2% milk, you ask? Nope. Two percent is the number of African-Americans who approve of Bush’s job performance. Ken Mehlman reportedly has dispatched Young Republican squads to find the few. Let’s see. Former football great Reggie (“Black people are very gifted in what we call worship and celebration”) White is deceased. Armstrong Williams? Clarence Thomas, for sure. Anybody else? … OPEN THREAD:
yeah… candi… I mean… condi… that’s about it. Not powell anymore that’s fer sure.
regime decrees. Ted something? Oh, and Uncle Colin.
Uncle Colin? Not sure I’d count him in the solid 2% these days. In the margin of error, maybe. Time will tell.
more about Reggie White:
Wow, I never knew that Reggie White was such a bigot.
He was actually beginning to delve deeper into Christianity and away from the sports hero talking points at the time of his death. That’s why the Gary Bauers of the world didn’t make a big deal of his passing.
I always thought there was an awful loud silence among the wingnut set when he died. I’ll go find the article…think it was on salon.com. BRB!
Just to be clear, he never said that he was sorry for bashing and gays and lesbians at the whim of the wingnut set, but he was clearly on a different path at the time of his death than that spectacle-making speech of his in Wisconsin.
(From Rushing for Jesus” in Salon.com.)
And especially this:
I don’t give him a pass for the homophobia. But I will always wonder what could have been. He finally started to walk his own path–questioning and defining “truth” for himself instead of being a puppet.
Thanks, Auntie Peachy. I always thought that Reggie White was more bluster and talk than religion. Honestly, I didn’t pay much attention to things he said BECAUSE he was a professional athlete. I’m not proud of that, but there it is. That’s MY bigotry, isn’t it?
You forgot Lynn Swann who is running against Rendell in PA.
Alan Keyes?
JC Watts? I got nothin’ else…
and with Chimpy being at 2% if you use the MoE going down instead of up that would give him -1. So my advice is stop looking…even his most ardent supporters are in hiding or have turned on him. How could somebody be at -1? answer: Worst President in the History of the United States Ever!!!
You don’t need to be a weatherman to know how badly Bush blows
Bush toy was not much fun
By MATT LITTLE Special to The Star
Dear Blue Box:
With great disappointment, I am returning the George W. Bush “action figure,” which you will find enclosed in this package. I am seeking a full refund for this defective toy for the following reasons:
All last week, during the grueling sandbox battles in my backyard between my GI Joes and the hideous armies of Grog, the GW Bush doll was missing. I thought it was lost for good. But then, after my GI Joes won the day and made the sandbox safe again, there the Bush doll was, front and center, looking splendid and unruffled in pristine army fatigues. Evidently it’d been playing dress-up all week with my sister’s Ken doll but was right there to take the credit for the GI Joe’s victory.
My GI Joes are all saying that the GW Bush doll is stealing money out of their pockets and giving it to my sister’s Ken and Barbie dolls. I didn’t believe this at first, but this afternoon I spied a nice, new dollhouse in my sister’s room and now I’m thinking it must be so.
I’m certain you can understand my desire to return this toy to you. Your quality control supervisor must be asleep on the job. Frankly, I don’t know why you even produced this doll in the first place. If you value your reputation at all, you will recall it immediately.
All this is terrible, but the worst part of all is that this is not the doll I originally ordered! I carefully filled out the order form, yet the toy I received was not the one I expected. I wonder how many other customers ended up with a different “action figure” than the one they requested. I hope the rumor that you cannot correct this error for two more years is untrue.
Please either send me the action figure I ordered or refund my money. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Matt Little is a marketing, communications and design consultant who lives in Overland Park.
funny funny funny
Do you have a link on that?
No. I just found it when I was going through some old e-mails. Maybe if you google the guy’s name…?
Bingo. With lots of good links in this one, including the piece Catnip cited. And this very entertaining thread from Billmon, with a slightly different version of the letter, toward the end.
freep this poll if you’re bored.
“America needs a leader who makes sure they have everything they need to get the job done, a leader who believes in their mission and honors their service, a leader who has the courage and the character to stay on the offense against terrorism until the war is won. That leader is our commander in chief, George W. Bush.”
“One of the best things about playing in the World Series was seeing the footage of soldiers cheering for the Red Sox in Iraq, it was great to know that we could make them feel closer to home and do something to put a smile on their faces, while they were on the front lines. Those troops deserve all of our support, and all of our thanks.
And there’s something else we can do for them. We can make sure we elect a president who supports them every step of the way.”– 11.01.2004 Curt Schilling in Wilmington, Ohio
I guess they both lost!
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We’d just as soon not remember one year ago. At least I wouldn’t.
I’m a Cardinals fan …
Watched Bush Stadium and the Arch being build – great memories of SLU.
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This latest poll included 807 people nationwide, and only 89 blacks. As a result, there is a considerable margin or error –
Late Update: The Pew Research Center is just out with its latest poll, which has a larger sample, and it finds Bush’s approval rating among blacks at 12 percent, down only slightly from 14 in July. Here are those results (pdf file).
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Check this out here.
All about how she was embedded in Iraq, and a few other places too apparently.
“Out West, where you vacation, the aspens will already be turning. They turn in clusters … “
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Rove Testifies 4th Time
… Rove Soon Moving In?
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