Many of you are smitten with Juan Cole’s roasting of Judith Miller at Salon. Cole calls Miller’s WMD reporting “embarrassingly bad” and says she became a “stenographer to a motley crew of neoconservative hawks and Iraqi expatriate wheelers and dealers.”
Then there’s Jane Hamsher’s grotesque BBQ image in her excellent “Grand Jury Barbecue Time.” That image is nowhere as obscene as CNN’s ghoulish “gimme-an-R-for-ratings!” fixation on the NOLA hospital “mercy killings” and that whacked-out doctor CNN keeps interviewing who said, after he walked out before outside help arrived, that it was better to abandon his patients than help them die. (Huh?)
Take in Arianna’s “Advance Word on the Times’ Judy-Culpa.” “[It’s] definitely coming on Sunday … Judy’s camp is worried that it’s going to be very hard on her.”
… I’ve been told that Miller has been “ordered” to write a first-person, what-I-told-the-grand-jury account.
[Judy heads] west this weekend to attend a conference at Cal State Fullerton called, I kid you not, “Power to the People: Unlocking Government for the Public and Press and the Blogs!” Provide your own punchline. … Miller will present a special award on Saturday honoring Mark “Deep Throat” Felt. …
You’d think Miller would be in New York, working on her first-person story and helping the Times team close its piece (I mean, it’s not like there’s not a lot riding on it).
No shit. Just like there was a lot riding on “President Bush’s staged TV event with U.S. soldiers.” (Read Pat Lang’s condemnation.) I keep thinking that if only Rove hadn’t been prepping for his four and a half hours of testimony today, Bush’s staged event would have gone off seamlessly. Cry me a river….
BYO — and PLEASE SHARE! Then let’s kick back and watch Bill Maher and his guests, “Sen. Max Cleland, editor Tina Brown, and comedian Larry Miller, Sen. John Edwards, Chief Richard Pennington, and author Tom Wolfe.” (Here’s hopin’ Catnip and Olivia bring us some of that high proof Canadian brew!)
More on the Bush staged event:
The biggest surprise … following President Bush’s recent staged TV event with U.S. soldiers stationed in Iraq was the media’s newfound willingness to expose the facade. Bush has been conducting similar staged events for years now, and he rarely gets called on them.
… Paul Rieckhoff, the Iraq war veteran who organized Operation Truth[wrote] a devastating critique …
[T]he President again used our troops as political props in an event so scripted that it basically turned into a conversation with himself. I wish the White House had put this much effort into post-war planning when my platoon hit Baghdad. …. When I was an Infantry Platoon leader in Iraq, I was interviewed by CBS 60 Minutes. As the tape was rolling, my commanding officer stood behind the camera carefully listening to my every word with his arms crossed. I knew it wouldn’t be fun for me if I strayed from the prescribed talking points. That incident was one of the motivating factors that led me to create Operation Truth … The Commander in Chief has no right to use America’s sons and daughters as a defibrillator for his ailing Presidency.
Read all of PRWatch’s superb analysis.
the apple in Karl’s mouth…can Bood Photoshop a Photoshopped picture? 😉
Keith Olbermann totally skewered the Bush misAdministration last night; I’ve still got it on the DVR, tempted to transfer it to videotape so I can watch it when I’m feeling blue about the direction of the country. Best.Countdown.Ever.
Oh, and when the Iraqi soldier said to Bush, “I like you,” I turned to the spouse and said, “He must be angling for a US Supreme Court nomination.” Hey, he liked it…
Oh, and today a Santa Rosa man was buried after he was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq. He’s survived by a wife and 6-month-old daughter; he was redeployed to Iraq 3 days after her birth…fuck this fucking war…
Bring your own BBQ? Cool!
from C&L:
Teleconference Hackery
The Village Voice is reporting that a public affairs officer was part of the group of soldiers that President Bush talked to. Her name is Corine Lombardo who works for the military as spokesperson to the media.
HMMM? Sounds suspicious to me…
OMG! Are you kidding me?!
That is huge. Oh god.
Too bad we have to wait until Monday for Keith O to get his mitts on THAT story.
One of us should diary it!
