It’s Friday, it’s been cold and rainy all week here in the northeast, and so come on in for some comfort food and drinks…and body art!
How about a nice glass of white wine this afternoon?

And it goes perfectly with my favorite comfort food:
Though five cloves of garlic may seem a lot, they marry brilliantly with the Mediterranean flavors of the Feta cheese, shrimp, and tomatoes.
1 teaspoon olive oil
5 garlic cloves — minced
2 (28-ounce) cans whole tomatoes — drained and coarsely chopped
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley — divided
1 1/4 pounds large shrimp — peeled and deveined
1 cup crumbled Feta cheese (4 ounces)
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
Preheat oven to 400º.
Heat oil in a large Dutch oven over medium heat. Add garlic; sauté 30 seconds. Add tomatoes and 1/4 cup parsley. Reduce heat; simmer 10 minutes. Add shrimp; cook 5 minutes. Pour mixture into a 13 × 9-inch baking dish; sprinkle with cheese. Bake at 400º for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with 1/4 cup parsley, lemon juice, and pepper. Serve over rice.
6 servings
In keeping with Katiebird’s “Do something today” motto, why not check out
the AFSC website to see if there’s a “Not One More” vigil planned near you?
And finally, for the astrologically inclined,
a lovely Libra body painting:

So, what’s new with all of you? If you have any favorite body art pictures (your own or someone else’s), go ahead and post them!
is for alohaleezy, who inspired today’s cafe selection…
She rises like the dolphin, with the seawind in her eyes.
The sunlight casting shadows, like a painter’s paradise.
Her hair fans out around her, floating like a crown.
She plays on the water, lets it pull her down.
Sometimes she swims in moonlight with the stars high above.
The night sounds of the water speaking soft of love.
Her skin turns to velvet as she feels the waters glide.
She loses all her boundaries on this magic carpet ride.
You see ripples on the water and watch the shadows dance.
Then she’s diving down and you’re looking through a glass.
Like a one way mirror, her reflection’s far below.
Where she was, she isn’t now.
That’s all you really know.
Two swimmers in the water, one of silver, one of gold.
One below the surface, one reaching for a hole. One floating freely, one tryin’ not to drown.
A dreamer with two faces, a dolphin and a clown.
If you think you’ll hold her in a shallow pool, catch her in a waterfall, you’re thinking like a fool.
She’ll strike up the horizon, like a ship out to sea.
Leaving just illusions that look like memories.
She wears the water like a mask, a brand new suit of gold.
A player on the stage, an actress no one knows. She rolls and tumbles, falling like a clown.
A swimmer in the water that flies to higher grounds
-Kate Wolf
big heaving scales
I have always like the body as a canvas for paint. It’s not permanent as the tattooing and we ALL can do it if we wanted to give it a try.
White shower gel like soap (unless you’re some PERVO who has some liquid body paints… ahem)
a black light bulb in the bathroom
and use the shower curtain as a stage curtain
and squirt and glide that gel/paint down your body
Good, clean fun.
no mess – and your spouse will not know what hit them
So, which brand of liquid body paints are you recommending, DJ?
Did you ever see the movie “Cousin,Cousine”? There is a bathtub body-painting scene that my husband and I alway thought was one the sexiest things ever put in a movie.
Have not seen that. I’ll see if I can check it out.
I got some through Pleasure Parties, those house hosted events. Don’t know the name of the brand though… It was a bit high scale cause you don’t want something making you.. well sick… or rashy..
Typically I go with Kama Sutra products but all they have is chocolate paint.
Umm… not that I know or have any experience on this subject…. 🙂
Thank you dearest CabinGirl! Your poem is beautiful. It fills me up. I so love the water(Cancer moonchild here). I was honored to swim with four dolphins in Mexico and it was this wonderful spiritual experience that is forever etched in my mind. I don’t have a picure yet of my new body art but will post after it is healed. I am honored you were inspired by me today and love you for it.
That recipe looked SO GOOD that I ran right out to the grocery store (well, I was going to stop there on my way home from work anyway). Got all the ingredients that I didn’t think I had at home already, then went to the seafood section… NO SHRIMP! ARGH!!!!
But I have not given up hope — I can check the grocery store near home tomorrow. Because suddenly I have a real craving for something with shrimp, feta cheese, tomatoes, lemon juice and garlic….
