Hi everyone, I just put up this new cafe, to help you get through the night, till Cabin Girl comes in with hers tomorrow..
Have a great night everyone!!!!!
Me, too. In the middle of two ultralong classes, hordes of students (gave an exam back), possums on the back porch right at this moment, the Cafe has been fun. I didn’t know what I’ve been missing.
But I must say goodnight and get some sleep. ‘bye, Diane, hope the nighthawks are a sharp and funny as the daytribbers.
Can I whine? This front page stuff is hard werk…hard werk…but, I’m making progress, see and as long as I stay the course I know I can defeat the terrorist nerves that threaten my freedom agenda so I can go back to my own version of clearing brush at Crawford – wasting hours playing online Mahjong.
Goodnight Kansas, Cali, kidspeak and everyone and I too am going to bed now…
See you all in the morning, oh and morning to you on the other side of the world.
It’s been a long week. Got bankruptcy (Chapter 7) filed right before the deadline. Two things did me in: living several months without a paycheck in between my last semester of grad school and my first job after grad school (fell right into the easy credit trap – and maxed out credit cards trying to feed and shelter my family) and my wife’s broken knee a couple years ago (which required three surgeries). Just no way to dig out of the mountain of debt. So it goes. Lessons learned: credit cards are evil, and it’s time to shop around for better insurance for the wife and kids.
I suppose the lesson the elites would love me to learn is that lower middle class peasants such as myself should avoid pursuing grad school and professional careers and should stick to more “appropriate” vocations – but I’m one of those stubborn uppity peasants.
We also filed Chapter 7, and it was the pursuit of this Ph.D. that did us in, plus me having 2 kids while in pursuit, daycare, health insurance, oh, and years of dental work from having my head put through a wall in 1997 by an abusive asshole….
The lawyer said I should go to the discharge meeting prepared to explain why some of our balances were so big….happy to, this shit didn’t happen overnight, it is an accumulation of 8 years of trying to live.
I suppose they would like me to learn that lesson too — but I am also an uppity peasant, and by next year, Dr. Uppity Peasant, thank you very much!!
Being Dr. Uppity Peasant is worth the hassles. My career choice hasn’t been the most lucrative in the world, but I’ll have to say that being paid to study what intrinsically interests me – even at relatively low pay – has been great. Raising kids and doing a Ph.D. is tough – was there myself; not only the usual pressures of dealing with childcare and such but also pressures from established academicians who believed that grad students should be single and childless and who really expected (perhaps wanted?) those of us who did not fit that mold to fail. Got a kick out of proving them wrong. 🙂
My field is social psychology, and I specialize in human aggression. Finished up the dissertation in 2000, and have three kids aged 9 years, 3 years, and 5 months. 🙂
My son had the pleasure of being the child of not just one but two grad students. In my family I’m part of a second generation to go to college (on my dad’s side anyway) – my wife was a first-generation college student.
Social psych is fascinating — what kind of work are you doing right now? Human agression — sounds like jsu the thing they’d want to keep us uppity peasants from knowing too much about, eh?
My degree will be in Instructional Technology — it’s a specialization in the Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Ed. My dissertation is about the effects of social capital creation and curculation in an online community for Texas elementrary teachers and the effects on the teachers’ perceptions of professional development.
I helped design and develop the community, was the facilitation coordinator for 2 years, until the state of TX in its infinate wisdom pulled the plug on the funding — two years of work down the freaking tubes, a great community, excellent resources for teachers, etc. etc. down the tubes….I collected all fo my data last fall, just as the community was losing its’ funding — I’ve been in a definate stall for over 7 months….but now that the bankruptcy is filed and the stress of borrowing/looking for work/ going crazy trying to pay the bills each month will (hopefully!!) be eliminated, I am going to get back on it….
One of my sisters is planning a small (tiny) business idea. She has something she’d like to sell and she would like to let people order it online. And she’d like me (the family web person) to help her with it. And I’m happy to (I’ve never had an excuse to work on this end of things)
My Internet Hosting account has a link called e-commerce that I suspect (I’m almost afraid to click on the link) leads to some kind of out-of-the-box shopping cart.
But, before I get to far into anything, I thought I’d ask for advice here (where you find the smartest people in the world). I’m also going to hammer on Ebsco-Host at the library (did you know you can save your searches & get email alerts when new articles come out on your interests?) and Google Groups.
I don’t mean to ask for too much, I think pointers (use this search term, or have you heard of this product, or don’t ever use xxx) would help tremendously.
