“The White House disregarded intelligence projections on post-Saddam Iraq according to a newly-declassified CIA report, Intelligence and Analysis on Iraq: Issues for the Intelligence Community, posted today on the website of the National Security Archive.”

It’s no shock to us, but worth noting that the “Kerr Report” finds that “intelligence analysts were under constant pressure to find ‘links between Saddam and [al-Qa’ida]’ causing them to take a “purposely aggressive approach” to the issue, ‘conducting exhaustive and repetitive searches for such links’.”

The press release I received from the National Security Archives notes that today’s New York Times carries a story on the Kerr report, written by Douglas Jehl. That it does: “Report Says White House Ignored C.I.A. on Iraq Chaos.”

But the NYTimes’ story today is so buried that I had to use its search engine to find Jehl’s review of the Kerry report. Not only is the story not listed on the home page, it is not even listed on the home page of the section (“International News”) in which it was dumped.

Isn’t that the darndest thing. And it’s odd that the story wouldn’t fit in the Nation or Washington sections of the ol’ gray girl. But what do I know. Could it have something to do with Judy’s WMD reporting?