Afternoon all… I don’t have much to say today, feeling really blue, but I figured I’d pop my head in and say “hi”…
have a happy friday!
Hi Spidey, is the weather getting to you too? I feel like a mushroom, it’s been cloudy and rainy so long…just sittin’ here in the dark, you know?
Hey CG, good to see you!
yeah, the weather isn’t helping, but I lost a really close friend last night because understanding & communication seems to escape us. Add that to not having gainful employment and worried about my bills and well, I’m one blue spider.
maybe I should go read some poetry or something… although the wine sounds good too 🙂
I understand the friendship thing…what a bummer.
What kind of work do you want to be doing? Have you been looking for long?
it’s going to be the words “Poor Impulse Control” on my forehead.
But seriously, I’m not pierced or scarified in any way, and I can’t think of anything odder to do with my body the temple. But to each his own. I sure do appreciate that Libra picture, CabinGirl, although my officemates are puzzled.
Her scales are almost overflowing, aren’t they? 😉
You don’t think I’m gonna accidentally start a pie war with that, do you?
I love pie. Not nearly as much as I love smart, liberal women, though.
Ooops, hi honey. Yes, I’m going to work today. What? Oh that’s just some picture CabinGirl put out there–beautiful, don’t you think?
Huh? No, I don’t know CabinGirl personally. No, that’s the name she chose for herself, not my nickname. No, they’re nice people. Ok, fine…I’m going to work now.
maybe a garlic war — first Laura makes a comment yesterday about “horrendous garlic” breath and now you suggest that five miserable little cloves could be too much.
I don’t want to put people off with my pet issues or destroy the democrats by driving people away from the big tent but what the heck is with all this anti-garlic effort.
Andi, we can start our own tent of garlic lovers. Kind of like the beer tent at the local church picnic, only more, ummm, aromatic.
I cook with so much garlic. 5 cloves??? That’s nothing. That’s “mild” around here. 🙂
Chewing on fresh parsely will cut the “garlic breath” or the scent from your hands.
Have you ever seen the recipe books from the Gilroy Garlic Festival? They are really good. One of them has a chicken recipe that calls for 101 cloves (be still my heart).
Gilroy isn’t too far away. Haven’t see that cookbook, now I must! Thanks! 🙂
I make Vampire Wings which is basically Chicken Wings with tons of garlic and a chile soy sauce. Very sticky and gooey. Found it in an old Sunset recipe for Asian Garlic Wings. Changed it up a bit and called it Vampire wings. 20 napkin dinner 🙂
I have usually at least 2 jars of garlic on hand. Minced or whole. Garlic is so good for ya.
are available from powells!
Gilroy cookbooks
… for giving me the title of my next Powell’s purchase. I just got “Bush on the Couch” after reading a comment by Susanhu. It is fascinating. But garlic cookbooks? I love it.
Gilroy! Years ago some friends and I had the chance to stop there on the way back from a trip to San Francisco and we bought the best garlic on the planet.
I love that CabinGirl’s recipes always make with the garlicky goodness, but I’m another one who usually adds more than the recipe calls for.
I DUMP garlic in. I do dumping with onions, garlic or chiles or cracked pepper. I usually try to follow a recipe the first time – after that, all bets are off. it’s dumping time.
They have jars from Gilroy that makes it sooooooo easy.
Our garlic bread has REAL garlic caked all over it.
My mother alway said that garlic is a vegetable…
Garlic is magic!
Once, in Uzès (or was it in Avignon?), I was served a whole head of garlic cooked in honey…
MMMm, honeyed garlic…yummy, plus it keeps the vampires away!
Especially if you breathe in their face…
Hey! Quit picking on the poor Vampires!
Actually, I have it on Good Authority that Italian vampires are immune to Garlic…
Love the ref ubikkibu.
Do I need to add something else to my reading list?
3rd novel and one of the finer cyberpunk novels ever written. It’s definitely worth a read, as is his Zodiac which is an eco-thriller in which the environmentalists win a bog one against a sell-out Dem.
Man I just can’t type straight today. Oh well.
I dont like pain!!!!! especially on that part of the body!!!!!!!!! Ouch…..:o)
BTW, I was thinking of washing this stuff off. If this is a tattoo, then double ouch.
