First of all, for all of you breathlessly awaiting RAW STORY’s scoop on whether Cheney is being investigated by Fitzgerald, their article, Vice President’s role in outing of CIA agent under examination, sources close to prosecutor say, is now up.
Cheney was interviewed by the FBI surrounding the leak in 2004. According to the New York Times, Cheney was asked whether he knew of any concerted effort by White House aides to name Ms. Wilson.
Sources close to the investigation have also confirmed that special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is trying to determine Vice President Cheney’s role in the outing of Mrs. Wilson, more specifically, if Cheney ordered the leak.
Those close to Fitzgerald say they have yet to uncover any evidence that suggests Cheney ordered the leak or played a role in the outing of Mrs. Wilson. Still, the sources said they are investigating claims that Cheney may have been involved based on his attendance at meetings of the Iraq group. Previous reports indicate Cheney was intimately involved with the framing of the Iraq war.
All hat, no cattle? You decide.
What I find far more fascinating is this post by Digby who examines conservative blogger Robert George’s look at the timeline of the Plame outing and susbsequent events happening in the UK at the same time, including the “suicide” of David Kelly, “the source of BBC reporter Andrew Gilligan’s explosive report that the Blair government “sexed-up” its Iraq intelligence dossier.”
Digby’s post explores all of the machinations of the propaganda efforts on both sides of the pond regarding the Iraq war and is too extensive to summarize here. I highly suggest you read it yourself if you are interested in this case. It’s an eye opener.
The more I read about this case, the more obvious it becomes that we will never know the full truth. But, if we keep pushing and putting the pieces together, as so many bloggers have been – including our own here at BT – we can at least come away with a much better idea of what really did go on.
I just finished reading the Digby diaries that are un-effin-real and came here to see who else had read them…
If you start at this Digby diary, that kindof picks up on where rawstory left off with their original WHIG news, AND then go to your Digby link you get a really broad picture of it all.
Oh! What a tangled web they weave…
Smokin’! (Gun, that is…)
Downing Street Minutes Meets The Plame Gate Investigation Head On!
Knock Knock: “Hey MSM! Is there anybody home? Remember when you said there was nothing worth reporting on the Downing Street Minutes because it was old news?”
Just checking if they have woken up yet…
It really is something, isn’t it? Everything is connected in a way we never imagined – well, some of us, anyway. 🙂
And Miller has her fingers everywhere.
who she was working for.
The Devil.
My guess?
Rummies super-dooper-double-secret outfit over at the Pentagon … The one that just happens to have no congressional oversight.
Just like the lack of her covering HUGE stories proves:
She sure isn’t a reporter.
(Never mind that the “articles” she did write were pure fiction)
Maybe when she gets old and grows a conscience, she’ll write all about it. Rumours abound that she might have a book deal right now but I doubt it will be thorough since she’s still working for the NYT.
Just remember that Sibel Edmonds keeps telling everyone that will listen that it is all one big puzzle.
The list goes on and on… So much that I can’t even remember if Abramoff should be on that list? Oh well! I added him anyways! lol
Many investigations that were all going on at the same time. All tied together. All ILLEGAL. And all of it leads back to the White House other prominent politicians.
There is a million pound snowball rolling downhill towards the bush misadministration… And it is still getting bigger as it picks up speed.
How do you get a “super double-secret probation” gag order lifted? Easy. Blow out all the other “secrets” first. Personally, I’m saving my popcorn for Sibel’s story.
Wouldn’t it be interesting if PFitz brought Edmonds in to testify before the GJ?
It is getting to the point where this could very well happen. It all depends on if PFitz was talking to Hogan about expanding his quest for truth. Maybe PFitz was only looking for a little extra time to continue on Treasongate…
Imagine the stories that would be told?
Thanks catnip for highlighting the concerted LIES and DECEIT by George and Tony, which has been touched upon multiple times, no one would comprehend, perhaps not ready for yet.
The coordination in intelligence to excuse the Iraq War and its horrible occupation, civilian deaths and brutal aftermath has been clear from the beginning. Please also include Likud, Sharon and Israel as major player in the true coalition to invade Iraq, bogus threats and War of Propaganda.
I have written a number of diaries about the propaganda and quoted extensively from Sam Gardiner’s articles.
I am willing to state once again, look deeper into the 911 attacks, as my strong believe is these were allowed to happen by the U.S. and Israel. I even have doubts about the London bombings, the 7 July attack, because the so called bombing 14 days later was more of a hoax than a true deadly attack.
The anthrax is sourced to Fort Detrick, SAIC and Hatfill’s involvement, see also the links to the pharmacy industry and the importance for creation of FEAR. Tony Blair is a master in the use of fear to get the British version of the Patriot’s Act rammed through parliament where the Labor party dissidents are overruled by backing from the conservatives. Whose political agenda is Blair presenting to the British people?
911 attacks and the London bombing in its true nature is our Reichdag’s fire! The Rise of the Vulcans.
Started as a comment, I decided to publish as diary ::
THIS IS MAJOR! ¶ Our Reichstag’s Fire
Never forget the Gulf of Tonkin and the USS Liberty.
▼ ▼ ▼
including, I am sorry to say, me: Read this from the Digby post linked above:
I went to some conferences about Afghan women, and was involved in getting some of these women to come speak at my university, and elsewhere. Not that their stories aren’t important, and their cause a very good one. But it is all a matter of timing, and obviously the powers that be WANTED the problems of Afghan women to be publicized then. These women were also being manipulated.
The same organizational machinery, and in many cases the same players, who gave us Iran-Contra, BCCI, Iraqgate, the forged Niger documents, the Blair govt. intel manipulations, and several other seemingly lesser intrigues, also brought us the war against the Middle East. When Judith Miller became an active part of this machinery I can’t say, but it’s clear she’s been serving in a very valuable role as a propagandist for them for some time.
The Bushies usual reaction to bad news is attack and distract.
Merely attacking, given the low poll numbers, doesn’t seem to be an option. Further, some of the MSM reporters seem to have suddenly woken-up to the fact they are reporters, see this diary by up2date, and can (Gasp!) ask questions at news conferences!
Keith Olbermann has reported 13 incidents of Terror Alerts being used for domestic political advantage by the GOP. There is a full outlay on his blog.
So that little tactic is running out of steam.
Doing another ‘Teri?’ Nope. Didn’t work so well the last time. (Scroll down and look for the picture.)
Beating the crap out of someone for the heinous crime of walking down a street while being of African physique (in the First Degree) didn’t get much more than a yawn. (Thanks to blksista!)
YES! It’s Time to Kidnap Some White Women!
I have said all along that I felt Miller had to be covering for herself and Cheney. Scooter boy was only the go between. It is the only thing that makes sense of this whole mess. Now that she has talked Fitzgerald is looking into the WHIG’s (White House Iraq Group) and not just the TORIES (Treason of Rove inside Executive Suite).