Thanks to catnip’s diary for highlighting the concerted LIES and DECEIT by George and Tony, which has been touched upon multiple times, no one would comprehend, perhaps not ready for it yet.
The coordination in intelligence to excuse the Iraq War and its horrible occupation, civilian deaths and brutal aftermath has been clear from the beginning. Please also include Likud, Sharon and Israel as a major player in the true coalition to invade Iraq, bogus threats and War of Propaganda.
I have written a number of diaries about the propaganda and quoted extensively from Sam Gardiner’s articles.
I am willing to state once again, look deeper into the 911 attacks, as my strong believe is these were allowed to happen by the U.S. and Israel. I even have doubts about the London bombings, the 7 July attack, because the so called bombing 14 days later was more of a hoax than a true deadly attack.
:: Anthrax Sourced to Ft Detrick, SAIC, Hatfill and Pharmacy »»
The anthrax is sourced to Fort Detrick, SAIC and Hatfill’s involvement, see also the links to the pharmacy industry and the importance for creation of FEAR. Tony Blair is a master in the use of fear to get the British version of the Patriot’s Act rammed through parliament where the Labor party dissidents are overruled by backing from the conservatives. Whose political agenda is Blair presenting to the British people?
911 Attacks and the London bombing in its true nature is our Reichstag’s fire! The Rise of the Vulcans.
See also the latest coordinated effort of lies by Blair in the so-called Iranian bombing devices of Basra. Complete bs and it sticks in the MSM because it gets repeated and repeated again until it is nestled in people’s mind.
Never forget the Gulf of Tonkin and the USS Liberty.
And yesterday’s comment ::
AT&T ● Bechtel ● Carlyle Group ● Gannon Int’l St. Louis, … ● Lockheed Martin ● SAIC ●
- AT&T
- Bechtel CIA
- Bush Sr, George H US Navy – CIA – Bay of Pigs
- Carlyle Group 911 pre-investments
- Carlyle Group Baker III, John
- Carlyle Group Bin Laden Family
- Carlyle Group Bush Sr
- Gannon Int’l St. Louis – Roger Stone – CBS 60 min MEMO
- Gannon Int’l St. Louis – SBVT origin
- Halliburton – Cheney
- Lockheed Martin Eberle GOPUSA
- Lockheed Martin Ohio Election
- PhRMA – HHS – ANSER – Anthrax
- SAIC Anthrax Investigation
- SAIC Diebold Research
- SAIC Elections Wolfowitz
Plame, Miller, Kelly, WMD Timeline ◊ by BooMan
Thu Oct 13th, 2005 at 11:17:44 AM PST
not be looked at too closely.
In fact, the meaning of the term “conspiracy theory” now means “disagrees with the government press release.”
I am not sure that most of mainstream US public would really want to look at these events too closely.
little sawed off McClellan insulting Helen at the WH press conference? Saying SHE was unpatriotic when HE couldn’t even have a complete sentence that wasn’t a fabrication.
and Republicans in Congress are forced by We The People to take notice and start a true independent investigation leading to Impeachment Proceedings of P Bush and VP Cheney with rest of their cabal.
“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
Destroy the neocons in Election 2006 & 2008.
Conyers – DSM – UK – Sam Ervin
When will the hearings convene?
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“litmus test” of our own. We could ask each candidate – will you (if congress) investigate to see if a true bill of impeachment should be put forth or (if senate) will you honestly try the president if the congress puts for a bill of impeachment. And I know that “bill of impeachment” isn’t exactly correct, but I know that one of you guys will have the exact memory of what they did to Clinton!
~ Cross-posted from diary Time: Administration Knew Weeks Ahead ~
The Propaganda Machine and the WMD Case for Iraq War
It’s clear Nigergate and DSM publications come together by Blair and Bush, the decision to go to War at all cost. The briefing to fix the facts around the policy, creating the WHIG Group and DoD Special Operations relate to the choices made. Don’t forget Dick Cheney’s Office of Special Plans. I believe there was a royal exchange and concentration of information at the bureaus inside Downing Street 10 and the White House. The use and timing of language to counteract criticism is seen to be coordinated, up to and including reaction to the 7-7 and 7-21 London bombings today.
You can add the David Kelly affair, WMDs and the London timeline within this mind set. British weapons of mass destruction expert David Kelly dies under suspicious circumstances on July 18, 2003.
