G’morning, U.S.East Coasters and all other sunny time zones! Here in the Midwest it’s a crisp fall morning, perfect for hot chocolate w/whipped cream. Let’s all get together and curl up under blankets (together?)and have comfort food today.
Dreaming of the weekend when I can get to the fish market early and have this for breakfast:
Although right now the Puget Sound coho salmon are running, and they’re a little strong for my taste. I prefer to use the coho cut into small pieces in combo dishes like salmon curry or stroganoff or even spaghetti sauce made with fish instead of beef.
But then I enjoy almost anything for breakfast over “breakfast” food. Pizza, subs/hoagies, rack of lamb, really anything.
Sardines & crackers–yum!!
Puget4 has a much more midwestern palate. For our Tuesday toto dog trip into Seattle, her comfort food of choice came from golden arches. <shudder>
Ooh, that’s great coffee. Blended Bush Bits- my favorite brand.
Here, take this big muffin …..Hey! Get your hands off, Delay! No I am not making a “contribution”. And take that Miller gal out with you. I don’t care if prison food didn’t agree with her.
Good morning, Kansas. Good morning, Tribbers. It is cloudy and rainy here in NE Pa again this morning, perfect for hot chocolate. OK, break’s over, gotta go let my horses out (they must be finished with their breakfast by now) and feed my ducks. Enjoy your breakfast, catch you all later.
(As I shuffle around in my ducks, putting my coat/hat on, I mumble under my breath as I notice the leaves I tracked in before. OK, here I go)
G’morning, Nag. Hmm, you’re feeding your ducks and you’re also shuffling around in your ducks as you get dressed to go outside? Either you’re talking about all-weather shoes or you keep a flock of ducks in the living room.
Ha. Yes, the same all-weather-shoes that have no support and probably contributed greatly to my plantar fasciitis. The ones I can’t throw away. But talk to me in January… I WANT to bring the ducks in the house by then.
No Arabians, one Palomino and one Thorobred. I actually tried to take some pictures this cloudy misty morning, but they’re terrible. I promised AndiF that I’d post some horsie pictures. I’m working on it.
My ducks do mingle with their little wild friends… I never thought of them getting sick. If they start sneezing do I get them a tissue?
Gosh, that sounds like the morning of my dreams. Breathing in the crisp air, walking out to the barn sipping coffee, hearing the birds singing their exuberant fall songs.
My morning experience with animals was slightly less idyllic. It started with me walking out of my bedroom and stepping, barefoot, into a cold and slimy pile of cat barf. Mmmmm, undigested bits of Iams Weight Control food squished between my toes.
Then I notice the bird, Bitey, is making some weird clucking noises in his cage and I lift the cover to find there are exactly 3 BILLION little ants milling lazily about in his food dish and along all the little bars of his home. I follow the trail and see they are coming in from under the door to the deck.
THis is all before coffee, folks. I have a feeling it’s going to be a bad day.
That’s a great photo. And hey, if it makes you feel any better (although, why would it?)I started my day washing dog pee off the basement floor and cleaning up hair balls. And now that we’ve ruined everybody’s bfast, we can go on our merry way.
Ah, cleaning hair balls and barfs on a moody autumn morning… but it’s so much better than having to hand out allowances. My horses don’t need designer shoes, my cats are all “fixed”, no date-rape worries, and my ducks think I’m the best thing since Purina Duck chow. Life is good.
Not what you had in mind? Be careful what you wish for. π
I need to order several thousand of those. My (Republican)next door neighbor has evidently trained her little Yorkie, Precious, to crap in my front yard twice a day. Ummm…Precious must die.
But for “Precious” may I recommend a strategy that has worked very well for me with recalcitrant neighbors: use your gardeen hand spade to scoop up the offending feces and throw it on their front stoop/porch…works for me when a polite requests go nowhere. :{)
It’s about time you got up and joined us. Just because you’re 3 hours behind doesn’t give you license to lie about like a sloth while we’re hard at work here in the cafe. It’s harrd wurk!
