Hi. I just created an account here. I recognize many names here from the old Billmon blog. I’d like to know up front–based on what I say below, is it safe for me to try to seek community here?
I was very active on various blogs from 2001 to early 2005, but on Easter Day this year I got nuclear- obliterated on Daily Kos (under another user name) when I tried to argue for a pro-life perspective on the Terri Schiavo tragedy. I had been a regular there for years, with thousands of “4s”, but I got zero-rated so bad it would take 1,000 years to recover.
I was so shocked and angered by the vicious reaction that I registered as an “Independent” when I moved in May to Carroll County, Maryland. But I’m changing that back very soon! I stayed away from the blogs for a long time, but I returned during the Hurricane Katrina disaster, and I can’t leave during the current implosion of the evil Bush regime.
I’ve been a Yellow Dog Dem for more than 30 years and I contribute regularly to lefty causes. I gave several thousand dollars to John Kerry’s campaign. (And I think the election was stolen in Ohio.) But I’m also a believing Catholic and I definitely disagree with the Democratic consensus on a few hot issues.
Is it safe for someone like me here, if I stay polite? Thanks for any responses!
Hey you are sure welcome to me…I share some of your views…the Schiavo case was a tricky one everywhere….I did a diary not about the case but how it affected both parties…Mostly on this site we stayed away from the discussion, because it was so contentious, one of the reasons I came over here….
So I welcome you here….I am sure others will as well and be sure to stop by the Froggy Bottom Cafe a regular diary hosted by a group of us and always there to talk and have fun…
Sun Hudson was a poor baby born to a troubled mother who claimed the father was the sun.
He was born after the passage of a law in Texas that let hospitals discontinue life support for patients if no other hospital would take them.
Neither Sun Hudson nor his mother had money, or friends with money, or friends who were politicians.
The issue, in my view, goes beyond theological disputes or family legal squabbles. None of those are relevant questions as long as the “right to life” is a commercial product.
Am I correct in assuming that these people are/were not white?
If he had been Black and rich, there would have been no problem. But if he had been rich, chances are he would not have been Black. 😉
He would not have lived long. His mother wanted to have him as long as she could, she believed that the rays of his father the sun would cure him.
Welcome to Booman Tribune, Arminius.
If you’re polite, and don’t mind people disagreeing with your position, I don’t see why you wouldn’t be welcomed.
Ratings wars … seen… one? in the last six months. It was one-sided, and the only participant was a new user, who was troll rated out of existence for it. Then he and the person he 1 rated started to work it out in email last I heard. This place is nothing like the orange mess.
We’ve only got a couple rules. I think you’ll like them.
#1 rule: Don’t be a prick. (That would also apply to anyone going after you personally for your beliefs.)
#2 rule: No sacred cows. We’ll be disrespectful, and downright hostile, to any outside group, including the Dems for doing things we don’t believe in. You won’t find litmus tests or rally-around the leader thinking here. But we treat fellow Tribber’s with respect — rule #1.
So, I really wouldn’t worry about being zero-rated based on your positions. We don’t even zero rate real jerks. If a person can’t express his/her disagreement via comments (not ratings), he/she won’t fit in very well. (one tip… 4 or don’t rate at all. That’s the universal standard here — and damn refreshing).
So I’d hope you’d feel welcome here. Your pro-life view will put you in a distinct minority, but I think you suspected that already ;).
After all, we’re here for the community — to support each other. Most here want the Dems to take over and fix this mess (well, progressive Dems at least). Others are independents who can’t wait to see the Repubs get thrown out. I think on that basis alone we all have tons in common.
Let me echo the welcomes and throw in my two cents by saying that I think Yaright has pretty well summarized the social protocols here. If a comment or diary is seen as trollish it often is meant with a resounding silence – no comments, no recommends, just everyone averting their eyes until it goes away down the rat hole…
Now I will add that if you do get confrontational on abortion here we have a lot of folks here that will respond strongly, but I suspect you’re smart enough to anticipate that.
The site membership is roughly 50-50 between the sexes, which is I believe a lot different from “Big Orange.” That may well have something to do with the difference in tone. The mean age here is probably older as well, if you don’t mind hanging out with old hippies along with the tadpoles.
Manners and humor will go a long way. If you cross a line and are told so, an apology will generally set things right if you think that’s the thing to do.
Again, welcome to the pond.
Thanks very much for your kind comments. :> May be a while before I post much. But I like the atmosphere. (I went out tonight on the internets telling myself, I have GOT to find a good lefty place to talk before the Rove indictment comes down!) –Arminius (who smited the Romans)
Welcome. May the 4s be with you!
Welcome Arminius :o)
Welcome! You’ve picked an excellent place to talk about the Rove indictments, IMO!
Welcome, and have a 4 to get you started!
Have you visited the Froggy Bottom Cafe? It’s a good place to introduce yourself and give us a link to this diary.
There’s a new one everyday. In fact yesterday things where hopping so fast we filled 4 diaries!
Have you visited the Froggy Bottom Cafe? It’s a good place to introduce yourself and give us a link to this diary.
There’s a new one everyday. In fact yesterday things where hopping so fast we filled 4 diaries!
Welcome Arminius. It’s quite a sanctuary here. They let me in and even show some affection despite my quirks. See you around –
Hey there!! Welcome to the pond!
As a little-i independent I had a good long chortle at the phrase “Democratic consensus”!!
If there WERE one of those, we would not be in half the mess we’re in in this country!
I look forward to hearing your views –I will most likely disagree with them — but I welcome the discussion and YOU!
Please come by the cafe, it’s the unoffical welcome wagon of the site an a good place to get to know people.
Here’s today’s version: Froggy Bottom Cafe. Saturday Treasure Hunting
Welcome Arminius, and a top o’ the afternoon to you!
This is a great community for intelligent discourse, good humor and a sprinkling of hugs. The site attracts high caliber contributors from all over the world and all walks of life. Contributors who are engaged in activism for the betterment of the global community.
As a member of the MN Independence Party, I’ve felt perfectly comfortable sharing my stories of working on campaigns for non-Dem candidates. And I likely lean a bit to the right of most folks on this site. (Online surveys typically characterize me as a Libertarian – although a recent survey shared on this site indicated I was a . . . gasp! . . . “Democrat”.)
Most of all, I want this administration out of office – and that supersedes any party affiliation or any individual platform opinions I may have. And we’re all going to need an outlet in the upcoming weeks.
I do believe it would be worth your while to stick around and try the site on for size. (I too, am strongly pro-life, but I draw the line with an individual’s right to choose.)
And with that – good day to you!