According to “a source”, Judith Miller will not face charges related to the Plame leak investigation:

One person who will not be charged is Judith Miller, the New York Times reporter who spent 85 days in jail for refusing to testify in the case before making two recent appearances before the grand jury. Miller was recently told by Fitzgerald that she is only a witness in the case, according to a source close to Miller.

That source could well be Miller’s lawyer:

“Judy has always been a witness in this case and nothing more,” said Robert S. Bennett, Miller’s attorney. “She is neither a subject nor a target of the investigation.”

If Bennett is indeed the source, can we trust what he says?


There have been very few and only vague leaks about Rove’s testimony before the grand jury on Friday and those that have come out say the questioning focused on Rove’s conversations with Matt Cooper of Newsweek.

The Washington Post also reports what many have been speculating on lately – that the focus of the investigation is not only on Rove or Libby as the possible leakers but that “Fitzgerald could be trying to establish that a group of White House officials violated the Espionage Act”. (WHIG?) That could have far reaching consequences.

(Susan’s diary about WHIG has been a huge hit throughout the blogosphere. Congrats, Susan!)

Only time will tell…and that time is drawing near…