Ok, first off… I got up at 5:30 this morning. Made lunches and that crap. Picked up the dirty clothes AFTER I asked everyone else to bring me their dirty cloths.. then I took my daughter to school and that crap. And then I had to do some hockey chattersplatter because well… the Sharks won a game opener. Of course my hockey chatter is speckled with politics… so I have to be on the ball er… puck.
And then.. I get here.. and there’s like 67 fucking posts already. Took me nearly 20 mins just to read and high fourve the peoples here. Crap.
Now slip me some French… coffee not the tongue dear and let’s see what else in the news we can trounce and bounch and flounce.
She sounds wonderful. And yeah there are some foods in our lives that only our moms or grandmoms can make right for us. Or, probably now, dads or granddads. With my mom, it’s meatloaf, which is true of a lot of moms, I guess. Also chicken soup. I make terrible chicken soup. I don’t know how I do it, it’s just a rare talent I have.
The ultimate comfort food for me is my grandma’s rice pudding….warm, with cinnamon and a splash of cream. I make this for dinner sometimes when my husband is gone because the kids and I just love it. Him…..not so much. He’s a southerner and it doesn’t contain mayonnaise.
I had to go to a customer site in Brussels several times and they served the same lunch every day — various meat sandwiches absolutely slathered with mayonnaise, including one with raw beef that they called an “American” (which I took as another sign of the unfortunate image of Americans in Europe).
She was a great and never gave an inch her whole life. She got thrown out of six nursing homes for causing problems — my favorite time, we happened to arrive just as she’d had a fuming fit with the recreational therapist who wanted her to crochet. She said to us “What does she think I am, some kind of idiot. It’s my legs that went, not my mind.”
She is my new hero. Getting kicked out of six nursing homes for not cooperating. I admire people who stay sharp and feisty to the end and go out fighting.
Well, I’m off to take my son to the airport. He’s flying to LA to visit some buddies who go to school there. Oh, to be 21 and visiting LA for the first time!
I’m here, and it’s clear, that from all I’ve read, I should still be in bed. (Sorry, I’m only halfway into my first cup of coffee)
Coffee….midwestern….Sausage McMuffin with Egg….Heaven. Sigh. My doctor says to “get agressive with lowering my cholesterol”. So I’ve been eating more along the lines of Gooserock’s ideal breakfast. I feel so virtuous….haven’t had a recheck on the cholesterol yet. I’ve even given up MAYONNAISE. Gooserock gave me a Mayonnaise Cookbook one year for Christmas for a joke. HA!! I used it. Wonderful recipes.
Back to coffee. Here’s something to make you gag. I make a 12 cup pot of coffee (Gooserock can’t even stand the smell of coffee) and I drink it all myself… over SEVERAL days. None of this fresh every morning stuff for me!
I know this is sacreligious to Pac NW-ers and I’m trying to learn. I just haven’t made it to lattes and mochas yet. I do like chai tea though..
mr katiebird and I drink the coffee over 2 days (10 cup pot). We keep it fresh by turning it off as soon as it’s brewed. Then we microwave it (or not).
It’s a habit we got into when we could barely afford coffee (and couldn’t make ourselves toss it out), and now I don’t even think about it.
That leftover coffee habit must be one of those Ohio things.
I visited a friend’s family in Yellow Springs once, and while staying, I was advised by my hostess that there was a pitcher of coffee in the refrigerator to which I could help myself in the mornings. I was given directions to just pour, heat, and serve.
Punchline: my hostess was also a doctor, and right next to the coffee pitcher in the fridge was a pitcher of betadine. And as it turns out, before you’ve had any coffee, pitchers of cold betadine and cold leftover coffee are practically twins.
I was reading in the NYT a few months ago that true coffee snobs are turning away from heat-brewed coffee, which they claim is too acidic and making cold-brewed coffee concentrate which keeps in the frig for up to a month. You add boiling water and they claim it tastes way better than traditional brewed coffee.
Well, “2 cup french press” at least makes you sound snobby. π
I stick two pods into a machine and push a button — and despite having simplified the procedure this much trying to aid my horrible cases of morning brain, I’ve still managed to run the coffeemaker with the lid open, with no water in it, with no cup to catch the coffee…
I can relate. I am right now actually quite hurt that I am being so selectively 4’d in this thread compared to other people…which is probably the dumbest emotion I’ve had in 6 months. I’ve been over-sensitive lately.