The WH problems didn’t stem solely from Joe Wilson, the outing of Valerie Plame was an subversive act to punish Joe & Valerie Wilson, and the CIA for undermining the activities of the three propaganda units in London, the WH and the Pentagon. CIA is the loser, DoD and Rumsfeld & Associates Feith et al, are the clear winners KO – TKO – points. Tenet can be seen as the captain, who fled his ship and troops, so they could be torpedoed and made irrelevant.
Excellent – truth seeker to unveil all deceit and lies! Picked up on doubts earlier @ BooMan
Puppet Bush is handled by VP Dick Cheney, who had advocated the case for War with Iraq by means of an Al Qaeda link and the Niger claim. From the book of Paul O’Neill, the meetings with Bush where void of thought and discussion. The policy statements were handed out as determined beforehand, through Andy Card and VP Cheney, with the knowledge that Karl Rove had signed off on its content, as he covers the political gifts for the Republican constituents.
From the Congressional 911 Commission hearings and the evidence given by Richard Clarke, Condoleezza Rice wasn’t pro-active in the anti-terrorism program. One of her special replies before the commission was concerning the lack of preparation before 9/11: “But I wasn’t given the advice that we should act.”
I therefore believe Condoleezza Rice was on good footing with all departments: DoD Rumsfeld, State Powell, VP Office Cheney and the President. But CD did not call the shots, she would advise the President and fill in the background information, which by itself indicates a more neutral position.
No it’s still Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby and John Bolton who are suspect, IMO.
A Blog Post — Sept. 30, 2003 On Preparation UN Speech Colin Powell
When State Department and CIA officials complained about Libby’s proposed language and suggested cutting large sections, Cheney’s associates fought back. ‘Every piece offered . . . they fought tooth and nail to keep it in,’ said one official involved in putting together the speech.”
and ::
“Libby – along with deputy national security adviser Stephen J. Hadley, a longtime Cheney associate – began pushing to include the Atta claim in Powell’s appearance before the U.N. Security Council a week after the State of the Union speech. Powell’s presentation was aimed at convincing the world of Iraq’s ties to terrorists and its pursuit of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.
On Jan. 25, with a stack of notebooks at his side, color-coded with the sources for the information, Libby laid out the potential case against Iraq to a packed White House situation room. “We read [their proposal to include Atta] and some of us said, ‘Wow! Here we go again’,” said one official who helped draft the speech. ‘You write it. You take it out, and then it comes back again.
Loyalty of Steve Hadley lies with VP Cheney, not Condy Rice.’
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~ Cross-posted from SusanHu’s diary ::
Witness Tampering? And a PISSer Alert ~
I followed hourly the developments on BBC Gilligan, Alistair Campbell, MoD and David Kelly– the HOD hearings and his untimely death in the woods near his home.
The dark forces David Kelly spoke of on the eve of his death, could they possibly include Judith Miller in a double cross by divulging Kelly’s role as spokesperson against the Iraq War, when the MI community sexed up the WMD stories about Saddam Hussein!
I don’t think in the end, Judith DoD Miller had the same principles as Kelly, nor was she, in hindsight vision on Kelly’s team. David Kelly during the hearings was totally surprised by all the commotion, as British parliament was not seeking the truth about the Iraq War. MoD played an evil role by threatening to withhold his pension and to sever his pay. Kelly was also caring for his seriously ill wife. Horrible Tony Blair with blood on his hands!
There were from the first moments doubts about his suicide, as the ambulance team declared they noticed a minimum amount of blood near his body with slashed wrists.
● Two Tense Weeks in July 2003
«« click on pic for article – cnn june 2003 »»
Lord Butler's report follows the Senate committee
report highlighting failings in U.S. intelligence.
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I have no ability to investigate, but having a friend in AU, it seems to me that their government goes through economic and security issues around the same time as UK and US “independently” face them.
Can anyone debunk me on this? Or bunk me?
Need your insight and contribution :: canberra boy
Australian Look Out
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Cross-posted from earlier diary by Suskind ::
THE AWKWARD SQUAD — In Memoriam To Robin Cook ~
Sun Jul 24, 2005 at 01:05:44 AM PDT
Blair denies … ● PM under fire!
« click photo for RAI link »
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I avoided comment on this diary earlier. Self-censorship, really. For no good reason. I get the sense, in the open public, that to suggest that the U.S. government was behind (or acquiesent) in the 9/11 attacks is not even on the table for debate. I am even part of the problem in this regard, as I have disparaged the only crazy guy willing to openly suggest the possiblity at the anti-war group meetings I’ve attened.
