Sorry this is off topic and I don’t see an open thread, but I just got an email letting me know that Cindy Sheehan will be at Nassau Comm. College on Mon. Oct.17th. Any Long Islanders or NYC folks who can make it please try to be there to support her. I’m pasting the info from the email I got.
Dear Peacemaker ,We need you! As you know, Cindy Sheehan will be speaking
at Nassau Community College on October 17 at 11 AM and 2PM.
There are several important actions involved .
1) partipate in Camp Casey LI which will set up outside the CCB Building
where she will be speaking .Professor Nazareth of Nassau CC has cleared
everything with the powers that be so that we can have two tables, outside
the building where Cindy will be talking. This is a great spot to contact
the crowds. There will be 4 or 5 members of the NCC Justice and Peace
student group ready to assist us , but they are relying on us for the major
man/woman power to be the mainstay . We need as many people as possible to
carry signs,wave the peace flags, hand out literature, gather signatures
for petitions. As Professor Nazareth put it, we need to create a “BUZZ”.
He also mentioned an important piece of information to the effect that there
will be people protesting Cindy Sheehan, so right there is a very important
reason to come, to represent all the Long Islanders who support her message
that there is no noble cause for this war and it has to end. Please let us
know if you are able to come for any time at all.
2) attend Cindy Sheehan’s talk which will be at the CCB Building,
multipurpose room at 11 and 2.
This is open to the public but students will have first seating; so it would
be wise to get there early, by 9:30 or so. Everyone needs photo ID. Some say
that a parking permit is needed especially since security will be tight that
day. To get a parking permit, go to the Security building near the football
field. If you go to the Nassau Community College website, there are
directions and a map. This would be more reliable than anything I could send
you at this point since I am unfamiliar with the campus.
3 ) A third possibility would be to attend one of C.Sheehan’s talks and
help out at Camp Casey for another part of the day.
I am attaching a note from Professor Nazareth that follows up what I have
I may be sending more emails on this so I hope you will bear with them!
Note from Professor Nazareth of Nassau Community College
Cindy Sheehan will speak at NCC (CCB Multi-purpose Room) on Monday, October
17th at 11am and then again at 2pm.
The PeaceWork Club will set up a Camp Casey in the quad facing the building.
We have received clearance from campus security to do so. Students must have
a valid ID to attend the talk and will have the first chance to enter the
Members of the community are welcome. The college will set up a screen in a
large room upstairs so the overflow crowd has a chance to hear the guest
Please encourage your friends to attend this event. I’ve been told by campus
security that people opposed to Cindy Sheehan will be in attendance. If you
are opposed to the war and to violence in general and are for peace with
justice, please come and express yourself with your presence.
The media will be covering this event, so this is a great chance to get out
our message there out there
They did ask him about it, why the troops had to be “coached” ahead of time, and Scottie replied by saying that the questioner was insinuating that our troops are not sincere.
Before it began, a Pentagon official coached the troops, telling them the president planned to ask questions on three topics: the overall security in Iraq, how they were preparing for Saturday’s vote and how much progress had been made in the training of Iraqi troops.
Allison Barber, a Pentagon official, said Bush would ask them specifically, “In the last 10 months, what kind of progress have we seen?”
She asked who was prepared to answer the question. “Master Sgt. Lombardo,” one said.
After Bush asked just that question, Master Sgt. Corine Lombardo responded: “Over the past 10 months, the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces are improving. … They continue to develop and grow into a sustainable force.”
First they mentioned the event, talked about the troops and how they were generally upbeat about the role they’re playing leading up to the Iraqi elections. They played a clip of the President mangling a thought, too (I don’t think entire ones fit in his head anymore, just bits).
By that time, I was disgusted — more propaganda, getting a free pass. Or so I thought.
Then the newsperson continued on…
He mentioned that the mikes had been left on, a half hour before the event, and the troops were practicing their questions and responses. Someone was filling in, playing the role of president Bush.
He finished with…
“The actual event went pretty much according to script”
Sure, we always suspected, we always knew. But finally, the press is openly telling everyone else.
Last fall, I saw a comment somewhere that pointed out what I would have realized, if I’d thought about it: The press traveling with Bush during the campaign stops didn’t at first realize the extent of the event-packing because they only were in the hall when Dim Son was. They saw none of the before or after stuff, and in some respects were in much of a bubble as he was.
So, I imagine a fair number of folks of that persuasion have been looking for ways they can get the word out. Sometimes you can’t just say it flat out, not if you want to have a beat, or a job, later on. So you look for devious routes.
that there are some very elderly veterans of old Soviet TV who are, as I write this, opening jars of caviar and remarking to one another that they never expected such a lucrative consulting job would come their way so late in life, even one they are not allowed to discuss.