I just high-fourved you as DamnitJanet says. I do this really stupid thing where I go down and give everyone a four and then I respond to someone without hitting “rate all” and then it just disappears. Duh!
And now I feel like a ratings whore. (For which I do not blame anyone but myself, please don’t misunderstand me!)
You know, I’m not a big believer in astrology or anything like that, but has Mercury been in retrograde lately or something? There are miscommunications everyfreakinwhere I look this past week or so. Usually I’m not prone to them but recently I’ve been just as batshit crazy as almost everyone else seems to be. Taking things out of context, getting way too sensitive, I don’t know what’s going on.
ANYWAY, thanks for the 4, I feel like less of an outcast now (even if I’ve totally upped my Neurotic Freak Rating by a factor of 10). π
I am a Cancer. Nurturer, over-sensitive dork, homebody.
But I have dated Scorpios almost exclusively, because I have divine taste, and I actually have the Scorpio and Cancer symbols tattooed together in an infinity symbol on my chest. That’s, um, not as butch as it sounds. π
Dearest Indylib, I’m giving you and just you (everybody else cose your eyes) the BREAKING NEWS that I’m going to have to open a new cafe right now. (Chatter boxes!!) So hurry over and put a comment right up top to guarantee the most 4’s.
I wanted to write shishifrufru before but didn’t know how to spell it. Thanks for clearing that up. I was going to write something like she-she frou-frou, but yours is much easier to type. I still can’t touch type hypens.
Back in the days when I had a huge veggie garden (before I got into perennials) I grew both yellow and red tomatoes. I made some yellow tomato juice once. I just HAD to serve it in the morning in place of orange juice. It worked! Once! Bletch! Great tomato juice…terrible orange juice.
Thanks. Nice to be here. Gooserock has been enjoying this arena so much for so long. The photo fair caught me and now I’m hooked. So much for “working” at home. π
Y’all are making me hungry! I made homemade mac & cheese last night and thought I would spice it up with some diced tomatoes. My roommate came home and told me I committed an act of heresy.
Psshhh, I thought it tasted good. (even w/out mayo)
And now I’m Homer Simpson. Mmmm…homemade macaroni and cheese…ggarrrgghhh….
My love for the mac & cheese is so pure — you can put tomatoes in there, mayo, whatever you want…hell, you could put Republicans in there and I’d still give it a taste.
Mac and cheese….one of those heavenly never-again foods. It’s funny, as a kid I couldn’t stand it. Now, as a watch-your-diet adult, I love it!! What do kids know?
I got this in my inbox this a.m. and thought I’d share it with you:
Karl Rove NeoCondoms!
The Ruckus Society is pleased to introduce the Karl Rove NeoCondom. This first edition prophylactic is embossed with the face of our President’s Chief Political Strategist (i.e. “Bush,s Brain”) and reads Some Things Should Never Leak.
These latex rubbers are the cutting edge in Fundamentalist Christian birth control.
Karl Rove NeoCondoms, like their namesake, leak, so they cannot be viewed as a sinful contraceptive. However, our exhaustive field-testing has proven that Karl’s pudgy face on every wrapper will promote abstinence by functioning as a powerful deterrent to sex.
The Karl Rove NeoCondom is being issued to commemorate Karl’s fourth trip back to Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald,s Grand Jury. Mr. Rove has had difficulty recollecting the role he played in exposing the identity of Valerie Plame, an undercover CIA agent whose husband was critical of Karl’s efforts to “get our war on” in Iraq. Karl will surely maintain his innocence while addressing some tricky issues of testimony-drift.
His testimony will most likely take place this Friday, October 14. Oddly, they are being very secretive about the date and time. Look for his NeoCondoms to debut wherever Karl can be found in DC this week.
Come on Karl! Show yourself, man!!!!!