I have this 1) inability to believe any American could allow or participate in this, and 2) a failure to believe, after working within the government, that it is capable of committing an act like this and keeping it a secret (governments I’ve seen are incredibly incompetent).
At the same time, I recognize the places in history where operations like this are a fact used to control populations. So I am open minded.
Also, I’ve never taken the time to examine the evidence of such theories (or debunking them) in any serious way. So, I was wondering, from Oui, or others, can anyone lay out the very basic, simple, understandable case where evidence would not allow you to conclude anything other than that the U.S. has some culpability in this attack? Or is that way too hard to do in the limited space of a comment?
Just curious.
Ranging from questions regarding the passenger lists vs the names of the alleged hijackers vs the real names of the alleged hijackers vs the testimony to Congress on the part of the FBI that they had essentially made all that part up, there are questions regarding cell phone use in airplanes, there is the miraculous appearance of the mint condition passport of Mohammed Atta, and on and on.
There are scientifc treatises, pro and con, regarding why all those buildings you see demolished by implosion on your local news just coincidentally look like what the WTC towers did.
Much of the evidence that exists will be of more interest to coincidence theorists. It was just a coincidence that US operatives were watching a video of a simulation of planes flown into a building that morning, for example. Just a coincidence that some person or persons had hunches and warned, of all people, Willie Brown, then mayor of San Francisco and Salman Rushdie.
You can read all that for yourself, it will be more credible if you hear all the arguments from all sides from someone who considered the US a legitimate government before 911, from someone who did not, who would never consider asking at 8:47 on that Tuesday morning, that ironically most American of questions, “Now who made money from THAT?”
And if at any time in your reading, your recollections, you should be tempted to ask that question yourself, it will be better if you ask – and answer it silently.
CNN just showed the video of the police struggling with the dangerous 64 year old man again. It has been explained that what appear to be repeated blows to his head are in fact blows to his shoulder, that though you may think he was thrown to the ground by those 3 or 4 guys twisting his arms, what really happened is that he fell, and you will be comforted to know that what you may have interpreted as kicks, once he lay bleeding on the street, were “pushes with the toe of a boot.”
Rodney King redux. Brutal beating or 6 terrified cops armed only with sticks defending themselves against a dangerous black man who was writhing on the ground in a threatening manner.
What sort of evidence were you looking for regarding the 911 events? Maybe a video of Rove and Rummy playing with little airplanes and cardboard twin towers, estimating the numbers of dead and defense contracts that would result?
That FEMA guy who said he was told to be there early Tuesday morning must have been a wack job. He has been relieved from his duties, his fate is unknown. Maybe he got pushed with the toe of a boot.
What’s important is unity, and the 911 events were successful in producing unprecedented unity.
It’s about us all getting along.
That shit in New Orleans. WTF? I heard the lawyer for the cops. Says the guy was drunk/high/addict/asshole. WTF? It is okay to pummel until bloody drun/high/addict/asshole. Unbelievable.
But, sticking to 9/11. Like I said. I am kind of open to the idea. But, maybe I am too believing in the myth an American couldn’t do it. Let me rephrase my question, to try to go somewhere positive. Point me to the one fact that most convinces you that this was a U.S. operation? Just one, that isn’t easily arguable either way. What one fact convinces you most? Starting from there, I might be persuaded someday. Also, the market activity that happened that day — no one ever really answered that for me — but that was a bit suspicious. But I want more than suspicious. Just give me the best fact, that convinces you most. If you feel like it.
as tightly and as long as you can, and when tempted to wonder about stock activities in the days before Sept. 11, go have a snack, walk round the garden, whatever works for you.
If you are asking these questions in your heart of hearts, and there is nothing I can, no, nothing that I should do that can stop you, and as the questions coalesce into that one dark “cui bono?” the only credible source of evidence that you need is whether you really want to know the answer.
You make me laugh. I gotta give you that. And you site languages I can’t even identify for certain without access to other Internet sites, let alone translate. Latin? French? Remember. You are talking to a provincial middle American here. I like that line from movie Philadelphia, where Denzel Washington’s character says, “Tell it to me like I was a six year old?”
Yeah. I like being self-deluded. I have never been less happy these last five or so years as I’ve drifted more radical-left on the convential measurement scale of thought. Though, I’ve never been happier either I guess. I dunno. Strange days indeed.
It means “who benefitted?”
Stumbled by accident on these tales ::
By John Graham, AlterNet. Posted July 7, 2005.
