Courtesy of the Washington Post:
FOX NEWS SUNDAY (WTTG), 9 a.m.: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice , Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) and Dan Glickman , president of the Motion Picture Association of America.
THIS WEEK (ABC, WJLA), 9 a.m.: Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), U.S. ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad , Watergate prosecutor Richard Ben-Veniste and former U.S. attorney Joseph E. diGenova .
FACE THE NATION (CBS, WUSA), 10:30 a.m.: Sens. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) and Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.).
MEET THE PRESS (NBC, WRC), 10:30 a.m.: Sen. Carl M. Levin (D-Mich.), former FBI director Louis J. Freeh and Rice .
LATE EDITION (CNN), 11 a.m.: Sens. John W. Warner (R-Va.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.); Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari ; Washington Post foreign correspondent Anthony Shadid ; Irwin Redlener of the Columbia University National Center for Disaster Preparedness; and Khalilzad .
The Iraq referendum, Judy Miller, Bill Clinton bashing and more…
Tell us what you’ve seen or heard.
Condi says she doesn’t know what to make of the poll showing only 2% support for Bush. Well, duh…
Rice: The Great Evader
This goes to show just how ignorant they are or does it show just how obtrusive they think they are. Can they deny reality any longer is the question???!!!
voted for Bush.
Geez, just watching Condi now…
“I’m not just representing America [as Sec State], I’m a token showpiece cast specifically to demonstrate how George Bush loves diversity. And remember, Colin Powell was black, appointed by this president, and also sec state [until his conscience got to him]. I’m like the soldiers this week, but I’m much better at making the script seem my own. I’m a professional, those soldiers were just… extras”.
I had to turn Freeh off. I simply could not stomach his interview!!!!!!!
George Stephonopholis (sp?) was interesting to hear him query George Will on some things…Will’s body language gave him away righ t off the bat. he definately did nto want the question directed at him….:o) I find that very funny, to say the least….the question I cant really remember but it had to do with the WH and all that has gone on lately and how it affects all the WH is trying to get accomplished..ha ha….
He’s on MTP slamming Clinton. When challenged by Russert, he replies that, sure, what he puts out about Clinton and the Khobar towers is just “circumstantial evidence” but still…
I was so disgusted by George Will’s preposterous nonsense about how “all special prosecutors are a bad idea. They never indict on the charges they initially investigate. Its all politics, and they should just be left alone”. Ugh.
I would have loved if George S. went to roll some footage of previous George Will comments. Was George Will decrying how a failed investigation of a land deal turned into a stained-dress circus? Did he complain about Kenneth Starr? Did he ever dismiss any allegation against the Clinton White House as “just politics”?
When can we purge the so-called “news” shows of these partisan political propagandists?
“I’m George Will. I’m a pretentious, conceited, partisan windbag, a fraud, and an unmitigated hypocrite.”
Stupid dumb ABC This Week doesn’t put up its transcripts.
Hi Catnip, how are you today….
We are at a disadvantage here in PT zone, the last ones to see the morning shows.
Why is it that they all have to be on at the same time, I usually choose to watch ABC’s, live as Meet TP is reprised later in day on MSNBC,
I thought the segment on Steph… about the Plame case was very interesting and consensus seems to be they think indictments are coming….