Hi. I just created an account here. I recognize many names here from the old Billmon blog. I’d like to know up front–based on what I say below, is it safe for me to try to seek community here?

I was very active on various blogs from 2001 to early 2005, but on Easter Day this year I got nuclear- obliterated on Daily Kos (under another user name) when I tried to argue for a pro-life perspective on the Terri Schiavo tragedy. I had been a regular there for years, with thousands of “4s”, but I got zero-rated so bad it would take 1,000 years to recover.

I was so shocked and angered by the vicious reaction that I registered as an “Independent” when I moved in May to Carroll County, Maryland. But I’m changing that back very soon! I stayed away from the blogs for a long time, but I returned during the Hurricane Katrina disaster, and I can’t leave during the current implosion of the evil Bush regime.

I’ve been a Yellow Dog Dem for more than 30 years and I contribute regularly to lefty causes. I gave several thousand dollars to John Kerry’s campaign.  (And I think the election was stolen in Ohio.) But I’m also a believing Catholic and I definitely disagree with the Democratic consensus on a few hot issues.

Is it safe for someone like me here, if I stay polite? Thanks for any responses!