Heading for Oakland from Seattle to see my grandkids last week, the Alaska Airlines check-in machine refused to give me a boarding pass. Directed to the ticket counter, I gave the agent my driver’s license and watched her punch keys at her computer.
Frowning, she told me that my name was on the national terrorist No Fly Watch List and that I had to be specially cleared to board a plane. Any plane. Then she disappeared with my license for 10 minutes, returning with a boarding pass and a written notice from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) confirming that my name was on a list of persons “who posed, or were suspected of posing, a threat to civil aviation or national security.”
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maybe I am too believing in the myth an American couldn’t do it
George Bush is a psychopath. So are many of the people around him. They have no qualms at all.
It’s true that your next door neighbors would not commit such acts, but they are not the people running the government.
Many pieces of evidence are suggestive. Of course the anthrax evidence is conclusive: (Somebody inside) our own government did that, with the approval of the national executive (Bush and Cheney).
With regard to 9/11, there is one piece of evidence that is more than suggestive: It is solid. Look at the collapse of WTC 7. Unlike the towers (WTC 1 & 2) it was not an exotic design: It was an ordinary skyscraper. It was not struck by either plane, but only, apparently from debris from the towers. Somehow, fires broke out on two floors–in a fireproof building it is the furnishings, not the structure, that burn. The fires had not spread beyond their own floors when WTC 7 collapsed into its own footprint. Frankly, this is not possible, except by expert demolition. That means explosives were carefully and expertly planted through the building ahead of time to bring it down.
And there you are.
Germans did not want to believe the truth about the Reichstag fire, even though it was no better hidden than 9/11. See where it got them. The US will fare no better.
I’m putting my blinders on and covering my ears and going na-na-na-na-na. Can’t listen. Because I am starting to scare my friends. 🙂
I’m sticking with the myth. Ductape said we were all going down anyway, in a diary earlier today. And I can almost buy that one. So what’s the point. It reminds me of the movie the Matrix — If the actual world is all that fucked up, maybe it would be better to be plugged into a machine and think that everything was really honkey-dorey.
Which reminds me of a really great article. Are You Living In a Computer Simulation? Wherein, a Oxford philosopher convincingly argues that we are probably, in fact, all just bits and bytes of data on an advanced computer, or that the world is doomed. Seriously. Bookmark it and read it sometime.
Gotta go to bed.
Somebody else actually had a better diary than mine, listing options. I have to monitor other screens now, but I will try to find that diary tomorrow.
The bottom line, each person has to decide for him or herself whether or not to go down, and how.
Gotta go easy on them.
A year ago my friends thought I was a nut.
They still think I am a nut, but they have come around to last year. 😉
Hey, BostonJoe, I thought I’d share this link with you. It shows how all the things that people are saying about a conspiracy are just coincidences. It’ll make you feel lots better, I’m sure.
Boston Joe,
Seems like the FAA, Intelligence, AND the Military took the day off….. Did the hijackers get lucky ??? A resounding no… The hijacker’s plans revolved around the FAA, intelligence, AND the miltary not showing up for work… All planes should have been escourted, as well as shot down; well before they reached their targets. Further; the biggest Fuck-Up in our history, yet no one was held accountable. THIS only makes sense(No one held accountable), ONLY if nothing went wrong. Connect the dots my friend.
Since you ask…here is a link w/ some food for thought.
But beware…Pandora’s Box…is a lonely place.
was an eye opener for me and many fellow Americans. Before that, we trusted the elected government in Washington DC, although I personally realized the press releases and communications during the Vietnam war era were not factual and often exaggerated. The Gulf of Tonkin incident, I believed what Johnson told the American people and the world.
After the long duration of the Vietnam war, we got the daily TV coverage of the Watergate hearings. We listened to the same goons – plumbers – as were somehow involved with the CIA during the sixties, the Kennedy assassination, the Harvey Oswald anti-Cuba operation in New Orleans, the Bay of Pigs fiasco and the Cuban missile crisis. The impeachment procedure of Nixon by Congress would have convicted him, so he resigned and VP Gerald Ford – Warren Commission – pardoned him.
That was the end of trust in government and elected individuals.
The U.S. government has been deeply involved with assassinations, CIA plots to overthrow governments in Chili, South and Central America – the Woodrow Wilson doctrine. Later, U.S. foreign policy led to many failures in the Middle East, the choice to fund Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan, support for Saddam Hussein in his ugly war and gas attacks against the people of Iran. The lies and cover-up about the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the USS Liberty bombing is an indication of how cruel and evil your government can be.