Action Alert:
Ruckus, Code Pink, the League of Pissed Off Voters, and assorted DC allies will be at 3rd and Constitution outside the Superior Courthouse in DC when Karl testifies. We should be easy to spot (think strong Condom Motif here). Please come and join us if you can. Anyone pitching in on our efforts will take home their very own Karl Rove NeoCondom.
Join the Karl Rove Rapid Response email list, and we’ll alert you to when he will be testifying. Then, you can hurry on down and join in on the fun. The first five folks to join us will have the honor of wearing life size condoms (just kidding – they’re already called for). If you can’t be there in person, be there in spirit by donating to the action fund and getting your very own Karl Rove NeoCondom.
this should have come with a “put the coffee down first” alert! I laughed so hard I just about lost it-wonderful laugh, I thank you!
Probably everyone has seen this but if not…go to google and enter “failure” without the quotes and hit I’m feeling lucky-
Off to the dentist…shudders…
Bought the stuff last night to make the artichoke dip. We’ll see huh? We’ll see if he even mentions that trampolining “thing”. Lots to do but I did see this and thought it was worth sharing http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0541,fiore,68690,9.html. See ya all later.
G’morning, U.S.East Coasters and all other sunny time zones! Here in the Midwest it’s a crisp fall morning, perfect for hot chocolate w/whipped cream. Let’s all get together and curl up under blankets (together?)and have comfort food today.
I’m thinking. . .mashed potatoes.
Hot chocolate and mashed potatoes under blankets? Sounds like something they’d service in a french-midwest-nouvelle_cuisine fusion restaurant.
a french-midwest-nouvelle_cuisine fusion restaurant.
Also known as “Mom’s.”
I am impressed. My mom’s cooking is unchanged since 1950 (but she does make a killer brisket, so I don’t care).
BTW, nice of you not to notice that I killed my own punchine.
nice of you not to notice that I killed my own punchine.
Out of kindness, one averts one’s eyes.
I need a proofreader
Don’t oui awl.
I can’t take it — it would destroy my image of you as a mind-meld of Fran Leibowitz and Judy Tenuta.
<gr> Stay as snide as I am?
But normally I prefer to drink Cappuchino – lovely!
Unge drikker mer kaffe
▼ ▼ ▼
Looks like you have up a great diary this morning. Soon’s I get a chance I’ll go back and read carefully.
Comfort food, hmmm hot chocolate and french toast.
Dreaming of the weekend when I can get to the fish market early and have this for breakfast:
Although right now the Puget Sound coho salmon are running, and they’re a little strong for my taste. I prefer to use the coho cut into small pieces in combo dishes like salmon curry or stroganoff or even spaghetti sauce made with fish instead of beef.
But then I enjoy almost anything for breakfast over “breakfast” food. Pizza, subs/hoagies, rack of lamb, really anything.
Sardines & crackers–yum!!
Puget4 has a much more midwestern palate. For our Tuesday toto dog trip into Seattle, her comfort food of choice came from golden arches. <shudder>
of your fresh salmon. The best salmon we ever had was over in Forks, caught that morning.
But I am very fond of copper river salmon, even if I can’t get it fresh.
That looks yummy. I might have to try that for Sunday dinner.
Can I have a shot of espresso in mine?
I’m making some lemon nutmeg muffins. They should be out in a minute.
Espresso comin’ right up, Tehanu. May I have real butter with my muffin, please? I lurve nutmeg.
Ooh, that’s great coffee. Blended Bush Bits- my favorite brand.
Here, take this big muffin …..Hey! Get your hands off, Delay! No I am not making a “contribution”. And take that Miller gal out with you. I don’t care if prison food didn’t agree with her.
Let’s try that again. Have two.
They are so pushy!
Oooo, look at the butter melt down into the muffins. Nyah nyah, Judy!
Good morning, Kansas. Good morning, Tribbers. It is cloudy and rainy here in NE Pa again this morning, perfect for hot chocolate. OK, break’s over, gotta go let my horses out (they must be finished with their breakfast by now) and feed my ducks. Enjoy your breakfast, catch you all later.
