by Col. Patrick Lang (Ret.)
“Ms. Miller’s revelation that she was granted a DoD security clearance while embedded with the WMD search team in Iraq in 2003.
This is as close as one can get to government licensing of journalists and the New York Times (if it knew) should never have allowed her to become so compromised. It is all the more puzzling that a reporter who as a matter of principle would sacrifice 85 days of her freedom to protect a source would so willingly agree to be officially muzzled and thereby deny potentially valuable information to the readers whose right to be informed she claims to value so highly.
One must assume that Ms. Miller was required to sign a standard and legally binding agreement that she would never divulge classified information to which she became privy, without risk of criminal prosecution. And she apparently plans to adhere to the letter of that self-censorship deal; witness her dilemma at being unable to share classified information with her editors.” (Editor & Publisher)
![]() Col. Patrick W. Lang (Ret.), a highly decorated retired senior officer of U.S. Military Intelligence and U.S. Army Special Forces, served as “Defense Intelligence Officer for the Middle East, South Asia and Terrorism” for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and was later the first Director of the Defense Humint Service. Col. Lang was the first Professor of the Arabic Language at the United States Military Academy at West Point. For his service in the DIA, he was awarded the “Presidential Rank of Distinguished Executive.” He is a frequent commentator on television and radio, including PBS’s Newshour, and most recently on MSNBC’s Hardball and NPR’s “All Things Considered.” His CV and blog are linked below the fold. |
Folks who still adhere to the “Koolaid” version of history profess to despise the New York Times. They see the Times as a bastion of leftist influence in America. I don’t care for the Times much myself but in my case it is because it is a New York newspaper, a different complaint.
Judy Miller is/was part of the conspiracy that Mr Fitzgerald is investigating. That is why she is “playing games” with him. She has to camouflage a couple of things This is just opinion on my part.
- She was an active participant in the plot to smear the Wilsons and discredit them in the eyes of the American people. She still is. Why? I really don’t know or am unwilling to give an opinion.
- She used the NY Times as a vehicle for propagandizing the American people to whip them up for the Iraq war on the basis that Iraq was, in effect, Nazi Germany come again, and that this time the pseudo Nazis were going to provide the Jihadi nuts across the world with nuclear weapons with which to attack us at home. To obfuscate this point of performance, she went to jail for contempt hoping to emerge from this “soulless” place (down the street from my house in Alexandria and run by one of my neighbors, the sheriff) as a champion of press freedom for whom all would be forgiven.
She should be indicted along with her neocon Jacobin and Mayberry Machiavellian pals. They were all in this together.
She called me up once at the point in history at which her BS about the Iraqi WMD program was falling apart. She tried to get me to “sign up” to the idea that “it must have been true.” I told her that I did not wish to participate in her fantasy life. She was disappointed. Given Wilson’s experience, I have to wonder what she was trying to “set me up for.”
Just my opinion.
Pat Lang
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“Drinking the Kool-Aid,” Middle East Policy Council Journal, Vol. XI, Summer 2004, No. 2
She almost sounds like someone who is on the payroll. About the only way for the war argument to look more bogus would be if we found out journalists were paid to spread the lies. I’ll bet the bitch was on the payroll like some other reporters and pseudo-reporters.
in America was more transparently ‘on the payroll’ than Judith Miller. Although her pal Laurie Mylroie is a close second.
The question is: whose payroll?
Because she is no friend of the CIA.
And now she has gotten a $1.2 million book deal. Son of a bitch! I pray it’s a big flop and that she won’t be able to enjoy the money because she’ll be back with Big Bertha.
The crazy conspiracy side of me says she is an actual agent of some type, like the Naval Officer Kevin Costner played at the Pentagon in that movie so long, long ago that the title is now displaced in my grey matter. But I just cannot concieve that she would be such a willing pawn if she were not a member of the team.
I’ve got no evidence for this.
It belongs in the same category with my speculation that Booman is actually a CIA agenct propogating liberal misinformation (based nothing on how cool I think the content of Booman’s writings are, and how cool the site is overall, but owing solely to Booman’s connections with the elite Eastern Ivy League intelligensia who so often run amok the halls of spook land, and further evidenced by the fact that Col. Lang, along with his most awesome resume, is a front pager here — man, the guy actually talked to Judy, and that makes my skin crawl — I’m just kidding Booman here, Sir, and I have the greatest respect for your credentials and writings).
Thanks for the great analysis. I’m handicapping you as the Director of CIA in the first Booman term. 🙂
The movie was “No Way Out’ and the creepiest, most sinister character was the one who blew his brains out at the end. Kind of reminds me of Rove.
Man. I’d hate to wish that kind of sudden euthanasia on anyone. But, if I were forced to pick a candidate for that procedure. Man. Rove has really brought out the worst in me.
I’ll let you know who killed JFK, once I have a look at the files.
I could suggest various paymasters might be JINSA, AIPAC, P2, The Pentagon and any of the neocon’s various war enthusiast organizations.
I’m swamped by info search on topic of Ms Miller – White House – NYT – WMD link to DoD & Pentagon – Aspen Institute – Pakistan.
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Sat Oct 1st, 2005 at 03:54:22 PM PST
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All this stuff with Miller, and indeed the entire Iraq war, is part and parcel of the same broader scheme that includes Iran-Contra, BCCI, and Iraqgate (the BNL scandal), among other lesser enterprises, some tracing back to CIA money manipulation during Vietnam.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the Parmalat scam is somehow connected, though as yet I’m not aware of direct connections with the same banking institutions.