Anyway, this item won’t be expensive, so individual transactions won’t be large. But, it’s a catchy idea and if it takes off there could be a lot of individual transactions. And I want to make sure the infrastructure is set up right.
Did I tell you that my new plan is “Do something today.” Asking you for help and getting my part of this project defined meets that goal. And it’s just 6:20am.
My email address is: katiebird@everestkc.net if you think the conversation belongs off this page. (Thanks for anything and everything)
One option you might want to explore (as far as relative costs and convenience go) is opening an Ebay “store” — a great many sellers have stores where things are offered for set prices (not up for auction). The advantage is that they’ve already got all the software for handling secure transactions and displaying items in place, calculating shipping costs, and a huge market, and a system for weeding out unreliable customers and establishing a trustworthy rep as a seller that buyers can trust. The disadvantage is that they do take a percentage — but I don’t know what that percentage is. Still, there are a LOT of stores on Ebay, with items that range in price from a few bucks to lord-knows-how-much, so obviously it’s working for them.
That may or may not be the best option for your sister’s business, but considering the alternatives of setting up a secure payment system, getting the word out to potential customers and upkeep on an online store, it might be worth at least looking into.
Peeking in briefly while updating my Podcasts — heading out early today to do some financial transactions at the credit union, and probably some other errands. Still not feeling great (got a bit of a queasy stomach), but need to get the stuff done this morning so the spouse can make the deposit on the way in to work.
Okay, time to hop in the shower…have a fun day, folks…
Hi everyone, I just put up this new cafe, to help you get through the night, till Cabin Girl comes in with hers tomorrow..
Have a great night everyone!!!!!
my “good night” post on the last Cafe…but I’ll wish you and all a “good night” over here as well…
Me, too. In the middle of two ultralong classes, hordes of students (gave an exam back), possums on the back porch right at this moment, the Cafe has been fun. I didn’t know what I’ve been missing.
But I must say goodnight and get some sleep. ‘bye, Diane, hope the nighthawks are a sharp and funny as the daytribbers.
Good idea, Diane. I peeked in just long enough to close the previous one and say goodnight in this one.
I’ll be out of town for a few days. See y’all soon.
Can I whine? This front page stuff is hard werk…hard werk…but, I’m making progress, see and as long as I stay the course I know I can defeat the terrorist nerves that threaten my freedom agenda so I can go back to my own version of clearing brush at Crawford – wasting hours playing online Mahjong.
Goodnight Kansas, Cali, kidspeak and everyone and I too am going to bed now…
See you all in the morning, oh and morning to you on the other side of the world.
Hello? Hello? Anybody home? ::Tap tap tap:: Is this thing on?
Boy, looks like people were partying HARD… there are loose giggles and 4s all over the place. And whose CLOTHES are these? Hmmmm…..
I’ll try to drop in earlier next time. (I’ll be glad when this book project is over… kills my social life, both real and virtual).
Good night and good luck… (gratuitous quote of the night)
G’night guys. Must-go-to-bed.
Good night west coasters, sleep tight … pleasant evening lurkers from Australia and Asia ::
Do come in and share a glass of fine wine —
Australian Wine
▼ ▼ ▼
Night, night. Sleep tight.
Good morning to you all from France!
Here another beautiful sunny autumn day is starting.
Have a nice day!
It’s been a long week. Got bankruptcy (Chapter 7) filed right before the deadline. Two things did me in: living several months without a paycheck in between my last semester of grad school and my first job after grad school (fell right into the easy credit trap – and maxed out credit cards trying to feed and shelter my family) and my wife’s broken knee a couple years ago (which required three surgeries). Just no way to dig out of the mountain of debt. So it goes. Lessons learned: credit cards are evil, and it’s time to shop around for better insurance for the wife and kids.
I suppose the lesson the elites would love me to learn is that lower middle class peasants such as myself should avoid pursuing grad school and professional careers and should stick to more “appropriate” vocations – but I’m one of those stubborn uppity peasants.
We also filed Chapter 7, and it was the pursuit of this Ph.D. that did us in, plus me having 2 kids while in pursuit, daycare, health insurance, oh, and years of dental work from having my head put through a wall in 1997 by an abusive asshole….
The lawyer said I should go to the discharge meeting prepared to explain why some of our balances were so big….happy to, this shit didn’t happen overnight, it is an accumulation of 8 years of trying to live.
I suppose they would like me to learn that lesson too — but I am also an uppity peasant, and by next year, Dr. Uppity Peasant, thank you very much!!
Wishing the best for you and yours!!