(As I shuffle around in my ducks, putting my coat/hat on, I mumble under my breath as I notice the leaves I tracked in before. OK, here I go)
G’morning, Nag. Hmm, you’re feeding your ducks and you’re also shuffling around in your ducks as you get dressed to go outside? Either you’re talking about all-weather shoes or you keep a flock of ducks in the living room.
Ha. Yes, the same all-weather-shoes that have no support and probably contributed greatly to my plantar fasciitis. The ones I can’t throw away. But talk to me in January… I WANT to bring the ducks in the house by then.
Be careful! On sneeze from your feathered flock and you get out of there!
How many horses? Arabians?
No Arabians, one Palomino and one Thorobred. I actually tried to take some pictures this cloudy misty morning, but they’re terrible. I promised AndiF that I’d post some horsie pictures. I’m working on it.
My ducks do mingle with their little wild friends… I never thought of them getting sick. If they start sneezing do I get them a tissue?
We need a horse diary. I have some great pix.
Gosh, that sounds like the morning of my dreams. Breathing in the crisp air, walking out to the barn sipping coffee, hearing the birds singing their exuberant fall songs.
My morning experience with animals was slightly less idyllic. It started with me walking out of my bedroom and stepping, barefoot, into a cold and slimy pile of cat barf. Mmmmm, undigested bits of Iams Weight Control food squished between my toes.
Then I notice the bird, Bitey, is making some weird clucking noises in his cage and I lift the cover to find there are exactly 3 BILLION little ants milling lazily about in his food dish and along all the little bars of his home. I follow the trail and see they are coming in from under the door to the deck.
THis is all before coffee, folks. I have a feeling it’s going to be a bad day.
Just for fun, here’s a picture of the culprits.
That’s a great photo. And hey, if it makes you feel any better (although, why would it?)I started my day washing dog pee off the basement floor and cleaning up hair balls. And now that we’ve ruined everybody’s bfast, we can go on our merry way.
We should have Nag rewrite our morning animal experiences. I’ll bet she’d(?) make it sound beautiful somehow.
You up to that challenge?
Yeah, but she’ll add ducks.
Ah, cleaning hair balls and barfs on a moody autumn morning… but it’s so much better than having to hand out allowances. My horses don’t need designer shoes, my cats are all “fixed”, no date-rape worries, and my ducks think I’m the best thing since Purina Duck chow. Life is good.
Not what you had in mind? Be careful what you wish for. π
See? The inclusion of “moody autumn morning” makes all the difference.
hair balls, dog pee, can I add baby poop to the mix?
All that from such a little guy.
Always watch your step :{)
I need to order several thousand of those. My (Republican)next door neighbor has evidently trained her little Yorkie, Precious, to crap in my front yard twice a day. Ummm…Precious must die.
Bush Poop Flag Page
All you need to know…with image download.
But for “Precious” may I recommend a strategy that has worked very well for me with recalcitrant neighbors: use your gardeen hand spade to scoop up the offending feces and throw it on their front stoop/porch…works for me when a polite requests go nowhere. :{)
I have placed it in their yard, but never on the porch. I’ll have try it.
I’m speechless!
Soon I will need to get a splash/laugh guard for my screen.
Snortage and now SPIT TAKES
Cripes woman!!!! Send some of this shit in and make a killing off it. π
You’re the Booman Erma Bombeck
(my dear friend called me that in a hockey room and it’s meant as a honorable compliment) π
It’s about time you got up and joined us. Just because you’re 3 hours behind doesn’t give you license to lie about like a sloth while we’re hard at work here in the cafe. It’s harrd wurk!
Ok, first off… I got up at 5:30 this morning. Made lunches and that crap. Picked up the dirty clothes AFTER I asked everyone else to bring me their dirty cloths.. then I took my daughter to school and that crap. And then I had to do some hockey chattersplatter because well… the Sharks won a game opener. Of course my hockey chatter is speckled with politics… so I have to be on the ball er… puck.
And then.. I get here.. and there’s like 67 fucking posts already. Took me nearly 20 mins just to read and high fourve the peoples here. Crap.
Now slip me some French… coffee not the tongue dear and let’s see what else in the news we can trounce and bounch and flounce.
