Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Hmmmm. I hadn’t considered eggrolls. But I was thinking about breakfast. Still am. Toast with jam and philly, eggs with toast, cereal – I’m still not sure.
That does it! Hubby and I were chatting about dinner a while ago and had a very typical conversation — it ended with us saying, in unison, the name of our favorite Chines place. I was trying to be strong, but their egg rolls are sooooo good!
spiderleaf, you pushed me over the edge. No salad for me tonight!
We went to see Body Worlds at the Franklin Insitute in Philly today. Absolutely incredible. I’m going to have to head back by myself for a second look with the med student version of the audio guide.
If anyone has a chance to see it in Toronto or Philly, it is well worth the price. And not just because I’m a medicine geek!
I saw it in Chicago. It is awesome. I know it sounds creepy, but most people, once they’ve looked at the first few exhibits get past that and are just amazed by the beauty and complexity of the human body.
I teach anatomy, so it’s obvious why I’d like it. And I went with one of my daughter’s friends who’s in grad school doing physical anthropology.
I’m in a medical field, and I LOVED it! My younger son is into body stuff too, and he loved it, but it got a little long for him.
I loved being able to infarcts and cirrhosis and tumors and structures and how about the tattoos on that one guy? It was so incredible that they are able to do that, and so well.
Well that link was a nightmare. I’ll have to have another belt and explore further. CabinGirl exactly how long did this tour last? Do you feel ok? 🙂
I have to say it really wasn’t gross at all. The boys were fascinated, and all the other people in the exhibit seemed to enjoy it too. We spent about an hour and half in there (it’s a lot for kids to absorb), but they say it takes most people more on the order of 2 hours to get through.
I’m glad the spouse and I hadn’t bought our new 20″ iMac yet — need to get to the Apple Store and check out the new ones. 🙂
All the sportscasts are talking about having “instant replay” for baseball after some controversial play last night (I missed it; was busy doing laundry). Screw baseball — I want “instant replay” for presidential elections. Even better; can we get a “do-over” for 2000, or at least 2004?
I’m getting nervous about Ahnold’s “special election” in a few weeks, especially the one targeting the unions; somewhere in there, I’m sure there’s a proviso that the permission to spend union dues on political activities must be written in triplicate, in the member’s own blood…
Well, I warned you that assuming I had a mind today might be optimistic at best…
I’ve said before that since the election I have pretty much refused to watch any news shows other than Olberman…although I do periodically channel surf during the day to see if any of the news shows are covering what the blogs think is important as far as news goes(ha ha).
Anyway this morning I saw Mathews saying that bush’s poll numbers were basically in the toilet on everything…but then he had to go and add that of course the president was still liked very much personally and that he isn’t being blamed exactly for all the problems..WTF WTF WTF
Does that even compute you stupid hack..I’m to disgusted at this tired old story about his supposed likability to even go into a rant about this..although my tv was on the endangered list for a few seconds before I realized throwing my shoe at it served no purpose.
a pretty weird comment, but it seems to me that quite a few of the hosts of the talking head shows may be suffering from the same problem.
Does it seem like Matthews, Russert, Hannity, O’Reilly and Scarborough are all suffering from some sort of “swollen head syndrome”? I look at their faces and they all look puffed up, eyes receding beneath swollen cheeks, faces getting rounder and puffier as though being inflated from within.
It’s just a theory, just a rumor that has been around for a while, that whenever CNN hires new on-camera talent, they send the lucky one to a dentist with whom they have a contract. He examines the teeth, and if bad, removes them, if good, covers them with plastic according to an exclusive CNN tooth template that has been extensively tried and tested by multiple focus groups.
So if the talking heads seem swollen, maybe they had some dental work done recently.
That’s a new one to me. I know that Fox owns stock in lip gloss companies because they require all their female personal;ities to use the stuff, but I had’t been aware of the CNN tooth template. (Probably this is why they’ve never asked me to appear on their shows; myteeth are not bleached).
I think the swollen head phenom may be symptomatic of an ego affliction. When a media pundit becomes his own biggest fan, his ego grows, and as the ego inflates, so does the head. With these hacks, the explanation fits. They definitely are full of themselves.
Hmmmm. I hadn’t considered eggrolls. But I was thinking about breakfast. Still am. Toast with jam and philly, eggs with toast, cereal – I’m still not sure.
I vote for belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream.
If only I had a waffle maker.
Australians don’t really eat waffles, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a waffle maker for sale here. I wonder if a sandwich toaster would work?
I might have to experiment.
That does it! Hubby and I were chatting about dinner a while ago and had a very typical conversation — it ended with us saying, in unison, the name of our favorite Chines place. I was trying to be strong, but their egg rolls are sooooo good!
spiderleaf, you pushed me over the edge. No salad for me tonight!
This AP article. They are eviscerating Bush today, ha!