Paul and all … thought you’d like to see this from KeithO’s newsletter:
Tonight on Countdown
A handpicked group of U.S. troops told President George W. Bush on Thursday they believed the Iraqi people were eager to vote in a weekend referendum on an Iraqi constitution. In a carefully scripted event, Bush spoke to 10 U.S. troops and an Iraqi soldier in a video teleconference about preparations for the Saturday vote, which is critical to U.S. aims for democracy in Iraq and creating conditions for the ultimate withdrawal of American forces. Bush, suffering job approval ratings below 40 percent, the lowest of his presidency, is eager to show progress in Iraq as the American death toll nears 2,000. A CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll last month said only 32 percent of Americans approved of his handling of Iraq.
We will have excerpts of this bizarre teleconference.
And Scott McClellan’s press briefing today… notable… you won’t want to miss this.
Countdown w/ Keith Olbermann broadcasts LIVE at 8 pm et, and the count is never complete without you. Join us.
That was entertaining! One reporter asked Scotty if Miers could withstand the nomination process since the WH has acknowledged that other candidates had withdrawn their names because of it. Scotty should have just said “yes” but, for some very odd reason, he went on and on about how the media should be focusing on her qualifications – refusing to answer the question. A rowdy rumble ensued and Scotty was forced out of the room in shame. Okay – well it didn’t get that bad, but when Scotty threw in a slam at the press for reporting on “side issues” like religion, which is something Bush himself brought up yesterday, the crowd went wild. Catch it when the video is up.
On another issue, some extremely clueless reporter asked Scotty about the fact that Oprah had helped catch some sex offenders and then went on to ask if the homosexual community was supporting such efforts (or wording to that effect). Scotty replied that he was not even going to dignify that question with an answer. I’d sure like to know who that asshole reporter was. We’ll find out soon…
you may recall Oprah hosting the full panel of Neo Cons for one or maybe even 2 shows during the rampup to the invasion.
I think almost anybody on the dark side could be backing her at this point. I do recognize that she’s said she’d been raped or abused as a kid but this is exactly the right time in the election cycle to remind women to be as fearful as patriotic men need to be.
severely screwed? Is the new Plame Game ad with the dominoes or has the cough medicine finally kicked in?? Anyone else seeing the middle column squished?
That asshole just said that Helen Thomas is oopposed to “the broader war on terrorism.”
And Terry _ , sitting next to Helen, said it was odd that McClellan would presume to speak for her … and went after McC on it.
yyyeaaaarrrrgggg! (and not in the good, Howard Dean way either)
Sorry this is off topic and I don’t see an open thread, but I just got an email letting me know that Cindy Sheehan will be at Nassau Comm. College on Mon. Oct.17th. Any Long Islanders or NYC folks who can make it please try to be there to support her. I’m pasting the info from the email I got.
Dear Peacemaker ,We need you! As you know, Cindy Sheehan will be speaking
at Nassau Community College on October 17 at 11 AM and 2PM.
There are several important actions involved .
1) partipate in Camp Casey LI which will set up outside the CCB Building
where she will be speaking .Professor Nazareth of Nassau CC has cleared
everything with the powers that be so that we can have two tables, outside
the building where Cindy will be talking. This is a great spot to contact
the crowds. There will be 4 or 5 members of the NCC Justice and Peace
student group ready to assist us , but they are relying on us for the major
man/woman power to be the mainstay . We need as many people as possible to
carry signs,wave the peace flags, hand out literature, gather signatures
for petitions. As Professor Nazareth put it, we need to create a “BUZZ”.
He also mentioned an important piece of information to the effect that there
will be people protesting Cindy Sheehan, so right there is a very important
reason to come, to represent all the Long Islanders who support her message
that there is no noble cause for this war and it has to end. Please let us
know if you are able to come for any time at all.
2) attend Cindy Sheehan’s talk which will be at the CCB Building,
multipurpose room at 11 and 2.
This is open to the public but students will have first seating; so it would
be wise to get there early, by 9:30 or so. Everyone needs photo ID. Some say
that a parking permit is needed especially since security will be tight that
day. To get a parking permit, go to the Security building near the football
field. If you go to the Nassau Community College website, there are
directions and a map. This would be more reliable than anything I could send
you at this point since I am unfamiliar with the campus.
3 ) A third possibility would be to attend one of C.Sheehan’s talks and
help out at Camp Casey for another part of the day.
I am attaching a note from Professor Nazareth that follows up what I have
I may be sending more emails on this so I hope you will bear with them!
Note from Professor Nazareth of Nassau Community College
Cindy Sheehan will speak at NCC (CCB Multi-purpose Room) on Monday, October
17th at 11am and then again at 2pm.
The PeaceWork Club will set up a Camp Casey in the quad facing the building.