Janet, you forgot the 45 minutes you spent thinking fondly of me.
I got the Rolling Stone mag today. Tim Dinkinson… too many messages – the military voices wern’t heard… UH??? I think they were heard. Oh well…
comfort food: my bubbe’s chicken soup with kreplach
comfort photo (don’t know why, it just makes me feel relaxed):

mt. shasta “floats” in the distance
Morning, Andi. “bubbe” and “kreplach” are comfort words.
Well, a bit sad too since she’s been dead for over 25 years and not only do I miss her but no one has ever come close to matching her kreplach.
She sounds wonderful. And yeah there are some foods in our lives that only our moms or grandmoms can make right for us. Or, probably now, dads or granddads. With my mom, it’s meatloaf, which is true of a lot of moms, I guess. Also chicken soup. I make terrible chicken soup. I don’t know how I do it, it’s just a rare talent I have.
The ultimate comfort food for me is my grandma’s rice pudding….warm, with cinnamon and a splash of cream. I make this for dinner sometimes when my husband is gone because the kids and I just love it. Him…..not so much. He’s a southerner and it doesn’t contain mayonnaise.
lol! You can tell him that’s a dollop of mayo on top of the hot chocolate.
I had to go to a customer site in Brussels several times and they served the same lunch every day — various meat sandwiches absolutely slathered with mayonnaise, including one with raw beef that they called an “American” (which I took as another sign of the unfortunate image of Americans in Europe).
Yum…raw beef and mayonnaise. Yep, sounds American to me.
Seriously, cat barf and dog pee I can take, but the thought of mayonnaise this early in the morning is making me queasy.
She was a great and never gave an inch her whole life. She got thrown out of six nursing homes for causing problems — my favorite time, we happened to arrive just as she’d had a fuming fit with the recreational therapist who wanted her to crochet. She said to us “What does she think I am, some kind of idiot. It’s my legs that went, not my mind.”
She is my new hero. Getting kicked out of six nursing homes for not cooperating. I admire people who stay sharp and feisty to the end and go out fighting.
Andi, georgous picture… the mountain looks like it is floating in the heavens like a dream. AAAahhhhh.
«« click on pic for more
Mt. Kilimanjaro Safari
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Wow, spectacular photograph! My world seems so small suddenly.
Beautiful!! I’m glad I don’t have to clean up after this crowd!
Well, I’m off to take my son to the airport. He’s flying to LA to visit some buddies who go to school there. Oh, to be 21 and visiting LA for the first time!
See ya later, agitators.
After while, politiphile.
Good morning all! Too much food talk, I’m fasting for the holiday. No hot chocolate for me.
kreplach mention — it’ll give you something to look forward to.
I hope you someone made kugel with raisins and cinammon to break the fast.
It’s a beautiful day in the neigh-bor-hood, tribbers and tribbetrixes.
Puget4 will be joining me in the shop today so maybe she’ll have a moment wave hello.
Good Morning All.
I’m here, and it’s clear, that from all I’ve read, I should still be in bed. (Sorry, I’m only halfway into my first cup of coffee)
Coffee….midwestern….Sausage McMuffin with Egg….Heaven. Sigh. My doctor says to “get agressive with lowering my cholesterol”. So I’ve been eating more along the lines of Gooserock’s ideal breakfast. I feel so virtuous….haven’t had a recheck on the cholesterol yet. I’ve even given up MAYONNAISE. Gooserock gave me a Mayonnaise Cookbook one year for Christmas for a joke. HA!! I used it. Wonderful recipes.
Back to coffee. Here’s something to make you gag. I make a 12 cup pot of coffee (Gooserock can’t even stand the smell of coffee) and I drink it all myself… over SEVERAL days. None of this fresh every morning stuff for me!
I know this is sacreligious to Pac NW-ers and I’m trying to learn. I just haven’t made it to lattes and mochas yet. I do like chai tea though..
I do the same thing!
mr katiebird and I drink the coffee over 2 days (10 cup pot). We keep it fresh by turning it off as soon as it’s brewed. Then we microwave it (or not).