Mornin folks. Another day in family shop for Puget4 and me.
Shy little nerdy guy that I was, I was put into a sports-heavy freshman dormitory with the big loud outgoing self-described romeo types, in the late 60’s.
Soon I found a student club to join, and the first party was a body-painting party. I believe it was also a hairy buffalo which meant that various incompatible libations were to be brought, to be mixed in the big pot, bubbling with dry ice for the approaching Halloween season.
I can still remember the expression on my jock roommates’ faces when I came in painted from head to toe–no exceptions. And they literally jumped back when I spurted out a bright green stream of pee.
Fortunately my dad had forewarned me about medicinal dye. Looking back, I’m probably lucky it wasn’t something more psychedelic.
For this, sorry, there are no pictures!
No picture needed 🙂 The gave us the image that will never leave my mind 🙂
Covered and then to pee green ROFL
That is a fantastic story!!! LOL
That’s hilarious!
Some stuff you may have missed yesterday:
Does a circumcision count as body art? 😉
Depends on who does the cutting. 😉
Film at 11:00.
It’s a mitzvah on Friday.
I happen to like the black light body painting. 🙂 – this one is my favorite one of all time. Complete with Jeet Kune Do quote.
From the Great Pumpkin Patch dept:

Didja know that “Trick or Treat” is, like, because back in “the day” the Irish lit bonfires to scare off wandering ghostly dudes and baddies and held a feast in honor of the Lord of the Dead (who I think is related to Dick Cheney). The townsfolk who ran the feast would go door to door “asking” for food and wood for the festival. The obligatory yet socially forced donors received blessings while misers were given a curse. Of course, I could be totally wrong and usually am.
This does not mean one should hand out pieces of wood, kindling, broken tinkertoys or lincoln logs as treats and declare it as TRADITION! 🙂
Love the glow-in-the-dark look!
Yes and it’s quite “slimming” 🙂
I, one day, want a copy of those two works to be hanging in my home. I think they are so lovely.
if you can post that one, I can post this:
If this is out of line, let me know & I’ll delete it from my Photobucket account…
[no, I don’t know the “owner” — this was one of those “stolen off the Internet” from a forum I used to participate in (don’t ask, don’t tell…)]
After looking closer at yours, DJ, it wasn’t what I thought it was…mine was of a certain male, er, “appendage” artfully done as a dragon. (I’ll email it to you…just make sure the kids are asleep to avoid questions)
Yeah, I’m a prude…wanna make something of it?
Here’s 17-room ruin looking in.
Kinda reminds me Tattooine.. planet Luke Skywalker came from. You know where the Sand People carjacked him. 🙂
R2D2 could be the blue dot.
They are easily frightened but they’ll soon be back. Or something like that.
Is that mesa verde by any chance?
it’s a small ruin outside of Bluff, UT. I had the view looking out in my photo fair and Nag commented that she had been there because her family lived in Bluff. I thought she might like a view of the ruin itself.
Though Jim and I are big on rock and ruins hiking so we have photos of ruins from all over the southwest (including Mesa Verde).
We took my older boy there (mesa verde, not bluff) when he was a little older than 2, and he actually remembers being there. I guess it really made an impression on him. Funny, isn’t it?
Thanks, Andi. I also recall driving down a dry wash somewhere in the area (who knows where… I was a kid) and going to unexcavated cliff dwellings. Also Anasazi, no doubt. There were areas you had to crawl through, only to find glyphs on the interior walls. Walk almost anywhere in Bluff and look down… you’ll see thousands of shards of Native American pottery underfoot.
While we were there my older cousin caught a Black Widow spider in a mason jar and we all ooed and ahed over it. It looked like a hefty Daddy Longlegger to me, not so scary. It was also my first introduction to scorpions and lizards. Bluff is wonderful!
that is awesome site. can you imagine the adventure thre.
energy levels are low today, I can’t wait for it to be 5:00 when I can go home and crash. I have two tattoes, one on my left shoulder, the other on the upper-right of my back. I’m considering another in honor of BushCo:
Any ideas on a location?
I would have thought you would have Calvin & Hobbes inked somewhere on yer body more than a Bull. 🙂
Such a tatoo would only be appropriate on one’s anus but that might be a tad painful.
I’m just peeking in to say that I talked to my sister about the eBay stores idea and it only took about 2 sentences before she agreed to it.