We have received clearance from campus security to do so. Students must have
a valid ID to attend the talk and will have the first chance to enter the
Members of the community are welcome. The college will set up a screen in a
large room upstairs so the overflow crowd has a chance to hear the guest
Please encourage your friends to attend this event. I’ve been told by campus
security that people opposed to Cindy Sheehan will be in attendance. If you
are opposed to the war and to violence in general and are for peace with
justice, please come and express yourself with your presence.
The media will be covering this event, so this is a great chance to get out
our message there out there
Are they going to ask Scottie anything about the shrub talking to the troops via teleconference this morning?
What an abomination THAT was….
The transcript doesn’t really capture the sliminess of Bush’s attempts as sincerety in the “conversation” — it was just hideous to listen to….
My dear, you get a “4” just for listening to it. You have a stronger stomach than I.
They did ask him about it, why the troops had to be “coached” ahead of time, and Scottie replied by saying that the questioner was insinuating that our troops are not sincere.
Oh boy.
highlighted the fact that it was staged:
Oh boy is right, paulucla.
Yup, heard that on NPR too.
First they mentioned the event, talked about the troops and how they were generally upbeat about the role they’re playing leading up to the Iraqi elections. They played a clip of the President mangling a thought, too (I don’t think entire ones fit in his head anymore, just bits).
By that time, I was disgusted — more propaganda, getting a free pass. Or so I thought.
Then the newsperson continued on…
He mentioned that the mikes had been left on, a half hour before the event, and the troops were practicing their questions and responses. Someone was filling in, playing the role of president Bush.
He finished with…
“The actual event went pretty much according to script”
Sure, we always suspected, we always knew. But finally, the press is openly telling everyone else.
Last fall, I saw a comment somewhere that pointed out what I would have realized, if I’d thought about it: The press traveling with Bush during the campaign stops didn’t at first realize the extent of the event-packing because they only were in the hall when Dim Son was. They saw none of the before or after stuff, and in some respects were in much of a bubble as he was.
So, I imagine a fair number of folks of that persuasion have been looking for ways they can get the word out. Sometimes you can’t just say it flat out, not if you want to have a beat, or a job, later on. So you look for devious routes.
oh for fuck’s sake — of course no one followed up by asking, don’t you think the questiona lso implies that THE PRESIDENT is not sincere, you toad???
Thanks, paul!
Probably didn’t follow up because talking to the Scottie-bot is useless.
All the same, a simple non-hostile question might have been nice:
“Scotty, are you saying that the soldiers sincerely believed their pre-practiced, pre-scripted answers? And I have a follow up”
“Were the soldiers involved in writing their own answers, or did they stick strictly to the script you provided?”
that there are some very elderly veterans of old Soviet TV who are, as I write this, opening jars of caviar and remarking to one another that they never expected such a lucrative consulting job would come their way so late in life, even one they are not allowed to discuss.
Paul and all … thought you’d like to see this from KeithO’s newsletter:
ENJOY! Can’t wait until 5pm.
Thanks for the head’s up, Susan!
That was entertaining! One reporter asked Scotty if Miers could withstand the nomination process since the WH has acknowledged that other candidates had withdrawn their names because of it. Scotty should have just said “yes” but, for some very odd reason, he went on and on about how the media should be focusing on her qualifications – refusing to answer the question. A rowdy rumble ensued and Scotty was forced out of the room in shame. Okay – well it didn’t get that bad, but when Scotty threw in a slam at the press for reporting on “side issues” like religion, which is something Bush himself brought up yesterday, the crowd went wild. Catch it when the video is up.
On another issue, some extremely clueless reporter asked Scotty about the fact that Oprah had helped catch some sex offenders and then went on to ask if the homosexual community was supporting such efforts (or wording to that effect). Scotty replied that he was not even going to dignify that question with an answer. I’d sure like to know who that asshole reporter was. We’ll find out soon…
And yes I imagine by supper time we’ll know who they are and whos (plural) they work for.
you may recall Oprah hosting the full panel of Neo Cons for one or maybe even 2 shows during the rampup to the invasion.
I think almost anybody on the dark side could be backing her at this point. I do recognize that she’s said she’d been raped or abused as a kid but this is exactly the right time in the election cycle to remind women to be as fearful as patriotic men need to be.
severely screwed? Is the new Plame Game ad with the dominoes or has the cough medicine finally kicked in?? Anyone else seeing the middle column squished?
No. Let me test it IE.
What browser type / version do you use?
I switched over to FireFox and everything looks fine — I’m on a MAc and IE does odd things on it all the time…I know you have better things to do!
Someone just e-mailed that to me … speaks to the typical American’s awareness about terrorism, no?
I have it on very high authority that most terrorists drive blue cars, so this could be accurate.
Seriously, what were they thinking…