It’s a habit we got into when we could barely afford coffee (and couldn’t make ourselves toss it out), and now I don’t even think about it.
That leftover coffee habit must be one of those Ohio things.
I visited a friend’s family in Yellow Springs once, and while staying, I was advised by my hostess that there was a pitcher of coffee in the refrigerator to which I could help myself in the mornings. I was given directions to just pour, heat, and serve.
Punchline: my hostess was also a doctor, and right next to the coffee pitcher in the fridge was a pitcher of betadine. And as it turns out, before you’ve had any coffee, pitchers of cold betadine and cold leftover coffee are practically twins.
I was reading in the NYT a few months ago that true coffee snobs are turning away from heat-brewed coffee, which they claim is too acidic and making cold-brewed coffee concentrate which keeps in the frig for up to a month. You add boiling water and they claim it tastes way better than traditional brewed coffee.
I’ll stick with my 2 cup french press, thank you.
Well, “2 cup french press” at least makes you sound snobby. π
I stick two pods into a machine and push a button — and despite having simplified the procedure this much trying to aid my horrible cases of morning brain, I’ve still managed to run the coffeemaker with the lid open, with no water in it, with no cup to catch the coffee…
I felt very snobby and refined this morning, drinking coffee from my french press with cat barf drying between my toes. Ahhhh….
Second Nature, you always make with such good snortage. You funny lady.
Why, thanks. The world needs more snortage, don’t you think? Now if I could just stop taking my own life so seriously…
I can relate. I am right now actually quite hurt that I am being so selectively 4’d in this thread compared to other people…which is probably the dumbest emotion I’ve had in 6 months. I’ve been over-sensitive lately.
I just high-fourved you as DamnitJanet says. I do this really stupid thing where I go down and give everyone a four and then I respond to someone without hitting “rate all” and then it just disappears. Duh!
And now I feel like a ratings whore. (For which I do not blame anyone but myself, please don’t misunderstand me!)
You know, I’m not a big believer in astrology or anything like that, but has Mercury been in retrograde lately or something? There are miscommunications everyfreakinwhere I look this past week or so. Usually I’m not prone to them but recently I’ve been just as batshit crazy as almost everyone else seems to be. Taking things out of context, getting way too sensitive, I don’t know what’s going on.
ANYWAY, thanks for the 4, I feel like less of an outcast now (even if I’ve totally upped my Neurotic Freak Rating by a factor of 10). π
it’s been that way for a long time methinks…
Hey are you a Scorpio?? my friend alerts me to the mercury retro thing alot because he and I both Scorpies.
I am a Cancer. Nurturer, over-sensitive dork, homebody.
But I have dated Scorpios almost exclusively, because I have divine taste, and I actually have the Scorpio and Cancer symbols tattooed together in an infinity symbol on my chest. That’s, um, not as butch as it sounds. π
Dearest Indylib, I’m giving you and just you (everybody else cose your eyes) the BREAKING NEWS that I’m going to have to open a new cafe right now. (Chatter boxes!!) So hurry over and put a comment right up top to guarantee the most 4’s.
God, you guys are funny!
I will never live this post down, will I? Jeebus, a girl has one 5-minute neurotic freakbout where she thinks nobody likes her…
You’re from Arizona therefore automatically forgiven, so sayeth the unbiased guy from Tuksen.
We use French Press, ours is the 4C glass by Bodum – on weekends or evenings when we need a kick.
I love French pressed coffee.
So you and I can be shishifrufru coffee goddesses of the pond.
I wanted to write shishifrufru before but didn’t know how to spell it. Thanks for clearing that up. I was going to write something like she-she frou-frou, but yours is much easier to type. I still can’t touch type hypens.
Back in the days when I had a huge veggie garden (before I got into perennials) I grew both yellow and red tomatoes. I made some yellow tomato juice once. I just HAD to serve it in the morning in place of orange juice. It worked! Once! Bletch! Great tomato juice…terrible orange juice.
that is just so wrong!!! JUST KIDDING π
I … I save the coffee but use it for frappecinnos later on or coffee milkshakes.
