More phone records, of course!

Democrats question timing of 2002 GOP donations

Rep. Tom DeLay’s political action committee, Americans for a Republican Majority, gave $5,000 to the state Republican Party on Nov. 1, 2002, four days before the election in which Republican John Sununu won his Senate seat by defeating former Democratic Gov. Jeanne Shaheen.

Four days earlier, the state party received $5,000 each from two Indian tribes represented by Jack Abramoff, a lobbyist with close ties to DeLay. Together, the three donations nearly equal the $15,600 Republicans paid a telemarketing firm to make repeated hang-up calls to the Democratic phone banks.

DeLay recently stepped down as House majority leader after being indicted in Texas on conspiracy and money laundering charges. Abramoff also has been charged in an ongoing federal corruption and fraud investigation.

“It just so happens that the money came into New Hampshire just a matter of days before the phone jamming. Is it just a coincidence? I don’t know, but that’s a question I’d like to get an answer to,” said Democratic Party Chairwoman Kathy Sullivan, who argues that the tribes would have no reason to spend money in New Hampshire. “What you have here is the sound of two scandals colliding.”

I wonder how long it will be before the GJ in NH takes action against DeLay and Abramoff?

“Drop the Gavel” on DeLay and Abramoff!

As a side note:
Click here for a special song to start your Rovian day…

(A little corny, but funny none the less.)

Taken from: Take Back The Media