On the 911 attacks, I do not read any conspiracy websites, as they are IMO just not level headed. My strength lies in analyzing bits of news and debunking propaganda, finding inconsistencies in arguments and information divulged to the press. I make an individual analysis of the facts and lies to uncover deceit, see many of my diaries at dKos as (new) creve coeur.
I have no opinion on the 911 attacks yet, but there is an awful lot of circumstantial evidence that indicates the Bush-Cheney cabal were up to no good, in regards to the Middle-East and oil resources. BooMan recently published a great diary on this topic.
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Given this summary of your position, I think I am in near 100% agreement with you. I’ve been very influenced by Chomsky’s analyses of U.S. foreign policy. Granted, I’ve been fairly sheltered from any educated criticisms of his ideas. I can be fairly dogmatic-left I think. But, he follows the ideas you have just written fairly consistently. And I buy that all. Almost completely.
And I will admit I’ve heard a lot of things that make you go, hmmm on 9/11. But not anything that has convinced me. But, that may be just my lack of effort on the topic, coupled with a lack of wanting to believe we could have crossed to that atrocity against largely our own. (Speaking from a U.S. perspective).
An aside. I was a young nipper during the end of Vietnam and the Congressional hearings on Watergate. But my mom, an almost apolitical house wife who rarely discussed anything intellectual or political, sat me down and made me watch. I still remember the images on that little box with three channels.
Man Boston get a grip I know you and I know you don’t believe that one. We know some of us here on this blog like to tear at the very soul of our beliefs and our American roots. I know cause I’m one of them. 🙂
But please I draw the line here, to be attacked and then be blamed for the actual attack in a long winded short on facts conspiracy theory…Well, it just doesn’t add up. Those assholes in our whitehouse used the tragedy as a pretext to attack Iraq. But their not behind it. It fell into bush’s lap and being a complete idiot this is the result.
Oui I love your posts and diaries. You rule. I just can’t agree with this one.
This is why I said I was leary of posting. I completely hear you Salunga. And I didn’t mean for my musings to be offensive in any way. Perhaps you misread, or I miswrote, but I haven’t been convinced we were behind 9/11. I’ve said (or perhaps inartfully tried to say) that I agree with a whole bunch of times historically, where the U.S. used things as pretexts for war or rights roll back. I guess I would be referencing things like (and off the top of my head, I may be errant on some of these examples) the Luisitania. The Maine. The Gulf of Tonken. Pearl Harbor and ignored warnings, possibly. And there is some CIA plan that appears real to me, that was on paper to blow something up in U.S. to justify Cuban invasion (never carried out, but definitely contingency planned from my reading). So given that history — you know — it is possible our government could either do things or ignore things, as a pretext to war.
On 9/11, I’ve tried to say (again, perhaps inartfully) that I haven’t been convinced by any evidence I’ve seen that U.S. was involved or allowed it to happen. But, then again, maybe I just haven’t seen the evidence. So — I’m leaning to the conclusion that it was a fortuitous event for BushCo, that allowed them to ram agenda home. But — not unwilling to listen to ideas to the contrary.
How’s that for bullshit lawyer speak.
Anyway Salunga. Hope this assures you I’ve not totally lost all grip. Sure. My hold is weakening. But I’m still with ya man. Just don’t let go of me.
I hear you. Not offensive at all. Believe me. The old mind’s churning as I type. But its a leap. 🙂
Turns out you are in rarefied air. That would-be archetypal American War Hero, Former NFL player Pat Tillman, was also a huge Chomsky buff and virulent Bush-hater.
Pat Tillman: Football Star, Military Patriot, and Liberal? ~
Pat kept a journal, writing in it regularly
Yet other Tillman family members are less reluctant to show Tillman’s unique character, which was more complex than the public image of a gung-ho patriotic warrior. He started keeping a journal at 16 and continued the practice on the battlefield, writing in it regularly.
His journal was lost immediately after his death
Mary Tillman said a friend of Pat’s even arranged a private meeting with Chomsky, the antiwar author, to take place after his return from Afghanistan — a meeting prevented by his death. She said that although he supported the Afghan war, believing it justified by the Sept. 11 attacks, “Pat was very critical of the whole Iraq war.”