Regarding the photo-op with the troops this morning:
We went to see Body Worlds at the Franklin Insitute in Philly today. Absolutely incredible. I’m going to have to head back by myself for a second look with the med student version of the audio guide.
If anyone has a chance to see it in Toronto or Philly, it is well worth the price. And not just because I’m a medicine geek!
I saw it in Chicago. It is awesome. I know it sounds creepy, but most people, once they’ve looked at the first few exhibits get past that and are just amazed by the beauty and complexity of the human body.
I teach anatomy, so it’s obvious why I’d like it. And I went with one of my daughter’s friends who’s in grad school doing physical anthropology.
But non-science types really like it too.
I’m in a medical field, and I LOVED it! My younger son is into body stuff too, and he loved it, but it got a little long for him.
I loved being able to infarcts and cirrhosis and tumors and structures and how about the tattoos on that one guy? It was so incredible that they are able to do that, and so well.
Well that link was a nightmare. I’ll have to have another belt and explore further. CabinGirl exactly how long did this tour last? Do you feel ok? 🙂
I have to say it really wasn’t gross at all. The boys were fascinated, and all the other people in the exhibit seemed to enjoy it too. We spent about an hour and half in there (it’s a lot for kids to absorb), but they say it takes most people more on the order of 2 hours to get through.
I know I should probably NOT confess this, but I’m wondering when exactly did this video conference with the troops in Iraq actually take place?
And if it wasn’t today (as we’re being led to believe), why broadcast it today?
Further confession — I didn’t see the actual news conference as it “happened,” only watched portion of the C-SPAN recording.
Anyone who wishes to assure and enlighten me regarding my two questions, I’d appreciate it.
From what I’ve read, it was scheduled to be broadcast right before the elections.
It was pointed out to me on Daily Kos that the “live feed” of the “prehearsal” is an indicator that the video conference took place today.
I would’ve told them to go Cheney themselves
Assuming, of course, I have a mind…
I’m glad the spouse and I hadn’t bought our new 20″ iMac yet — need to get to the Apple Store and check out the new ones. 🙂
All the sportscasts are talking about having “instant replay” for baseball after some controversial play last night (I missed it; was busy doing laundry). Screw baseball — I want “instant replay” for presidential elections. Even better; can we get a “do-over” for 2000, or at least 2004?
I’m getting nervous about Ahnold’s “special election” in a few weeks, especially the one targeting the unions; somewhere in there, I’m sure there’s a proviso that the permission to spend union dues on political activities must be written in triplicate, in the member’s own blood…
Well, I warned you that assuming I had a mind today might be optimistic at best…
I’ve said before that since the election I have pretty much refused to watch any news shows other than Olberman…although I do periodically channel surf during the day to see if any of the news shows are covering what the blogs think is important as far as news goes(ha ha).
Anyway this morning I saw Mathews saying that bush’s poll numbers were basically in the toilet on everything…but then he had to go and add that of course the president was still liked very much personally and that he isn’t being blamed exactly for all the problems..WTF WTF WTF
Does that even compute you stupid hack..I’m to disgusted at this tired old story about his supposed likability to even go into a rant about this..although my tv was on the endangered list for a few seconds before I realized throwing my shoe at it served no purpose.
But how would we watch ALF reruns?
Kill your television is an imperative! But, I don’t have a television – therefore I am unable to kill “it.” “It” being hypothetical in my case.
We’re not forgetting our “old pal” Tom Delay and his and his daughters phone records today are we?
a pretty weird comment, but it seems to me that quite a few of the hosts of the talking head shows may be suffering from the same problem.
Does it seem like Matthews, Russert, Hannity, O’Reilly and Scarborough are all suffering from some sort of “swollen head syndrome”? I look at their faces and they all look puffed up, eyes receding beneath swollen cheeks, faces getting rounder and puffier as though being inflated from within.
It’s just a theory, just a rumor that has been around for a while, that whenever CNN hires new on-camera talent, they send the lucky one to a dentist with whom they have a contract. He examines the teeth, and if bad, removes them, if good, covers them with plastic according to an exclusive CNN tooth template that has been extensively tried and tested by multiple focus groups.
So if the talking heads seem swollen, maybe they had some dental work done recently.
TV news is a cutgum business.
That’s a new one to me. I know that Fox owns stock in lip gloss companies because they require all their female personal;ities to use the stuff, but I had’t been aware of the CNN tooth template. (Probably this is why they’ve never asked me to appear on their shows; myteeth are not bleached).
I think the swollen head phenom may be symptomatic of an ego affliction. When a media pundit becomes his own biggest fan, his ego grows, and as the ego inflates, so does the head. With these hacks, the explanation fits. They definitely are full of themselves.
The CNN teeth and tooth covers come in CNN’s own exclusive range of whites, matched to complexion and natural gums!
That’s a big relief. I can hardly wait for my first invitation.