You can write faster (and better) than I can… I volunteer YOU! lol
No nononononononono … i’m blogged out .. fingers bloody, ganglion cysts sprouting up all over my wrists …
and you write VERY well.
P.S. BUNNY GREENHOUSE is on the new PBS NOW … she’s a tough cookie. She needs her job back, dammit!
This is incredible. So incredible that I wonder if the MSM will even touch it. (I hope so, obviously, but my gut reaction is they’ll get wingnut apologist commentators like Kate O’Bierne or John Fund to try to make the whole thing adds up to nothing. Maybe they’ll suggest to the apparently terminally idiotoic WaPo columnist Richard Cohen that he do an Op-Ed column on it, saying the best thing the media could do is ignore the whole flap because after all, even military flacks need face time in the media.
there’s an orangeland diary on it.
she’s a pentagon PR shill…
Byron Calame:
[Emphases mine]
The article in the Sunday NYTimes better be good.
Wow. Yes, Janet, i hope so too … we’ll all be pinging the NYT around — oh — 7 pm-ish Saturday night.
Can’t wait til tomorrow night. I hope it doesn’t disappoint, but I’m trying not to get my hopes up, given what the NYTimes has become.
OT- when I read your comment about being able to leave Darcy for a week and she’d be fine (not that you would have, of course) I was reminded again of how much she sounds like my daughter. I’m really sorry they didn’t get to meet last summer when we were on the way back from Vancouver Is. But I was sick, we’d already driven for hours – stuck in line at the border for a couple of hours too, and needed to be in Portland before nightfall. I wanted to drop in at her work and offer to take her to lunch or just introduce ourselves and say hi, but alas . . . Maybe next summer I’ll get to head up that way again. It’s really sad how much of a feeling of relief and freedom I felt when I got off the ferry and realized that I was really in Canada.
I do hope you can come back again!
Boy, when that story comes out, the analyses will be ALL over the blogosphere. It’ll make for some fascinating reading.
I do believe he wrote that his piece will be in the Oct. 23 NYT because he wanted the time to actually check out the story, you know, like do what a reporter does.
Her story will be in before then, but Calame’s will follow in a week.
Following the links in Cole’s article is rewarding too – just in case you don’t hate her enough already (I really, really hate her. Down, bad wolf!)
Remember this one from New York magazine? A small excerpt:
Oh please, oh please, let it be payback time for Judy from her colleagues . . .
I liked the quote The General that Hamsher had linked off at the end of the diary:
Unfortunately, General, God did complain!
Remember Katrina and Rita?
I think God was pretty clear on that message…
Maher’s new rules flew by toooo quickly. Will have to see it again tomorrow “On Demand” since I don’t have TIVO. BUT he went on about Mier’s sexuality–either a virgin, a lesbian, or a slut, any of which would drive the wingers nuts. She should have been popping out babies, after all!
He had Cleland almost barfing back his coffee/tea/whatever during that bit.
That was truly great; he said things I hadn’t thought of about how her possible sexual history is freaking out the evangelicals and ‘wingers.
HOPE (!) C&L gets the video. He often puts up Maher videos.
P.S. His New Rules are so great. The old ones are here. And he has a new book out titled New Rules.
Here are some from Oct. 7:
… want to take a look at Billmon’s latest missive letter openers?
I’m sitting her thinking about tang, about rathergate, about nigergate, about armstrong williams, about judith miller, the rwnm, and now about “captured correspondence” between jihadist lovers.
Anyone got what it takes to investigate these pieces and put together a trail that shows what appears like it might be a treasonous level of propoganda on the part of this administration?
Joel Achenbach at the WaPo – his Achenblog:
I hope HBO makes the movie!
(Never heard of that blog. Thanks for the lead!)
Check out this link from Americablog. Kinda addictive in a creepy way (you can drag by the feet), like popping bubblewrap.
Oh, and here ya go Susan … Will this do?
I’m the kind of person who can trance out watching screen savers (one reason I don’t use them anymore). That thing is mesmerizing. I think I’ll go back and look at it again.
very bad … but the title of the e-mail news release from the U.N. cracked me up until I read further down:
he’s not done yet…