John at Crooks and Liars works day and night, painstakingly piecing through hours of video so that we can enjoy his terrific clips. It takes a lot of special equipment, software, and servers to pull this off. He’s often exhausted, but infailingly pleasant when I request a video. The last time John and I chatted about his equipment, he told me he had five servers running (that’s expensive) and they were overloaded. He’s also good to BoomanTribune. So, if you find yourself enjoying John’s videos, links, and his wry observations — but what he writes is never mean, I’ve noticed — visit, click and/or donate.
I’m off to do some clickin’…. the best I can do. I think I remember how to do that 🙂
P.S. I’ve been clicking on that ad for the independent weeklies and reading their writings … great stuff! Great detailed piece on the possible laws that indictments may be based on.
above this? Some very funky comments in there.
A daily must see on my browser…KUDOS to John!…and he also plays a pretty mean sax…
He sure does, and it’s sad he can’t play now because of his injuries, which means that C&L is primary income (I don’t know and don’t ask). But his monthly server and technical help costs must be a whole lot.
I think he still plays, just can’t play “out” yet…keeping my fingers crossed.
I know how he feels.
I play guitar. In the Army my call name on the radio was “Stevie Ray” in honor of Stevie Ray Vaughn because they would often catch me playing some of his songs in my downtime.
Anyways, I shattered my wrist and had to have it rebuilt. Needless to say I still play guitar, but I can’t play lead for crap anymore and if I play for too long my wrist gets sore as all hell.
Hey! the good thing is that the Army pays me a hundred bucks a month for the rest of my life.
umm? yay?
When I look at other Vets disabilities I have to figure I am one of the lucky ones.
So I guess: YAY! (for me…) If all I have to complain about is that I can’t use a can opener anymore (and a few other inconveniences) than I really should shut up about it! lol
The reason he’s never mean in his writing is he has the original footage. How could he outdo that? You can’t make a lot of this stuff up and he’s got it on tape!
Crooks and Liars is a great site, I have them in my blogroll. The work at C&L and at Media Matters really seems to be getting at the Right. Bill O’Reilly said something about having to watch what he said I think..
I just visited the link , and at least some of the clips are now in Quicktime format. Way to go!