This morning on Meet The Press with Tim Russert, Condaleezza Rice unwittingly blew Bushco’s cover by asserting the real reasons the hawks decided to invade Iraq. It is, of course, what we all suspected for a very long time. But, having Rice admit it publicly adds a lot more fuel to the fire of those who do not support this illegal war.
But the fact of the matter is that when we were attacked on September 11, we had a choice to make. We could decide that the proximate cause was al-Qaeda and the people who flew those planes into buildings and, therefore, we would go after al-Qaeda and perhaps after the Taliban and then our work would be done and we would try to defend ourselves.
Or we could take a bolder approach, which was to say that we had to go after the root causes of the kind of terrorism that was produced there, and that meant a different kind of Middle East.
The fix was in. Every attempt made by the Bush administration to tie Saddam Hussein to Al Quaeda was just a smokescreen. They had already made the decision to invade Iraq.
You can view the video at Crooks and Liars or read the transcript here.
The war on Iraq was posited as a war of self-defense against terrorism, spun by the propaganda machine at the White House to rally support for the illegal invasion and based on “grave threats” by Hussein’s regime. We now know there were no grave threats, there were no connections to Al Quaeda and it’s quite obvious that the administration knew that at the time as well.
Richard Clarke and so many others were right about the fact that the Iraq war planning was well underway even before 9/11 and Rice has now admitted it.
Or we could take a bolder approach and follow the PNAC agenda as we intended all along.
My mind keeps getting stuck on the phrase in the PNAC about them “needing a new Pearl Harbor.” It’s like a hole in your tooth that your tongue won’t leave alone. If they are that evil then…
But, no, surely they didn’t think the Towers would collapse; even Bin Laden didn’t expect that. Still, they did expect a few hundred deaths and a spectacle on the morning news shows to launch their wars for global dominance.
This might be the scariest statement yet to come out of the current psychopathic regime. It’s scary because the press as well as the “opposition” will treat it as just another viewpoint to consider rather than the sheer insanity that it is.
Rice knows that Saddam had nothing to do with Sept 11 yet still after all this time, after all the evidence, continues to look for new faces for the crazy old lies. The problem is not just that Rice and her bosses are functioning as genuinely insane individuals, but that a large portion of the media and the public will force their minds to deny the obvious reality and thereby become functionally insane themselves.
There’s been too much use of Hitler as an easy comparison to whoever we don’t like, but statements like the one Rice made today, and its acceptance as legitimate discourse, really is another milestone along the path that the Third Reich travelled on its way to destroying its country and putting the world at deadly risk.
Is it possible that leaders and thinkers outside the US bubble are not, at some level, beginning to prepare for the day that the insane and overweaponed US regime must be stopped, one way or another, for the sake of the world’s future?
This is a link to a story I just read on the Operation Truth website. See here
It is a group representing veterans from the Aghanistan and Iraq wars. It is heartbreaking. For instance he says: “I am not alone in my anger and humiliation. When we were here in 2003, there was anger, but there is a difference between anger and bitter hatred. The atmosphere of discontent is thick and contagious. Even soldiers not stop-lossed feel The Betrayal.”