If there is one thing I’ve noticed about the Bootrib community, it’s that we all want more Democrats to stand up for our beliefs and values, and we want more Democrats to come straight out and tell the truth about what a corrupt bunch of goons the Republicans have become.
If you’re looking for congressional candidates to support in 2006, candidates that fit the above criteria, you need look no further than Lois Murphy who is running in Pennsylvania’s 6th District. I just got off an hour long conference call with her and several other Philly bloggers. She had three main messages. She’s strongly and unapologetically pro-choice, she wants to focus on homeland security, health care, and education, and her opponent is a corrupt tool who is completely beholden to the criminal, Tom DeLay.
Above Average Jane has a good piece on Representative Jim Gerlach’s relationship with indicted (and soon to be indicted) members of the Republican leadership.
While that might make some fodder for Lois Murphy’s campaign, it might not have long enough legs to last until next fall. Fortunately for Murphy, Gerlach also have close ties to Tom DeLay. In fact, he is ranked (by someone who sits down and does such things) as among the congressmen closest to DeLay. He voted in favor of weakening ethics rules to keep DeLay in power, and to allow him to stay in power even if indicted. For those working people who can be fired for so much as a bad urine test or being late on the job a few times, the idea that you can keep a position even after being indicted might seem a bit much. Gerlach has received a lot of money from DeLay’s PAC. Last October, the only Pennsylvanian to receive more was Pat Toomey. Plus, Gerlach was the only congressperson from Pennsylvania to contribute to DeLay’s legal defense fund.
If Gerlach is a transparent hack, Lois Murphy has a very impressive resume:
After graduating from law school, Lois clerked for a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. She then joined the U.S. Justice Department before serving as associate legal counsel for NARAL Pro-Choice America, where she defended reproductive rights and worked to reduce the need for abortion through more effective and accessible family planning.
Lois is now on leave from her job as a member of the growing law firm of Heckscher, Teillon, Terrill & Sager, P.C. She has been an adjunct professor at Temple University’s School of Law. She has also served as president and as a board member of NARAL Pro-Choice Pennsylvania. Lois is a trustee of the Women’s Law Project and was appointed in 2003 by Governor Rendell to the Pennsylvania Commission for Women.
On top of that, she is a very personable, friendly, down-to-earth person. She’s exactly the kind of candidate that we need in Washington. With any luck, Gerlach will be swept away along with Frist, DeLay, Santorum, Rove, Libby, and the rest of the crooks running our country.
Tell her to save her money. With a resume like that she doesn’t even have to campaign.
Did she run last year? She sounds familiar, and I’ve alreay gotten a fund-raising letter from her.
I gave money to so many candidates last year, I can’t keep them all straight. On the good side, I got a lot of nice Christmas cards!
she entered late and had no name recognition. She got 49%. I thought she was going to win on election night. I oversaw voter registration for Montgomery County (her district is there) and I was convinced we were going to put her over the top.
No name recognition and she still pulled 49%. Sounds like the GOP will have to resort to dirty tricks and smears.
Oh, how I want to see Gerlach (my congressman, unfortunately) in the unemployment line!
Lois sounds like an excellent candidate.
She is terrific.
Here is my take on the call.
Thanks for the link.
We have some like that around here, too. John Courage is running in TX-21 (mine) to unseat Lamar Smith, another DeLay flunky. Courage is a teacher, a veteran – and I haven’t heard him say one thing yet that I’d disagree with, policy and values-wise.
I think we have more real progressives lining up to run this time than most people realize. The shock of waking up last Nov. 3 has been very motivating.
Hey James,
You are our friend!
Your wife is involved in this leak case, you must know things that you and her have discussed “off the record” that none of us know.