I’m so pleased. I just think eBay is a more secure option for consumers and sellers.
(and it save so much work!)
I have to wonder if I’m ever going to get my autoformat option back?
It’s stuck for some reason. Do I have to make a Diary to change it?
You might want to try changing it at your user info page. From there click Settings, then Comment Preferences, and down near the bottom should be a dropdown box where you can reset and then save.
Oh, I know — but I do this weird formatting that requires HTML formatting. And then.
(like tomorrow — I’ll do the Cafe, and that throws everything off again.)
I’m just ranting at my own feebleness. Ignore me.
(selecting the drop-down box & autoformatting)
No diary, either.
BTW, nice to “talk” to you — I think I’ve missed our email conversations as much as the photo fair itself.
I miss you too. Are you going to have time to stop by the Cafe tomorrow? I’m hosting…. 🙂
(I must have done something to make this HTML thing stick. It’s never done it before. It reminds me of the time we lost our SUBMIT buttons!)
(Selecting drop-down box & choosing Autoformat)
I’ll be in and out during the day but I’ll definitely stop by.
You know I never got the submit button back but I did get to the point where preview looks right and does have a submit button.
Thanks, I’ll show it to him when he gets home from school!
what a site!!!!!!!!!! again the adventure at this place would be awesome.
I sat thru and watched in it’s entirity for the first time… Scotty. Here’s my virgin thoughts.
Your Press Secretary’s responses:
I already talked about that
I already told you I already talked about that
Read the transcript because I already talked about that
I won’t talk about that
Read the transcript where I talked about not talking about that.
I’ve already talked about not talking about that.
The President has friends.
The President has concerns, friends and confidence.
I don’t know about that.
I haven’t heard about that.
I haven’t read about that.
I already told you I don’t know about that.
I won’t talk about what I already talked about talking about that I don’t know what I’m talking about…
… Then he walked out… guess that’s good enough for uhmerika
Thanks for giving us the Cliff notes version. Same as his last press conference, in other words…
Opion Sokoni is on right now!!!!
What is Opion Sokoni?
Opio, my typo 🙂
ACK how to describe him… Let me cut and paste something if I can find it 😀
Opio Sokoni is a Howard University-trained lawyer working as the general manager and talk show host for a Portland, Oregon radio station. Mr. Sokoni is also the editor of the Portland Medium newspaper. He earned a B.A. in Political Science from Norfolk State University. Opio has previously worked for the Drug Policy Alliance as the campaign manager for Measure 62 (Treatment versus Jail initiative) which passed with over 70 percent of the vote. He also worked for Amnesty International, where he headed up their first police brutality project. His writings have appeared in the Boston Globe, the Black Commentator, the Washington Times, and on numerous pop culture Web sites. Opio has traveled to Cuba twice on education exchange trips. A Hip Hop enthusiast and father, Opio Sokoni is the author of an award-winning children’s book entitled, “I Want to Be a Lawyer When I Grow Up” and the newly-released activist resource guide, Poli-Tainment: Making Struggle Sexy.
Not a kid friendly link!
No More Bush Girls
and proud of it. I read diaries on Boo and made comments while participating in a really boring conference call.
It’s all about the money…
Anything for a buck, eh?
No tea today. I tuned in to late. Besides, happy hour is more appropriate for me at the moment. I need to go have a drink in memory of a grand old dame, my wife’s Aunt Kay who passed early this morning.
It’s been one of those weeks. My mother’s divorce from my step-father is as nasty as any family event I’ve ever been involved in and this was a particularly bad week in that ongoing sage.
On the plus side my dad just got out of the hospital. Of course that meant he was in the hospital (profuse pulmonary emoboli) but hey, he’s on the right side of the grass.
So, I’m with spiderleaf in the feeling blue department. Funny that expression, “feeling blue” since in a political sense, I always feel blue, or occasionally green.
So sorry to hear that KMc. What a hard week for you. Glad to hear about your dad though.
Great phrase though, right side of the grass. 🙂
Consider yourself huggled and snuggled today. I know that doesn’t help but wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you and the Casa KMc, Take care.
And it does help. Having a beer and watching a completely silly movie helped as well. Best In Show. Credit where it’s due on the “right side of the grass.” It was my dad’s phrase about not being dead.