“You know, this war is so f– illegal”
“I can see it like a movie screen,” Baer said. “We were outside of (a city in southern Iraq) watching as bombs were dropping on the town. We were at an old air base, me, Kevin and Pat, we weren’t in the fight right then. We were talking. And Pat said, `You know, this war is so f– illegal.’ And we all said, `Yeah.’ That’s who he was. He totally was against Bush.”
Another soldier in the platoon, who asked not to be identified, said Pat urged him to vote for Bush’s Democratic opponent in the 2004 election, Sen. John Kerry.
Classic novels in their down time
Tillman subscribed to the Economist magazine, and a fellow soldier said Tillman created a makeshift base library of classic novels so his platoon mates would have literature to read in their down time. He even brought gourmet coffee to brew for his platoon in the field in Afghanistan.
Baer said Tillman was popular among his fellow soldiers and had no enemies. “The guys who killed Pat were his biggest fans,” he said. “They were really wrecked afterward.” He called Tillman “this amazing positive force who really brought our whole platoon together.
Body armor buried evidence
A soldier who on April 23 burned Tillman’s bullet riddled body armor — which would have been evidence in a friendly-fire investigation — testified that he did so because there was no doubt it was friendly fire that killed Tillman. Two days later, Tillman’s uniform and vest also were burned because they were soaked in blood and considered a biohazard. Tillman’s uniform also was burned.
Did his “biggest fans” burn his diary too?
What an awful tale from Afghanistan. Was Kevin Tillman part of the second group?
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Please dig up the link to Boo’s take that you cite on resource wars. Thx.
Sun Sep 11th, 2005 at 06:56:26 AM PST
Four years after the 9/11 attacks there are four theories of what happened.
These theories can be summarized as follows:
SNAFU – Situation normal- all fucked up.
LIHOP – Let it happen on purpose.
MIHOP – Made it happen on purpose.
NTSHMA – Nothing to see here, move along.
There are subsets of these categories, but they basically encompass all the various theories of what went wrong. The prevailing attitude of the American public is best expressed as SNAFU. The 9/11 Commission‘s explanation falls into the SNAFU category.
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Check out this site Boston Joe, it is all about Flight 77 and goes into many aspects of 9/11 plus there is actual video of the plane or non plane hitting the Pentagon, and explosions.
It was past 02:00AM local time for previous quick answer, here upon deeper thought, some of my ideas:
I won’t go so far as the U.S. or Israelis made it happen, my thesis is both nations were aware an Al Qaeda action within the U.S. was imminent. From all reasoning, a multiple plane hijacking was expected for bargaining release of 1993 WTC Islamists. The suicidal crashing of planes into WTC towers and the Pentagon was NOT envisioned, nor the great loss of life.
The first blow by Al Qaeda was most severe, the retaliation by neocon WH was off balance by not keeping all assets in Afghanistan and killing OBL in Tora Bora when the opportunity was there. The idea and project to invade a sovereign nation Iraq, convinced me of alternative motives in whole 911 episode by neocon WH. The full blown campaign of lies and deceit is indication of EVIL within Bush-Cheney and WH cabal. The creation of FEAR by so-called Homeland Security signals was just spin to push War Powers Act through Congress in October 2002 before mid-term elections.
Beneath every bit of propaganda lies deceit and intention to fool the world and American people. I opposed any decision to attack Iraq, at least while the UN inspections were taking place and no clear threat of WMD was proven. Witnessing Colin Powell before the Security Council of the UN, I knew for certain there was stench in the WH.
Adnan Khashoggi and Manucher Ghorbanifar
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>NOT one hijacker on passenger lists.
>Original hijacker list had people that were dead before 9-11, as well as people alive after 9-11.
>Standing policy was to encounter planes, well before they reached target..
>Evidence regarding 9-11 was declared top secret, and immediately hidden.
>Evidence regarding 9-11 was quickly destroyed, and continues to be destroyed.
>Whistleblowers regarding 9-11; have been silenced.
>9-11 commission, mainly consisted of bush cronies.
>Explosives went off inside the building, AFTER the planes hit.
>9/11 Couldn’t Have Been Stopped(wink wink)
LINK: http://www.thememoryhole.org/memoryblog/archives/000039.html
“But here’s what’s really interesting: There are many high-ranking officials who are on the record as saying that 9/11 could and should have been stopped before it ever happened. This includes Republicans Sen. Richard Shelby, Sen. Arlen Specter, Rep. Porter Goss, 9/11 Chair Thomas Kean, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, and VP Cheney, as well as FBI Director Mueller, Assistant Attorney General Chertoff, and Sen. Bob Graham.”