Nice to “meet” you Puget4
Thanks. Nice to be here. Gooserock has been enjoying this arena so much for so long. The photo fair caught me and now I’m hooked. So much for “working” at home. π
Y’all are making me hungry! I made homemade mac & cheese last night and thought I would spice it up with some diced tomatoes. My roommate came home and told me I committed an act of heresy.
Psshhh, I thought it tasted good. (even w/out mayo)
Yuu-um. I love tomatoes with mac and cheese. Or good salsa mixed in. Or ham and broccoli. Damn, I’m hungry now.
Salsa! I’m gonna have to try that next time :-O
You did not committ heresy. I make my mac n’ cheese with stewed tomatoes all the time.
And now I’m Homer Simpson. Mmmm…homemade macaroni and cheese…ggarrrgghhh….
My love for the mac & cheese is so pure — you can put tomatoes in there, mayo, whatever you want…hell, you could put Republicans in there and I’d still give it a taste.
Mac and cheese….one of those heavenly never-again foods. It’s funny, as a kid I couldn’t stand it. Now, as a watch-your-diet adult, I love it!! What do kids know?
You could try it with low-fat cheese and soy milk. If it tastes awful, no harm, you just go back to not eating it.
I got this in my inbox this a.m. and thought I’d share it with you:
Karl Rove NeoCondoms!
The Ruckus Society is pleased to introduce the Karl Rove NeoCondom. This first edition prophylactic is embossed with the face of our President’s Chief Political Strategist (i.e. “Bush,s Brain”) and reads Some Things Should Never Leak.
These latex rubbers are the cutting edge in Fundamentalist Christian birth control.
Karl Rove NeoCondoms, like their namesake, leak, so they cannot be viewed as a sinful contraceptive. However, our exhaustive field-testing has proven that Karl’s pudgy face on every wrapper will promote abstinence by functioning as a powerful deterrent to sex.
The Karl Rove NeoCondom is being issued to commemorate Karl’s fourth trip back to Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald,s Grand Jury. Mr. Rove has had difficulty recollecting the role he played in exposing the identity of Valerie Plame, an undercover CIA agent whose husband was critical of Karl’s efforts to “get our war on” in Iraq. Karl will surely maintain his innocence while addressing some tricky issues of testimony-drift.
His testimony will most likely take place this Friday, October 14. Oddly, they are being very secretive about the date and time. Look for his NeoCondoms to debut wherever Karl can be found in DC this week.
Come on Karl! Show yourself, man!!!!!
Action Alert:
Ruckus, Code Pink, the League of Pissed Off Voters, and assorted DC allies will be at 3rd and Constitution outside the Superior Courthouse in DC when Karl testifies. We should be easy to spot (think strong Condom Motif here). Please come and join us if you can. Anyone pitching in on our efforts will take home their very own Karl Rove NeoCondom.
Join the Karl Rove Rapid Response email list, and we’ll alert you to when he will be testifying. Then, you can hurry on down and join in on the fun. The first five folks to join us will have the honor of wearing life size condoms (just kidding – they’re already called for). If you can’t be there in person, be there in spirit by donating to the action fund and getting your very own Karl Rove NeoCondom.
These folks are just TOO much fun!!
this should have come with a “put the coffee down first” alert! I laughed so hard I just about lost it-wonderful laugh, I thank you!
Probably everyone has seen this but if not…go to google and enter “failure” without the quotes and hit I’m feeling lucky-
Off to the dentist…shudders…
Sorry ’bout that, vida!
Good luck at the dentist!
I mean pouring. I just took my son to the airport and could barely drive on the way back. But somehow his plane took off on time.
Glad you made it home safe. Rain can be so deadly while driving.
Bought the stuff last night to make the artichoke dip. We’ll see huh? We’ll see if he even mentions that trampolining “thing”. Lots to do but I did see this and thought it was worth sharing http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0541,fiore,68690,9.html. See ya all later.
NOT a loser! I am so glad you called last night, it was great to talk with you!
Sorry I didn’t get a chance to call you back — when are good times to catch you when you can talk?
Heh. Give him a cosmopolitan…no TRAMPolining…