Sorry to hear about the rough week, and especially the narsty divorce. Why can’t people be alleged adults about these things?
(Got to admit that divorces are relatively rare in my family; only one has been my second niece, and it was her idiot husband’s fault for not following through on promises so she dumped his ass…hey, I never claimed I had to be adult about it!)
Good news that your dad’s out of the hospital though; my brother’s been recovering well from his recent visit. And I like that “right side of the grass” line too. 🙂
Take care…
I appreciate all the good wishes.
Australia for starters —
Papua New Guinea
Visiting the Pacific Island of Papua New Guinea,
John Paul II greets half-naked natives. May, 1984 Translated :: the natives were dressed for the occasion!
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Jeeze…go away for a morning and next thing ya know it’s Tattoo Time…da plane boss…da plane…Ok, I’ve got one, but only one mind you…
He kind of looks like Einstein.
He really does look like Einstein…
I don’t write Letters to the editor to get published
– I write them to Work. The. Refs.
but damn it’s fun (read ego inflating) when one hit’s the dead tree version instead of just being inconvenienced electrons. 🙂
and for once I actually like the headline.
I wondered why my GOP diehard coworker gave me the dirty look this morning – bet this was it 🙂
Great letter! You earned those dirty looks-enjoy them!
::claps hands, stomps feet::
Way to go, Simplexity, that was awesome.
Great letter – right to the point.
Well, it’s time to go to bed (It’s past Saturday 1 AM, here)
Have a nice night. See you tomorrow for breakfast…
…that I don’t know where else to ask, so please forgive me if this is the wrong place….
I saw a commercial today while being a captive audience at the nail salon (I love Fridays — got my white wine in hand, but I already ate my shrimp), re Tom DeLay vs. Ronnie Earle. It was really an outrage. It involved a snarling, barking dog, supposed to represent Ronnie Earle. I’m in Austin, TX. Was this a special treat for us Texans, or is it playing around the country?
I’m in Canada, just accross from Detroit. We get American t.v., the commercials are often changed through the acle provider. I haven’t seen the ad. Is Ronnie Earle up for re-election?
Hi Teacher Toni,
I grew up in Detroit, and spent a lot of my adolescence crossing into Windsor, probably to the consternation of Windsor’s residents.
Ronnie Earle is the District Attorney who instigated the Grand Jury investigation of Tom DeLay’s “activities”. He has initiated charges against a total of 15 politicians during his tenure. 12 of them were Democrats. Of the 3 Repugnicans, one — Kay Bailey Hutchison — he dropped the charges against about halfway through. Yes, he’s a Democrat, but no one could be construed as less biased.
Earle sound impressive. Do you think that Delay and his minions are trying to raise defense money or derail any up-coming re-election campaign for Earle?
I am originally from Canton. I ended up in Windsor when I married a wonderful Canadian guy. Where are you from in the Detroit area?
As far as I know, he’s not running this time. I think DeLay is trying to sway public opinion. The thing is, Travis County (which contains Austin), is the blue, heart-shaped(!) county in the middle of red Texas, and all the non-Republicans here hate Tom DeLay. (That’s because he was instrumental in the re-districting that cut Austin into 4 pieces in order to ensure that Lloyd Doggett wouldn’t get back to Congress. It didn’t work, fortunately.) No one here is going to be impressed by this commercial except those who already drank the Kool Aid.
Lloyd Doggett is one of those people you never have to send petitions to, because he already did it right before you even found out about it.
Northwest Detroit. I’m afraid I ran screaming from the place as soon as I was old enough.
You and 10,000 people a year run screaming from Detroit every year. A big mayoral race this year. In incumbent is the self-proclaimed “hip-hop” mayor with a huge security entourage, like he’s a star. The city might just go into receivership.
Jeez. Nothing ever changes there.
The Bug Man is on a “media blitz” in your district. He is not pulling any punches against Earle. I’m reminded of a cornered cat who suspects he is getting thrown in water. As far as I know, it’s not national but targetted to your area.
Just when I needed a drink. Horrendous day at work–well, actually getting to work and back: over two hours to get in in the morning, so I missed the class I was supposed to observe. And then the bus was late on the way back.
But the best remedies have already been touched on here: white wine and garlic–I mean delicious food cooked with lots of garlic.