Additional link: http://www.thememoryhole.org/911/911-preventable.htm
“”As of September 10th, each of us knew everything we needed to know to tell us there was a possibility of what happened on September 11th.”
“Should we have known? Yes, we should have. Could we have known? Yes, I believe we could have because of the hard targets [CIA operatives were tracking].”
For an eye-opener; follow the link to see WHO said these gems.
Excellent article:
Any takers regarding answering: “What were they doing ??”
To those that do not have the time to further research 9-11….. SHAME ON YOU !!! Make the time !!!
This will scare you…Republican Congressman Slams Bush On Gun Confiscation
Ron Paul says avian flu martial law provisions are designed to destroy 2nd Amendment, Posse Comitatus
Infowars Network | October 12 2005
By Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Congressman Ron Paul has accused the Bush administration of attempting to set in motion a militarized police state in America by enacting gun confiscation martial law provisions in the event of an avian flu pandemic. Paul also slammed as delusional and dangerous plans to invade Iran, Syria, North Korea and China.
Ron Paul represents the 14th Congressional district of Texas. He also serves on the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee, and the International Relations committee.
On the subject of the police state, Paul stated, “If we don’t change our ways we will go the way of Rome and I see that as rather sad…..the worst things happen when you get the so-called Republican conservatives in charge from Nixon on down, big government flourishes under Republicans.”
“It’s really hard to believe it’s happening right in front of us. Whether it’s the torture or the process of denying habeas corpus to an American citizen.”
“I think the arrogance of power that they have where they themselves are like Communists….in the sense that they decide what is right. The Communist Party said that they decided what was right or wrong, it wasn’t a higher source.”
Paul responded to President Bush’s announcement last week that he would order the use of military assets to police America in the event of an avian flu outbreak.
“To me it’s so strange that the President can make these proposals and it’s even plausible. When he talks about martial law dealing with some epidemic that might come later on and having forced quarantines, doing away with Posse Comitatus in order to deal with natural disasters, and hardly anybody says anything. People must be scared to death.”
Paul, himself a medical doctor, agreed that the bird flu threat was empty fearmongering.
H5N1 :: Avian Flu Hits Romanian Danube Delta :: Bird Refuge
¶ Update with Turkey ~
[Western European countries are well prepared with stocks of anti-viral drugs over the past 3½ years]
Very likely enjoys scaring people, new WMD is the bio attack from Yellow Asians – H5N1 Avian flu.
Beware, DoD Donald Rumsfeld will get the authority and lead in fighting terra within our own borders. The multi-billion space shield will be restyled by Media Center to combat incoming wild ducks, geese and all environmentally threatening winged cousins spreading disease and targeting U.S. cities.
Lack of Armed Forces to operate within our borders will force Gen. Casey – oh irony – to pull back our forces from Afghanistan and eventually Iraq. Logistics operating Just In Time before Election 2006.
Elevated threat levels at Homeland Security will be adapted to cover migration trends, no not illegal border crossings, we have our minutemen doing that job, but migration of birds flying across the Aleutians, Alaska and heading South toward our great nation.
Our freedom needs to be defended at home, thank you great leader of the Xtian Right.
Perhaps this administration has a foundation being YELLOW!
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Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax:
Intelligence Was Cooked in Israel
by Jeffrey Steinberg
According to media accounts, the 10 Downing Street “dossier,” cited favorably by U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell in his disastrous Feb. 5 report to the United Nations Security Council, was plagiarized from an American graduate school paper, based on information more than a decade old. The scandal that erupted when the Blair dossier hoax hit the press, seriously undermined the credibility of those war party advocates of an immediate Anglo-American invasion of Iraq. As Lyndon LaRouche wrote, Powell was set up by a gang of public relations flacks who can’t think straight.
So far so good. But a deeper probe into the scandal reveals that there was good reason that the spin-meisters at the Coalition Information Center–the Washington-London civilian government propaganda unit that crafted both the Blair dossier and major portions of Secretary Powell’s own lighter-than-air book of evidence–did not reveal the sources of their information. The entire cooked intelligence picture was “Made in Israel”. It was cooked up at a right-wing think-tank complex notorious as a hotbed of radical Likudnik propaganda, and with links to the Office of Vice President Dick Cheney, via his Chief of Staff Lewis Libby and his former client, Marc Rich.
