A few weeks ago, I bought a subscription for access to the motherfucking NYT “Select” Op-Eds, and I made the information public at my favourite sites, because that’s the kind of generous motherfucking gal I am:
USER ID: “myleftwing”
PASSWORD: “motherfucker”
Now. A WORD TO THE WISE: Since a few people have fucked with my generous nature and CHARGED ARTICLES TO MY ACCOUNT…
I have taken steps to assure that cannot happen again. I will not go into specifics, but suffice to say, if you are that schmucky type of person who isn’t content with an inch and simply MUST take a mile:
The next time someone attempts to CHARGE something to the MLW NYT account, they will find themselves charged with attempted online theft or some such thing.
So, TRY it, putz. Whoever you are, if you’re trying to use MY fucking account to get yourself stuff from NYT that can be charged to the account… you WILL be identified.
TRY ME. Asshole.
As for the rest of you — carry on, nothing to see. All is well.
Enjoy, and you’re welcome.
Lordy! It ain’t me babe.
BTW, Wapo Plame piece for Saturday is up. Kinda interesting. Looks like maybe espionage and perjury?
Sorry to hear this but it would surprise me if it was anyone here.
Could have been any of these, as I posted the original announcement at these 3 places.
Of course, the damned thing has certainly made the rounds of the blogosphere by now… which is why I changed the set-up. Anyone tries to rip me off now, they walk into a net.
o.m.g. you are so generous. Shit like this is why I don’t give a flick for people in general and read books like The Loner’s Manifesto.
For all that i have to applaud your generous nature. People like you make the world go round.
Now, nail the asshole’s cheeks to the wall!
I saw your password thing and thought it was a hell of a gesture by you. All it takes is one ASPENhole to make the the whole thing turn on you!
I stick to buying the paper if I know something good is coming out (like this Sunday, lol) or finding the articles online at other Newspapers that offer the same articles for free.
T’wasn’t me! lol
Sorry that someone took advantage of your kindness.
If anyone did it maybe they will see your note and offer to re-imburse you and to give you one hell of an apology!
Didn’t mean to imply it was a BooTribber. I posted this at the 3 places I posted the original announcement — thought it’d kill 2 birds, in alerting people who missed the first announcement… and WARNING the dorks who preyed on my good will.
No worries, honest Tribbers — kep using it as much as you please.
You might want to check out where else on the net your login has been posted.
Like here at Plastic.com:
(Links to the diary)
I am not saying that this post links to the troublemaker… But your login is obviously circulating the net already.
I pulled this up with a google on :
USER ID: “myleftwing”
PASSWORD: “motherfucker”
It could be anyone one from around the globe by now…
I should mention (just for fun) that if you google:
Alot of diaries at dKos complaining about Armando come up…
Is that just a coincicdence? lol
In a moment of boorishness, I neglected to thank you for sharing. I admit I truly enjoyed typing Motherfucker in for the password.
So…. thank you!
With all due respect… I think maybe you have loved the blogosphere not too wisely but too well. I’m afraid your login/password are probably halfway around the world by now, and you’re going to have to track down an awful lot of “thefts.” 🙁
As I knew they would.
Not that the thieves had a choice.
And I’ve received notice of two attempts. VEDDY interesting. I could, of course, nail them for it…
We’ll see.