have to do some more things. Protest at a newstation like CNN. Surround it. Miscount us NOW mofos!! Rignt now I’m in ‘decompress and wtf is happening at home” mode. π
Hey sis! I heard Rolling Stone did a not so positive piece on th D.C. march. I think it’s this issue maybe last. But I heard CAT FANCY had our back.
can kiss my ass. π It’s a love/hate relationship I have with them.
Sometimes I think they think being nasty-mean when they haven’t a clue – is cool. Did Matt Tabbias do the write up? I think he’s menstruating lately.
Well, at least you can start researching where you want to be up there while you wait for the HR papers.
I hope things settle down around here too. We’re on the same side, we just all have our own approaches to fixing the problem. From a comment I just made in a less heated thread a little while ago (I’d been wanting to say it for days):
Someone older and smarter than me once told me that you have to work inside the system at the same time you’re working outside the system, so you have more chances at success, and I’m thinking it applies to a lot of the discussions we’ve been having around here lately.
Off to bed for me; we’re going to a way cool museum thing tomorrow (holiday from school, you know).
Good night!
Good night, Ryan! (Why does this feel like the internet equivalent of “G’night Johnboy, G’night Maryellen,”…)
Have fun! π Nighty!
This is the first thing I’ve read today on Booman – I don’t know why I picked this one, but that’s what happened, and I’m distressed. I see a “disturbance in the force”. Sorry to use a really really bad pop culture phrase, but I can’t think clearly at this moment. I like this community. It pains me to see people hurt and angry at one another – not a conflict over ideas, but over perceptions about each other’s motivations.
Spent most of my day listening to people fight. Sometimes over good things, sometimes over trivia. The advantage I had is seeing the people, eye-to-eye, voice-to-ear. Live hugs possible. And the opposite: killing eye rolls, well-times shrugs, better than a kiss-off. Reminders of past insults and injuries. All those things families know about each other, all those things that rub co-workers the wrong way, even if they are joined in a common task they all believe in.
Maybe Gottman is right: He says it takes 10 good things to overcome one hurtful or angry, or misunderstood interchange in a family. That’s the power of negative stuff. I don’t think anyone here minds a conflict of ideas. It is when ideas spill over into the person putting forth the ideas: humor into ridicule, teasing into sarcasm into humiliation and worse. Counting to 10 moves to a moment of silence moves into a few days off moves into GBCW moves into disappearance with no GB.
The problem here is how to overcome what face-to-face families have that we don’t: actual contact, actual knowledge of each other. A few of you have seen and met each other, but I think few of us know each other well.
I can’t really decide which of those things to check on your poll, Second Nature, it’s broader than that. I don’t know how what you write related to other things, today, but I appreciate your words as they stand.
“But the reason I return every day is that hearing your stories, and listening to everyone’s unique voice, makes me feel stronger than I really am. And it makes me want to get out into the “real” world and make a difference.”
That’s it for me too! Thank you for saying this so well.
By reading current events and people’s analysis and reactions, I am becoming much more informed. Because I feel more knowledgeable, I am more comfortable speaking out, not only with people I know, but calling my “congresscriminal” (a term I learned here).
People share ideas here. I just love “What if….?” or “Maybe we could try…?”
People share experiences – real life moments. And they share their fears, angers, hurts, beauties, joys – tears and laughter.
And the conflicts and confrontations…I don’t want them to occur. Raised voices cause some of us to freeze, to become invisible. Yet I am learning from those who engage in confrontation and those brave souls who step in to mediate or try to. How conflict can be resolved seems pretty important, especially when leaving the planet is not an option.
You all are enriching my world – you are making it a better place for me. Many thanks.
I am finding my voice. And I am gaining the courage to use it. Isn’t that what democracy is about?
I get a late start tonight, spend an hour and some putting together two comments in another lively diary (yes, my comments are … longwinded, but it also takes me forever to compose them) , just to find Second Nature has already diaried what I was thinking, and said it much nicer than I could ever do.
That’s what I love about this place!
(and I couldn’t agree more with the comments here — it wasn’t strategy and party-building that sent Military Tracy and all the other tribber’s to Crawford and/or DC. It was love and community. If we work on those things, I bet we do just fine on the whole ‘party’ thing)
Still, its going to take more than love to make the troubles go away in our community. The community works when we all agree the community is the most important thing. If others put agendas above the community, problems will arise.
all you need is love…
and really good shoes and socks to march in. π
Enjoying yours, Kidspeak’s and Tampopo’s posts.
but it refuses to count my vote – Aagh! this feels familiar.
Really, I just come for the party – food, drink, singing and dancing. ‘Community’ can mean all kinds of heavy stuff. Yes, it happens, but honestly I’m more interested in the fun part.
Sometimes I just want to go where everybody knows my name.