The essential facts are as follows: Two days before Powell’s UN appearance, 10 Downing Street issued a 16-page paper, “Iraq: Its Infrastructure of Concealment, Deception, and Intimidation,” purportedly based on high-level British intelligence data. In fact, at least 11 of the 16 pages were lifted, verbatim, from an Israeli journal, Middle East Review of International Affairs, whose sole proprieter is Dr. Barry Rubin , an American-born Israeli citizen. The 11 pages were drawn from two articles, by Ibrahim al-Marashi and Robert Rabil, that appeared in the September 2002 edition of that journal.
Middle East Review of International Affairs– Dr. Barry Rubin
Al-Marashi’s article, a profile of Iraqi intelligence, was drawn, largely, from Iraqi government documents confiscated during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. Al-Marashi, in turn, heavily footnoted his article to other, earlier stories published in Rubin’s obscure online journal, by Amazia Baram, the journal’s deputy editor.
Read on »»
posted by tobyflat2 at 8:56 PM PST
Iraq – Its infrastructure of concealment, deception and intimidation (pdf) is Downing Street’s recently released intelligence dossier regarding Iraq, mentioned during Colin Powell’s UN speech. Fair enough maybe, but they copied it pretty much wholesale from here (authored by a postgraduate student from California), without even as much as a thank you. More info here (channel4.com) and here (bbc.co.uk).
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and think people…
would our, theirs, or any other government do such a thing….Fuck’n A Right they would.
The MONEY, POWER, most important of all for any like mind, for people that would do such a thing…EGO, for all these things are ONE
It has been since the begining of time, GREED, and the want to be the One in Control of all others.
Plain and Simple, in this case all you need do is follow the money, for it brings all the other factors into plain view.
Not a one of the entities involved here could have pulled this off by themselves. It had to be a co-operative effort to acheive such a task, and keep it concealed.
FEAR…that’s what their playing on, be it a human factor, or a natural desaster, they are playing it to the max.
Get over it people, they will fuck you anyway possible for their own gain, because in the grand scheme of things, we are only pawns, and we breed like rats, so the supply will continue.
Did they know about all this…Fuck’n A Right
Did they allow this to happen…Fuck’n A Right
Will they continue unless WE stop them…well, you know the answer to that….
like the line in the song says..”right, right, ya bloody well right”
Will they use Martial Law to control us?? LMFAO…I don’t even have to answer that one…steal another election?….(belly laugh) you don’t even have to think about that ….
Could an epidemic strike us…Hell Yah…only enough to take care of the failing budget, that they have stolen, all over the world, and keep enough around to do the work ; ) while they play….
What was that image??? Nero, and the fiddle?
The time to stand, and stand TALL & LOUD is now, not tomorrow, next month, next year…NOW..for the longer we wait, it will be impossible to stop.
I am not sure what you are saying about Hatfill. I know it’s popular to think that he was framed. But the circumstantial evidence on this guys is very, very compelling….especially his years in Aftrica where the largest out break in world history took place against black farmers. while he was working, I believe as a mercenary for the white government of Rhodesia I think it was.
He is very suspect.
Read through the linked links, or check through BooMan’s search tool what I have commented in the past on Hatfill.
He has no single personal responsibility, works within an organization that protects him: SAIC.
Just as a reminder, the British supported the Israeli to build the nuclear bomb. Israel and the Apartheid regime of S.A. cooperated in nuclear research and development biochemical warfare. Google for anthrax outbreak in Africa.
I am searching for UK MI link to Hatfill and/or SAIC. See also ricin scare, forwarding Blair’s agenda in the UK and the London bombing links with UK mercenariers.
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Wars of Hate
America’s conflicts are fought mostly by people who have come from the
powerless classes. But true patriotism is not about being a spectator.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
If that is true than
This is a Silent Honor Roll shown on the PBS ‘News Hour’, now Almost Daily, that was started at the Beginning!
As of Today, 10-14-05 there are 49 Pages with 5 ‘Honor Roll’ links per page!
If you take the Time to View ‘ALL’ the Pages/Photo’s and Information Instill This Thought Into Each American Military Face You See, ‘Try and Picture 30, 40, 50, 60 or More Iraqi Faces, Children-Women-Men, Killed for Each Of These Faces You Are Looking At’
War: first, one hopes to win; then one expects the enemy to lose; then, one is
satisfied that he too is suffering; in the end, one is surprised that everyone
has lost. : Karl Kraus (1874-1936)
Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind…War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today.”
John F. Kennedy