Unquestionably, but, what’s the big payoff for her?
She’s pretty well destroyed her career and journalistic <gag> future over the past week and the million dollar book deal doesn’t look like much of a reward; not to mention whatever Fitz or Wilson/Plame’s future legal actions may end up costing her in time, reputation and dollars.
What, and where, is the Brass Ring that’s associated with this? Big Swiss / Grand Cayman bank account? Cushy position and perks on one of Cheney’s Board’s of Director?…I don’t get it.
She doesn’t strike me as a very ideologically oriented person and she’s certainly egotistical enough that I don’t think she’d throw herself under the bus for the neocon dogma…materialistic…that I could buy.
I think she believed she was backing a winning team when she threw in with the Bush regime criminals and their plan for taking over the MidEast. This kind of flawed perception is always problematic for people who are too hungry for power and fame and fortune, and Miller fell into the trap created by herown delusions just like the rest of the Cheney gang did.
I’m sure all of them still believe they’ll be vinidicated, just as I’m sure they believe in the power of their own spin, as though the spin actually creates the reality. (Hitler stil believed in his own infallability until the very end, and Pinochet in Chile, evenb now, still believeshe was a hero to his country rather than the sadistic murderer and coward he truly is.)
History will not treat any of these Bush regime maniacs and losers kindly, and Miller and her ilk, (like the odious shitbird Novak or the pathetic Armstrong Williams), will all pass into history as undesirables, perfect examples of what not to be.
This is the best piece ever on the crackpot Mylroie, written by Peter Bergen. Miller gets a brief mention, but more importantly the cast of characters surrounding the Mylroie adventures is the same cast now perpetrating the Iraq war.
She has to have been! But whose payroll?
Pat’s post blows me away! WOW! Talk about telling it like it is! I’m with him that she should be indicted, and it upsets me that she probably won’t be. She deserves it.
Whatever else may now happen with Judy Miller, whether she stays at the NYT, whether she get’s canned or retires, whether she makes pots of money on a book deal, or anything else, I think it’s universally clear that she will henceforth not be trusted by anyone. Even her criminal cohorts in this Plame/Wilson scheme have to be wary of her now, sensing as they must that she might have been close to “cracking” while in jail, and might even now betray them if things get too dicey for her personally. And, of course, her idiot knights in shining armor at the Times, (Sulzberger and Keller), likewise know that in the end she has damaged them and their reputations so profoundly that even after they’re dead and gone, their defense of this shameless creature will remain a large permanent stain on their legacy and that of the newspaper as well.
So, criminal punishment or not, Miller is officially in a state of decline. Her influence will wane, and with it her ability to intimidate her colleagues will vaporize as her protection from above is seen to disappear. (I wouldn’t be at all surprised if one day she walked into the Times newsroom and got pelted with rotten fruit and vegetables, so great is the enmity she has brought upon herself there with her arrogance and disdain.)
Col. Lang, I’m always grateful for your opinions. Thank you, Sir!
She is certifiable…she must instantly be locked up. She needs help, very, very, very, very, very badly. I would also lock up anyone who has ever been friends with her. She should go down in history as the biggest spy that has ever opperated inside the USA. It is stupifying that she is walking the streets. This goes beyond fighting for a cause..she is batshit crazy…crazy like the aunt you lock up in the attic. Crazy like a Fox-trot. Beyond hobo kelly crazy. Makes Bozo look like someone who would be confirmed to sit on the SCOTUS. A loon is not crazy compared to Judy. She must have had a really wicked childhood. She should be locked up for life and never see the outside world again..EVER. I thought I knew what crazy was until Judy Miller came into my world. She should either be in jail or have her own series. We shall see what this crazy America does with her. My opinion…A padded cell with Scott Peterson for life.
Today’s WaPo Media Notes
FYI, Juan Cole has a link to this post today.
My understanding is that the CIA and other “secret” agencies which are composed of young, paranoid god-fearing suburban American zealots and other “hill people” have frequentlly used journalism as a cover for the incredibly dumb things that they do.
I have been told by a secret agaent , that Mormons comprise the largest majority of secret agents in America. Is that true Patrick? Do you know Jose?
Maybe it was a lie to coverup something I couldn’t possible understand,.
I was told for example by someone who called himself “Paco” of the twisted, convoluted plot by a rebel group of Aleutian Eskimoe to poison our Athena cantelopes…or…maybe he might have said antelopes….I can’t remeber which ….as a way of reclaiming inuit land stolen from them by American supported Dutch forces in the 16th centrury.
I am sure Patrick Lang knows something about this…but to comment on it would place him in legal jeapordy. He probably knows a lot more than he’s telling. Right Patrick ,you ole super sleuth you….?
Trying to see the pic of the larger puzzle.
Will Patrick Fitzgerald combine the CIA Valerie Plame leak with WHIG and shill reporting on Iraq War?
«« click on pic for MSNBC story »»
Patrick Fitzgerald – The Prosecutor Never Rests
You all made me think and work …
Thanks especially to BooMan and neoconnedagain, and many other BooTribers who have published excellent and informative diaries this past week.
New diary ::
CIRCLE CLOSED :: Neocons – AIPAC – Shill Reporter ¶ Laurie Mylroie – Benador Associates