Being Dr. Uppity Peasant is worth the hassles. My career choice hasn’t been the most lucrative in the world, but I’ll have to say that being paid to study what intrinsically interests me – even at relatively low pay – has been great. Raising kids and doing a Ph.D. is tough – was there myself; not only the usual pressures of dealing with childcare and such but also pressures from established academicians who believed that grad students should be single and childless and who really expected (perhaps wanted?) those of us who did not fit that mold to fail. Got a kick out of proving them wrong. 🙂
What is your field, if I may ask? And when did you finish? How old are the kiddos now?
(If answering personal questions such as these makes you uncomfortable, please just say so, I won’t be offended or anything!!)
My field is social psychology, and I specialize in human aggression. Finished up the dissertation in 2000, and have three kids aged 9 years, 3 years, and 5 months. 🙂
My son had the pleasure of being the child of not just one but two grad students. In my family I’m part of a second generation to go to college (on my dad’s side anyway) – my wife was a first-generation college student.
Btw, what are you studying?
Social psych is fascinating — what kind of work are you doing right now? Human agression — sounds like jsu the thing they’d want to keep us uppity peasants from knowing too much about, eh?
My degree will be in Instructional Technology — it’s a specialization in the Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Ed. My dissertation is about the effects of social capital creation and curculation in an online community for Texas elementrary teachers and the effects on the teachers’ perceptions of professional development.
I helped design and develop the community, was the facilitation coordinator for 2 years, until the state of TX in its infinate wisdom pulled the plug on the funding — two years of work down the freaking tubes, a great community, excellent resources for teachers, etc. etc. down the tubes….I collected all fo my data last fall, just as the community was losing its’ funding — I’ve been in a definate stall for over 7 months….but now that the bankruptcy is filed and the stress of borrowing/looking for work/ going crazy trying to pay the bills each month will (hopefully!!) be eliminated, I am going to get back on it….
With a vengance!
One of my sisters is planning a small (tiny) business idea. She has something she’d like to sell and she would like to let people order it online. And she’d like me (the family web person) to help her with it. And I’m happy to (I’ve never had an excuse to work on this end of things)
My Internet Hosting account has a link called e-commerce that I suspect (I’m almost afraid to click on the link) leads to some kind of out-of-the-box shopping cart.
But, before I get to far into anything, I thought I’d ask for advice here (where you find the smartest people in the world). I’m also going to hammer on Ebsco-Host at the library (did you know you can save your searches & get email alerts when new articles come out on your interests?) and Google Groups.
I don’t mean to ask for too much, I think pointers (use this search term, or have you heard of this product, or don’t ever use xxx) would help tremendously.
Anyway, this item won’t be expensive, so individual transactions won’t be large. But, it’s a catchy idea and if it takes off there could be a lot of individual transactions. And I want to make sure the infrastructure is set up right.
Did I tell you that my new plan is “Do something today.” Asking you for help and getting my part of this project defined meets that goal. And it’s just 6:20am.
My email address is: katiebird@everestkc.net if you think the conversation belongs off this page. (Thanks for anything and everything)
One option you might want to explore (as far as relative costs and convenience go) is opening an Ebay “store” — a great many sellers have stores where things are offered for set prices (not up for auction). The advantage is that they’ve already got all the software for handling secure transactions and displaying items in place, calculating shipping costs, and a huge market, and a system for weeding out unreliable customers and establishing a trustworthy rep as a seller that buyers can trust. The disadvantage is that they do take a percentage — but I don’t know what that percentage is. Still, there are a LOT of stores on Ebay, with items that range in price from a few bucks to lord-knows-how-much, so obviously it’s working for them.
That may or may not be the best option for your sister’s business, but considering the alternatives of setting up a secure payment system, getting the word out to potential customers and upkeep on an online store, it might be worth at least looking into.
Good luck!
Janet, I think that’s a good idea. I have a vague memory of talking about that with her and I can’t remember why/if she isn’t interested in it.
I’ve sold quite a bit of stuff through eBay and I like it for exactly the reasons you’ve described.
And she wouldn’t have to give up having a non eBay site. We could just direct people to the ebay store if they click on the “I want to buy” link.
Also, as a consumer, I always feel more secure purchasing through eBay rather than some unknown and possibly fly-by-night company.
Thanks for the reminder. I’m going to talk to her about it this morning.
Peeking in briefly while updating my Podcasts — heading out early today to do some financial transactions at the credit union, and probably some other errands. Still not feeling great (got a bit of a queasy stomach), but need to get the stuff done this morning so the spouse can make the deposit on the way in to work.
Okay, time to hop in the shower…have a fun day, folks…
Unrecommend this one and come on over…