I was just wondering where everybody is, too. I know it’s Friday night, but I can’t be the only person with no life.
I stepped away to watch Three Wishes, and came back to a hoppin’ cafe! How’s that for having no life on a Friday night? 🙂
Hope your Friday evening is restful, TWfnW, you deserve it after a hectic day.
The reason I have such a long and complicated screen name is that my son originally helped me sign up for dKos (I was a blog neophyte). He said that it was about time that I became politically involved. Time waits for no man, he quipped. Since I was casting around for a screen name, I came up with Time Waits for no Woman–which is a bit formal sounding.
But anyway, now that we all are acquainted, “Time Waits” will do. One of the philosophical topics I am most interested in is time. I will tell you when I figure it all out.
A rather eccentric neighbor of mine asked her 7 yr godson what he had studied in school that day.
Time, he told her, pointing to the clock. See, it is twenty minutes after five.
She was not impressed. So what is time?, she asked him.
Twenty minutes after five, he repeated.
No, that’s what time it is. What IS time?
He looked puzzled.
OK, Godmother sighed and sat down, seeing this would take some work.
How old are you?
Who are you?
So does Ponchito mean the same thing as seven?
No! he giggled. Seven is how old I am!
Right, said Godmother. Now what is time?.
Ponchito smiled, thought a minute. I don’t know, he said finally.
I will tell you a secret, said Godmother. You will ask yourself this question when you are older than me and still not know. Nobody really knows. But very few people are smart enough to understand that. All we can do is try.
She put down a red M&M. This is you. What is your mother’s name?
Maria. OK Down went a green M&M.
What is her mother’s name?
Rosa. This time, Ponchito reached for the M&Ms. One for his mouth, and a brown one for Rosa.
What is Rosa’s mother’s name?
Umm, Esperanza! Blue M&M. I don’t know her mother’s name though. But here is an M&M for her. And one for her mother. Another M&M.
Madrina, I got it! This is what time is! Are there any more M&Ms? My dad says our family goes back thousands of years.
I don’t know about “blue.” I’m just exhausted after a very challenging week at work. I’m the Executive Director of a non-profit organization. Lots going on, but the big thing is that after leasing space for over 30 years, we are buying a building – and from 3M no less (its a small building they own in town). So I think we just finished (finally) negotiating a purchase agreement. Our lawyer kept referring to our situation as “David against Goliath,” and we all know what that means. Since I was trained as a Marriage and Family Therapist, I am totally out of my element. It got really tense, but I think as of today, we’ve done it. So when I get some rest, I’ll be ready to say “HOORAY.” Now all we have to do is raise $1.8 million to pay for it. I’ll get myself up for that challenge later.
I don’t know where the barkeep is, but what will you have?
I’m too tired for booze. So I’ll just have some decaf tea and go to bed. Thanks for asking.
No headache today, so was able to get out early and get the assorted errands done; now waiting for the spouse to get home so we can pick up some groceries and a prescription (called in the refill this morning).
Oh, and the tummy trouble from earlier this week turned out to be female plumbing related — annoying but bearable. Am I the only woman who actually looks forward to menopause? Hell, if I get hot flashes, I’ll just run around the apartment nekkid… 😉
Have a great evening, everyone! 🙂
Glad you’re feeling bettr, Cali!
There’s an echo in hear – very empty! Just got back from a hockey game, and after a long day at work I am Capital E. exhausted. I fear that even with Manny’s superstar settings it will take me all night to read the cafe comments. You guys sure are having fun these days, but it’s so great to see!
Hi olivia…what hockey game? Who won?
Good night!
The Ottawa 67s. And they lost. They’ve lost every home game so far … but they’re winning their away games.
Here … not hear. This is getting to be a bad habit!
These ‘tribbers don’ stop yakkin’, they’re gonna git their TUH-UH-ugs suhn-buhrned!
Wow. Long day in the shop for Puget4 and myself. We dined on 1 alarm monkfish chile salad and took a 2 hour nap!
Hi Gooserock. I think I’m about to go for my nap soon.
I want to tell you that it was so wonderful to see Puget4 here. And both your photo diaries were a treat!
Hi Olivia, the photo fair was a blast. Thanks for welcoming me. I’ll be checking in once in a while. Maybe Saturday morning would be a good time to come back for a visit.